F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

I'm not sure, but we can test it. Make a server, tell me the name, and I'll see if it appears in the list.
I lost my stupid CD key so I had to buy F.E.A.R. again, effin gay.
What are people's thought's on the demo? I'll download it in 5 days when my download quota is back up. Hehe can't wait! :)
Finished downloading. I'll be back after playing.
Pretty good. Indestructable light poles made me laugh.
Hmm, well I've finished playing through the demo .

The good:

-The graphics and FX are much better, it's a lot more colorful.
-wider selection of weapons
-gore fx are good
-quality ambiental music

The bad:

-The player moves at a snail's pace and the movement feels clunky.
-graphical bugs on the volume light FX
-the slide kick has been removed
-the Elite Powered Armour is nowhere near as powerful and unstoppable as the trailers portray it to be.
-The in game HUD is HUGE!
-And by far the most irritating. After trying out all manner of screen resolutions I just couldn't get it to be full screen. It's in a wide screen format by default and there doesn't seem to be anything you can do about it.
Grrr, so what's the combo then? crouch + mele + forward doesn't work.
I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but when you enter the movie theatre there's a movie poster titled "Snake Fist 4".:laugh:

For those of you that don't know "Snake Fist" was one of the names proposed for this game by the fans.
It's pretty good (didn't like the robot part much). I wish there was less realism.
demo had ridiculous chugging often enough to stop me from playing. ran perfectly smooth when it wasn't though. weird. hope that gets cleaned up in the future.
Tried on 360, s'alright, nothing special. Combat seems a lot weaker than the original game, the soldier's reactions have been toned way back and they seem a bit dumber somehow. Guns are much punchier and satisfying, though. Console controls suck, especially switching between weapons which if far too cumbersome. The scares are so much more in-your-face that they get tired quickly, but they're pretty at least. Intro section was ****ing beautiful.

demo had ridiculous chugging often enough to stop me from playing. ran perfectly smooth when it wasn't though. weird. hope that gets cleaned up in the future.

Turn off anti-aliasing and motion blur, and it'll work fine.
It seems like they consolified the original games gameplay. Its nowhere near as exhilirating and satisfying as the original games combat was.

Although it was scarier though. Now that Alma can actually hurt you and all.
Shit, I havent tried the demo yet. But the general impression I get is that its been dummed down for consoles, and that sux.
Haven't played the demo but from what I've seen: Not liking the demons, persius mandate tried that angle and it was crap. Also I hope they don't fill the game with mech suits.
It seems like they consolified the original games gameplay. Its nowhere near as exhilirating and satisfying as the original games combat was.
Explain how you can consolify a game that isn't 'complex' in any sense of the word to begin with?

360 FEAR was tons more satisfying than PC(And 360) FEAR2 is, so don't give me that bullshit about consolified, this is simply the matter of bad developers and a bad sequel, it's not exactly uncommon.
Demo's fun! It's linear, but it's well paced and wasn't repetitive. Great atmosphere as well.

Something I noticied was that because everything is more colourful, the debris from combat isn't as noticeable this time around. Plus the blood is kinda bright and silly, but it's still fun.
I found out today Fear 2 uses steamworks. I was in one of my local game stores earlier today were they had empty copies of the windows version of fear 2 for pre order. I looked at the back of the boxes and it mentioned the game uses steamworks and thus requires steam to run.

It didn't mention any other DRM and securom is never mentioned on boxes but i it uses steam I finid it unlikely it will use anything else.
i liked the demo, although it was quite short. The ghosts part was annoying but other than that it was fun.
agreed, thats where i stopped the demo.

I didn't know I had to shoot them at first and they killed me...im starting to think the series would be better without partially invisible super ghosts with bad tempers.
I didn't know I had to shoot them at first and they killed me...im starting to think the series would be better without partially invisible super ghosts with bad tempers.

i just melee'd until i said **** this.
That part wasn't hard. They disappear after a shot or two, and they do little damage even if they manage to get to you.

The 2 things that irritate me the most are the huge HUD and lack of full screen. Fix it Monolith, god damn it.
I found out today Fear 2 uses steamworks. I was in one of my local game stores earlier today were they had empty copies of the windows version of fear 2 for pre order. I looked at the back of the boxes and it mentioned the game uses steamworks and thus requires steam to run.

It didn't mention any other DRM and securom is never mentioned on boxes but i it uses steam I finid it unlikely it will use anything else.

Using steamworks doesn't mean it requires steam I don't think, isn't steamworks just stat tracking? Titles required steam long before steamworks appeared so this cannot be a dead cert that a game that uses steamworks is steam only, Surely if this was the case the demo would be steam only as well as people could just use the unprotected launch files to run the final game.

I thought the demo was awesome by the way, had me jumping like a little girl ;D