F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

The Demo is pretty close to what we will be getting, and from the videos,reviews and what i have played the original is better.
The reviews of the final version criticises the same problems the demo version has.
The graphic are worse is this, no parallax mapping which the first had, dynamic lighting severely reduced from the first,Physics dumbed down you can no longer mess around with ragdolls,particle effects are reduced as well, and the same blurry texture as the first are still used.The game is to easy, the first one was a real challenge on normal while this is a breeze on normal, why are enemies highlighted in slow mo.

This is not a PC game like the first, this is a Console game and is no way a true squeal from what i've seen to Fear. The devs admitted to using the 360 as the leading platform and using COD as inspiration and as such it doesn't play true to how i feel and others feel about Fear.

Name me one game where the demo is significantly different from the retail version?
The game has gone gold and looking on their forums there was no way they have fixed any of the problems in the short amount of time.Even then i don't think they will fix most of them. Why remove quick save, why no support of additional mouse buttons why the letterboxing on the PC version.
Thank god i cancelled my pre-order, i was gonna waste ?25 on this pile of shit. Which is a shame as Fear is one of my all time favourite FPS, i've played it more times than HL.

Ok well, there are no 'final' reviews on the game yet because its not out with the exception of PC Zone UK and maybe one other company that reviewed it, which is just 2 sites...

Also, you say its a console game, not a pc game. You realize it is comming for PC as well? Where have the developers said they used COD as inspiration? Its smells like bull, but it may be true (source?). If anything, Monolith always talks about how FEAR 2 was still influenced by Japanese horror like the original but they just expanded on things that were pretty limited and lacking in the original, such as design, levels, and creatures.

No, i can't name a game where the demo is quite different than the final release, because there is none. When i said the game might be improved after the demo, i was talking about all the small annoyances people seem to only talk about, such as the letterbox, hud, framerate issues. Those all are pretty small and can be easliy fixed. Not a lot of people have said the game is just overall bad, with a few exceptions...

So it sounds like you think they went too run-n-gun with the sequel, but lets not forget the original was very much the same way. I remember how much attention it received for its gunplay even more so than its horror elements. Which was great, because FEAR wasn't just a game offering awesome shooting effects, nor was it a game with only horror, its combined the two perfectly. With FEAR 2, they were able to take both to a whole new level.
Originally Quoted by Corp. Sheepo
Originally Posted by BHC
After playing through the demo, I can say one thing for sure: it's a fps

Fixed again.

I played the demo the other night. Most demos I play are usually pretty crappy and not nearly as good as the actual game. As for this one, I thought it was pretty good, but I expect a lot more for when the game comes out. I found myself more scared of Alma than the ghosts. Not sure why that is though.

Through the demo, I kept looking back while I was still moving to make sure there was nothing behind me. At one point while I was doing this, I noticed that I had stopped moving and assumed that I had run into an object or something. So I turn back around and BAM! There was Alma, standing right in front of me. I almost jumped to my feet in FEAR.
I didn't care about the level design of the first one, going though office after office the sheer action kept me coming back for more.Playing the demo disappointed me. The Ai in Fear was one of the best i've come across. Fear 2 is not even close to matching it. In Fear 2 the AI ignored my flashlight, they turn their back on me than ran to hide behind a post then behind a cabinate all without taking a shot at me. The AI are so slow to react there was no way i could complete Fear without slow mo but Fear 2 is a breeze it feels like i'm fighting the combine they are so thick. So yes vary the levals as much as you want but unless they can make the action at least the same as the first it's not worth it. I will buy it but not till it's right at the bottom of the bargin bin or they relase a patch to make it play like a PC FPS. Right now its not worth it, i'm sure it's a decent game but there are alot better out there. Fear 2 is a game that can't decide what it wants to be and as such fails in each department.

Always thought the AI in F.E.A.R. was incredibly predictable, (they run off and try to flank around you using the only other alternate route to your location) which meant I would wait for them to come from the flank entrance and shoot em down.

True the AI in the second game isn't any better, all I'm saying that it wasn't great to begin with.
To be honest, I couldn't give a toss whether you buy it or not, simply because come the 13th of Feb, I'll be enjoying this game.
For me $59.99 which is 94.2385 AUD. Just over/under normal release price. By which I mean places like EB will happily flog it for $100 whilst sane stores will be $70-80.
I played the demo and it would've convinced me to buy it save for one thing. Environments were gorgeous, gunplay was satisfying and the atmosphere was suitably creepy but NO ****ING KEYBINDING FOR MOUSE BUTTONS.

I'm so totally accustomed to having crouch binded to Mouse 4 and reload on Mouse 5 the demo became a real ordeal. If there's a workaround for this, I'm sold.
I played the demo and it would've convinced me to buy it save for one thing. Environments were gorgeous, gunplay was satisfying and the atmosphere was suitably creepy but NO ****ING KEYBINDING FOR MOUSE BUTTONS.

I'm so totally accustomed to having crouch binded to Mouse 4 and reload on Mouse 5 the demo became a real ordeal. If there's a workaround for this, I'm sold.

Yeah, that's something that needs patching if they haven't fixed it in the gold retail, but Monolith have always been on the ball with previous games and patches (except Condemned, though that was down to Sega).
I played the demo and it would've convinced me to buy it save for one thing. Environments were gorgeous, gunplay was satisfying and the atmosphere was suitably creepy but NO ****ING KEYBINDING FOR MOUSE BUTTONS.

I'm so totally accustomed to having crouch binded to Mouse 4 and reload on Mouse 5 the demo became a real ordeal. If there's a workaround for this, I'm sold.

Well if you have a Logitech mouse then use the Setpoint program. Create a profile for Fear them bind your addtional mouse buttons to keystrokes. When you start Fear 2 you can use your mouse buttons as normal they'll just be reconised as the keystroke you binded them to. If you made a profile for Fear then it'll only use the keystrokes for that and nothing else.
Well if you have a Logitech mouse then use the Setpoint program. Create a profile for Fear them bind your addtional mouse buttons to keystrokes. When you start Fear 2 you can use your mouse buttons as normal they'll just be reconised as the keystroke you binded them to. If you made a profile for Fear then it'll only use the keystrokes for that and nothing else.
I use a Deathadder, but I could do the same using it's software. I could, but I won't, because I shouldn't have to.
So you're suggesting that creating macros for my mouse every time I want to play F.E.A.R., then changing them back afterwards for normal PC use is as easy as simply setting them in game, which should be standard? I'll pass, thanks.
So you're suggesting that creating macros for my mouse every time I want to play F.E.A.R., then changing them back afterwards for normal PC use is as easy as simply setting them in game, which should be standard? I'll pass, thanks.

It's not so bad. If you have profiles in your mouse settings then you only have to do it once. Many games don't support addtional mouse buttons, so for them i make them use my keystroke profile. It's all automatic, as soon as i load the game it will use the keystroke profile and onces i'm done or not in game it goes back to normal.
Fine your lost. Wait for it to be added in if your to lazy to use a workaroud you asked for, i really don't give a shit.
Shit, I offended the penguin.

Monolith could enable mouse button binding, but won't, because they shouldn't have to.

Mouses have two buttons and a clickable scrollwheel. If your has more - good for you if you can use them, but don't get mad if you can't.
I use a Deathadder

Well, there's your problem... :P

With the Setpoint software that I use with my Logitech MX518SE I can have multiple profiles, the first one is the default mouse buttons, and for the game profiles I set the mouse buttons to numpad keys that I don't use for anything else.

It takes less then a minute to create a profile for a new game, and after that you don't have to do anything extra for that game. It automatically switches to the game profile when you load that game, and then back to the default profile when you exit to the desktop. Almost all of the games I've played don't support the default mouse button functions besides left/right click and the mouse wheel.
That sure is handy.

Monolith could enable mouse button binding, but won't, because they shouldn't have to.

Mouses have two buttons and a clickable scrollwheel. If your has more - good for you if you can use them, but don't get mad if you can't.
Why shouldn't they have to, exactly? The only game release in years I've encountered that doesn't support additional mouse buttons has been the Witcher, where it was a non-issue anyway. I can't imagine it's at all hard to do, and considering the millions of users of mice with buttons 4 & 5 this won't just be an issue for me. I'm unsure why exactly this has become a debate lasting for more than a page, and why you feel the need to have an offensive attitude towards something that clearly doesn't concern you.
That sure is handy.

Why shouldn't they have to, exactly? The only game release in years I've encountered that doesn't support additional mouse buttons has been the Witcher, where it was a non-issue anyway. I can't imagine it's at all hard to do, and considering the millions of users of mice with buttons 4 & 5 this won't just be an issue for me. I'm unsure why exactly this has become a debate lasting for more than a page, and why you feel the need to have an offensive attitude towards something that clearly doesn't concern you.

It's because it's a port. GTA4,Fallout3,Mirrors Edge,Saints Row 2 all don't support additional mouse buttons, it's nothing new.
The game was developed simultaniously for all 3 platforms so they don't have the "it's a port" excuse.
It's because it's a port. GTA4,Fallout3,Mirrors Edge,Saints Row 2 all don't support additional mouse buttons, it's nothing new.
Fallout 3 most definitely does. I have sneak on 4, reload/holster on 5 and VATS on 3. GO BACK TO ANTARCTICA WHERE YOU BELONG!!
The game was developed simultaniously for all 3 platforms so they don't have the "it's a port" excuse.

There's a diffrence. Mass Effect was a port yet Bioware made it feel like it was built for the PC. Bioware saw that the 360 battle mechanic would not work well on the PC and that the mouse and keyboard was capable of much more so they revamped the battle machanic adding hotkeys,quick saves,controllable AI etc the way a port should be made. While Fear 2 is more like COD 4, while they are being developed simultaniousyl, the PC version is being built off 360 design ideas. The PC version will be good tech wise and run well, but it's still built for the 360 no thought has gone into using what the PC has to offer. the PC version will be a well built game but it's still a port no matter what they say.

Fallout 3 most definitely does. I have sneak on 4, reload/holster on 5 and VATS on 3. GO BACK TO ANTARCTICA WHERE YOU BELONG!!
Good for you that fallout 3 supports yours but it didn't for me. Irrellevent as the others definatly don't so get over it.
No I will not get over it, and I will be the bigger bird and instead help you to alleviate your problem. I thought it didn't support key binding for additional mouse buttons either, but what you need to do is click "Device" in the key binding settings, which will switch it to "Mouse". From there you can map whatever you want to whatever you want.

No I will not get over it, and I will be the bigger bird and instead help you to alleviate your problem. I thought it didn't support key binding for additional mouse buttons either, but what you need to do is click "Device" in the key binding settings, which will switch it to "Mouse". From there you can map whatever you want to whatever you want.

I don't have a problem, my profile got it to work just like Fear 2 and it will continue to in all future games that don't support addtional mouse buttons, while you'll be complaining.

Try using your method in those other games i mentioned then come back to me.
...In the IN GAME settings in FALLOUT 3 do what I suggested above.

Then come back to me.

Seriously Penguin, stop making an argument where there is none.
Bioware saw that the 360 battle mechanic would not work well on the PC and that the mouse and keyboard was capable of much more so they revamped the battle machanic adding hotkeys,quick saves,controllable AI etc the way a port should be made.

And I agree that's how everyone that makes a multiplatform game should do it. Instead Monolith made one identical version for all 3 platforms and then they expect it to be perfect for all of them... :|.

And the fact that they almost exclusively playtested it on the Xbox 360 makes things worse.

This is going to be one of those games that's only going to be enjoyable after you apply a dozen mods and patches to it.
...In the IN GAME settings in FALLOUT 3 do what I suggested above.

Then come back to me.

Seriously Penguin, stop making an argument where there is none.

Arguing with Thorn is like throwing gas on a fire.
...In the IN GAME settings in FALLOUT 3 do what I suggested above.

Then come back to me.

Seriously Penguin, stop making an argument where there is none.

Yeah yet you seem to be conventantlly ignoring the other games i mentioned GTA4,Mirrors Edge,Saints Row 2.
Get them to work useing your method. Oh wait you can't.
I don't care about your method for Fallout 3 as my way work perfectly. And more so i can enjoy using mouse 5 to crouch on Fear 2. So boo hoo to you, you fail on that.
Oh God, seriously I'll die laughing if you keep those sentences up Penguin.
Yeah yet you seem to be conventantlly ignoring the other games i mentioned GTA4,Mirrors Edge,Saints Row 2.
Get them to work useing your method. Oh wait you can't.
I don't care about your method for Fallout 3 as my way work perfectly. And more so i can enjoy using mouse 5 to crouch on Fear 2. So boo hoo to you, you fail on that.
Forgetting? No, I'm intentionally ignoring them because I don't own them. Now, let's list the games I own that DO have proper keybinding:

Half-Life 2 (a big one around here)
Team Fortress 2
Left 4 D-Oh screw it, everything by Valve, even the original Half-Life
Far Cry 2
Fallout 3 (yes, Fallout 3, I'm not screwing you)
Gears of War
Lord of the Rings Online
Mass Effect
Hitman: Blood Money
Even God-damn Prey

All in-game, without any need for me to do any additional work whatsoever. So now do you see why I have grown to expect it? I have no idea why you're taking so much offence to me having an issue with F.E.A.R. not including an option which is evidently a recurring standard in PC titles. It is inexcusable these days, and that applies to those other titles you listed as well. Now stop arguing you incessant irritant.
Oh i agree with you that it's inexcusable these days, it's just that i'm getting more and more used to seeing crappy ports with no thought put into them that don't support additional mouse buttons. It should be the standard yet sadly it's not.
I know for a fact that Mirror's Edge lets you bind mouse4. I can show you a screenshot of my control options screen with mouse4 bound to quick turn if you really want me to. I also use mouse4 for VATS in Fallout 3. It's pretty idiotic that FEAR 2 won't let you do that, even the shittiest of shit console ports allow you to use mouse4. I can't really speak for GTAIV on the PC, but that was coded by inbred chimps.
Just played it - looks pretty darn good if you ask me with everything on max. So far the scares have been Doom3 style 'boo!' types, which is fine. Mouse control seems a little wonky, but it promises to be fun.