F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

Just played the demo. The same old horror tricks. The same old first person shooter. Boring (in my opinion).
Just visit the Project Origin forums and you'll see it's not just my opinion.

I do, and alot of it is useless spam the MODS have had to cut out, while some people do have issues with it, that's only some, don't try to make out the whole community feels the same as you when they don't, alot of the community are looking foward to the game. At the end of the day, it's just an opinion, and not the be all and end all of the opinions on the game.
while some people do have issues with it, that's only some, don't try to make out the whole community feels the same as you when they don't.

I never said the whole community felt this way, but there certainly are A LOT (not a few) people having issues with it. Visit any site where there are videos of this game or reviews of the demo and you'll see comments like:

"Get rid of the letterbox, Monolith"
"why was the lean function removed Monolith?"
"The weapon sounds suck, Monolith"
"Why isn't there extra mouse button support, Monolith?"
"The grain filter sucks, why can't I turn it off, Monolith?"
"Where's the holster function, Monolith?"

etc. etc.

But hey it's all useless spam right?

Whatever, like I said before even if NONE of the issues are addressed I'm confident that mods will handle them sooner or later.
I only briefly played the first one, and only the free multiplayer.
I never said the whole community felt this way, but there certainly are A LOT (not a few) people having issues with it. Visit any site where there are videos of this game or reviews of the demo and you'll see comments like:

"Get rid of the letterbox, Monolith"
"why was the lean function removed Monolith?"
"The weapon sounds suck, Monolith"
"Why isn't there extra mouse button support, Monolith?"
"The grain filter sucks, why can't I turn it off, Monolith?"
"Where's the holster function, Monolith?"

etc. etc.

But hey it's all useless spam right?

Whatever, like I said before even if NONE of the issues are addressed I'm confident that mods will handle them sooner or later.

There are also alot of youtube videos stating how great the game is and how they are looking forward to it, just as many as the people who are complaining, and at what point did I say it was ALL spam? I didn't, I said alot of it was, such as the same people repeating it time and time again in different threads etc.
People listen more to the same people complaining over and over again than they do people who post praise and enjoyment. Besides, there are certain people that bitch about the tiny things, such as the grain, which is not a problem, it's the way the game was designed, and the lean? Really, that is the best people can come up with except for the widescreen, which for 4:3 users does need solving.
The game, based on the demo, is still better than most games released in the past 6 months.

If you don't want to play it, fine don't, but do not try to pass of your own opinion as something that is a majority view.

Some people don't like the issues, some just get over them and enjoy the game.

Every game has issues, great or not, but a few niggles such as a lack of lean are not going to stop me enjoying it.
I think Monolith's using easy way to earn money. They create some generic levels, write a cheap story, and call it a game. I felt like playing Condemned (which was boring) when playing FEAR 2. All their games look same.
My only gripe at the moment is how poor the melee is. I know when they block and don't take damage that's ok, but when I kick a guy dead in the face he should get knocked the **** out.
My only gripe at the moment is how poor the melee is. I know when they block and don't take damage that's ok, but when I kick a guy dead in the face he should get knocked the **** out.

Ive never had them not go down of one slide or jump kick yet, they have never even blocked me :(
Shoot them in the kneecaps and run forward and bust their ****ing skulls. That usually works.
You know your game is ****ed when you've got to release a patch before it's released. Shame they didn't say what they have fixed as that's the only thing stopping me buying.
You know your game is ****ed when you've got to release a patch before it's released. Shame they didn't say what they have fixed as that's the only thing stopping me buying.

****ing hell, Monolith can't win can they? They release the game but no patch and they **** up big-time according to some, then, when they announce a patch with the release of the game, they still get slapped down for it.
Releasing a pre-release demo is the best way to combat bugs and Monolith have done it right, the oldskool way, like most developers used to do it. It ensures that any major issues are addressed before or as soon as the game is released rather than after. Who gives a toss if you have to patch it on the first day? at least there IS a patch on the first day. Most games these days don't get patched until days, or even weeks after release. I agree with Stemot, some people are only happy when it rains.
Just played through the demo and thought it was good. More of FEAR 1 but better graphics and the armoured vehicle is nice. On a technical note I noticed theres no 5.1 surround sound, would be ideal for game like this don't you think
You know your game is ****ed when you've got to release a patch before it's released. Shame they didn't say what they have fixed as that's the only thing stopping me buying.

thats a GREAT thing tbh, would you rather they release a ****ed game and patch it weeks after?
thats a GREAT thing tbh, would you rather they release a ****ed game and patch it weeks after?

I didn't say patching the game is a bad thing infact it'ds great. But you really should never have to release a patch before the game gets release that just means that you know your game is ****ed yet are still releasing it. I just wished they said what they've patched, no point getting excited about a patch when you don't know what it fixes.
I didn't say patching the game is a bad thing infact it'ds great. But you really should never have to release a patch before the game gets release that just means that you know your game is ****ed yet are still releasing it. I just wished they said what they've patched, no point getting excited about a patch when you don't know what it fixes.

Not really, it just means the developers are listening to complaints from people who played the demo and are fixing the game before those same people can complain about the same problems in the game. Is it a bad thing that they want to make their game as polished as possible for its release?
Not really, it just means the developers are listening to complaints from people who played the demo and are fixing the game before those same people can complain about the same problems in the game. Is it a bad thing that they want to make their game as polished as possible for its release?

Again, we don't know what they've patched so the game may still be in it's same sorry ass state on release. Frankly they didn't need a demo to tell them what was ****ed in the game, things that are the norm in PC games, mouse button support and 4:3 and 5:4 support were missing. They've neglected the PC version all the way though development focusing on the 360 version which is made worse when your first game supported all those things. If the patch was meaningful i'm sure they would have said it had fixed the major concerns people were having.
But you really should never have to release a patch before the game gets release that just means that you know your game is ****ed yet are still releasing it.

Isn't that why they're patching it on release as opposed to after release in which case you KNOW your game is broken but are deciding to release it AS IS and then patch it afterwards?

I just wished they said what they've patched, no point getting excited about a patch when you don't know what it fixes.

agreed, but a patch is progress no matter what
Again, we don't know what they've patched so the game may still be in it's same sorry ass state on release. Frankly they didn't need a demo to tell them what was ****ed in the game, things that are the norm in PC games, mouse button support and 4:3 and 5:4 support were missing. They've neglected the PC version all the way though development focusing on the 360 version which is made worse when your first game supported all those things. If the patch was meaningful i'm sure they would have said it had fixed the major concerns people were having.

Why would they release a list if they are still working on the patch and the list is not final, you forget they still have over a week to work on the patch, and with it not being a GFW live title, they don't have to wait for certification by Microsoft.
Why can't you give them credit for getting on some of the problems people had by releasing a patch? If they had neglected the PC version you wouldn't even be getting a patch.
Sure, they know there is problems, people like you will not stop bitching about them, which is why they are releasing a patch, but apparently you still feel the nedd to bitch about the fact they need to release one.

Why don't you stop whining for whinings sake and wait to see what the patch fixes.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll fix the big things like the aspect ratios and mouse buttons. If they don't fix those, well, then they're retarded. I can't imagine that Monolith has all the sudden become so unbelievably incompetent that they'll leave those problems in. I'm actually pretty surprised that it was even like that in the first place. Regardless, this patch will make or break the game for me, so I hope they're on the ball.

Here's the video link for those that didn't see the live playthrough of the gold version. Brace yourselves these guys are awful at it, they die constantly...

So now to those that were clinging to some hope that the demo was an older build of the game, well you're wrong it's the same for the most part from what I've seen in that video.

And some multiplayer videos

So now to those that were clinging to some hope that the demo was an older build of the game, well you're wrong it's the same for the most part from what I've seen in that video.

Uhh... I'm not sure what you mean. They're playing it on the Xbox, how does that tell us anything about the letterboxing, quicksave, mouse controls, scroll wheel in menus, and framerate hitches? Was anyone expecting any changes other than those?
Damn those guy's did suck, but playing a very graphic and gory game with no violence what's up with that? I wanted to see the new gore effects and it just makes no sense why you would play this sort of game without any violence.

eurogamer review 5/10

I am critical too of this game even though I haven't played the full game yet, but Jesus Christ that's harsh!

And after reading through the review and noticing a few things which are bullshit, I'm wondering if he actually payed attention to what the **** he was playing.


He sais the flying kick is removed - WRONG
He says there are 4 multiplayer modes and six maps :| - the full game has 6 modes and 9 maps for each mode - 54 maps you dumb ass.

eurogamer review 5/10

I am critical too of this game even though I haven't played the full game yet, but Jesus Christ that's harsh!

And after reading through the review and noticing a few things which are bullshit, I'm wondering if he actually payed attention to what the **** he was playing.


He sais the flying kick is removed - WRONG
He says there are 4 multiplayer modes and six maps :| - the full game has 6 modes and 9 maps for each mode - 54 maps you dumb ass.

Wow, they removed the flying kick? That's like the best part of the game! :(
They didn't remove the flying kick. I don't know where anyone would get that idea, it's in the demo and it functions almost exactly like it did in FEAR 1. It doesn't look nearly as cool as it did in FEAR 1, but that's beside the point.

eurogamer review 5/10

I am critical too of this game even though I haven't played the full game yet, but Jesus Christ that's harsh!

And after reading through the review and noticing a few things which are bullshit, I'm wondering if he actually payed attention to what the **** he was playing.


He sais the flying kick is removed - WRONG
He says there are 4 multiplayer modes and six maps :| - the full game has 6 modes and 9 maps for each mode - 54 maps you dumb ass.

Jesus, did that guy even play the ****ing game? people should not be allowed to submit such ill-informed reviews of games, it's like the PCGamer UK review of Mirrors Edge that said you could not pick up weapons.