F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

Well it does look pretty damn good, I'll give them that. But in it's current state it feels like an awful console port, and they need to fix quite a few things before I would consider buying it.
When I use the resolution of these screenshots 1280x720, the image stretches vertically and becomes "fullscreen". To fix the stretching I manually stretched the image horizontally using my monitor settings. These settings are applied only to the game they don't affect my desktop.
It's a makeshift solution until they fix the letterbox, and it looks ok for now.

Heres how it looks like for me:

Arrived from Game today...

"Sorry, but the following items are not available for purchase in your country. Your purchase has been cancelled."

Aw. Guess I'll just wait till tomorrow

Glad i'm not the only one. Guess if your in the UK you still have to wait till Friday, really who came up with that idea? Allow retail in NA to activate 2 days before Steams release yet don't allow people from outside NA to activate. Screw this i own the game legitimately i'm going to go crack it. Monolith and Valve can go **** off, i'm sick of Steam screwing over European customers.
Feels like a console port to me, the aiming just doesnt feel right, still its playable
****ing hell, still waiting for my Game order, and I've 3 hours to go until my download finishes. So Remus, how do you like the game so far?
So Remus, how do you like the game so far?

Well it's OK, nothing extraordinary. With a few tweaks it could be just as good as the old fear in terms of gameplay. I just hope the modders will take care of this.

Now that I'm playing the full version my main complaints are:

-Letterbox (even though I've partially fixed it myself :hmph:)

-The flying kick. Honestly wtf did they do to it. I kicked a replica right in the head yet he didn't die and proceed to unload a clip into me.:frown:
Not to mention that the animation was better in the first one.

-Weapons sound too weak. Which could be taken care of by the modders I guess.

-The multiplayer. This probably pissed me off the most. I can't stand the weapon unlock system. This isn't Counterstrike FFS. I want to have all (except for the superweapons) available from the start. Oh yeah and the penetrator is a piece of shit at long range unlike it's FEAR 1 predecessor. And the sprint sucks.

And before you ask, no I didn't play "armored front". (I can't stand team based ,multiplayer)

So overall, it's up to you if you want to purchase this game. I personaly suggest waiting untill they make a proper patch to adress the complaints of the comunity, but if you have no problem with these things, go for it.
Is it true that there are no dedicated servers or Anti-Cheat?
Also hows the story? Does it match up to the first one and continue it?
Is it true that there are no dedicated servers or Anti-Cheat?
Also hows the story? Does it match up to the first one and continue it?

So far there are no dedicated servers yet. And as for Anti-Cheat I didn't see anything. It sure doesn't use punkbuster anymore.

As for the story it does it's job fine. I haven't finished the game yet but I've played a about 3/4 of it. There are no cutscenes, the story is told through what the other characters say, news transmissions on TVs, PDAs you find around the levels. I didn't bother to read most of those PDAs, so I probably missed out on some details, but you still understand the story even without reading them. oh and Sargent Freeman I mean Becket, doesn't talk.


Just finished the game and WTF at the ending

Becket got necro raped :|
Was it a good ending or a bad ending? Please no spoilers.

Well... it's a bad ending. As in non happy end. It leaves it open for yet another sequel, and manages to leave plenty of unanswered questions (which is a bad thing).

And for those that don't give a shit about spoilers you can see the ending on youtube already.
I would rate it 8/10. It's OK as a single player experience but not as fun as the first one IMO.
I just want to say it was a long time ago since I played a good sp game
(hated Fallout 3, CoD 5 etc and all sp games this fall).

But this one is a big improvement from FEAR 1, nice and varied environments and fun gameplay.

Though the ending was a kinda bad and the first game was more scary imo. Definitely worth the download :naughty:
I just purchased it. I enjoyed the first one but didn't quite like the same environments over and over. It looks they improved upon the first one a lot. *Also I want more of the same. I don't know why people need to have a revolutionary new take on the genre to get a great score. Look at HALO for example or any FPS. You go around and shoot people and that's the point. **Also you can crack Steam because I have a friend who does this. I'm not gonna say the program but it gets you every game with patches, online multiplayer, etc.
Been playing it a while now, the game is ****ing brilliant, not as scary as the first one up to this point, but easily more varied, with better animations and voice work
my particular favourite so far is finding Jankowski on the syringe machine
All those that are putting off buying the game because they took out their oh-so-precious lean or similar petty whines really are losing out, but I don't care what they say anymore, as I know this is a belting game.

Oh, and P.S. So far, better than the original. (IMO) (phew, good job I got that bit in.)
nsfw, got this from 4chan


  • fear.jpg
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Just finished it yesterday, gotta say a few things where bugging me but the shit that really ****ed me over was a review i had read like a few hours before playing the game. Was waiting for a movie to start at the theaters and it got me over hyped about the 2nd half of the game and its ending....

After i beat it i felt let down, reading into it and looking back it was my fault. The game is seriously great. The ending was very different and looking back great.
So what did you guys think of the ending. :naughty:
question about the ending

I dont understand the ending (watched it on youtube). I see tons of comments concerning how the main character impregnated alma, but from the ending itself, I dont really see/get what happens.
I just beat the game and it's a very long but good game. Incredible visuals with no lag and all the settings were maxed. I have a 9800 GTX (get the beta drivers people), 2.4 Ghz Quad Core CPU, 2GB of RAM, and Windows Vista 32 Bit. Basically your mom walks around nude and is dead all while killing people.
The person who you basically HS but jamming the melee key I bet is the father. So little Alma? BUT HOW?! I'm thinking corpse sex with some weird psychological crap going on. See this is why you don't follow the story. :bonce:
Essentially you play a FEAR game for the combat and it delivers. I mean if manning turrets and walkable mechs (minigun's for arm's and missiles on it's shoulder's, unlimited ammo, quick recharging health, target identifier HUD) don't get you to buy it, I don't know what will. It's like the BF2142 mech only that you can't easily die and you literally blow shit up (which is what we always wanted a game to have, but never delivered). There is also a lot of f bombs but that was with the first FEAR too. The environments do vary. There is a story in the game but it's the generic "Alma is a military experiment gone wrong". You actually learn about how she became Alma too. Really though it's all about the action.

The slow-mo wasn't really an integral part of this game. If you remember they kept hammering the bullet time feature in the first game. In fact the game was easy because all you did was use bullet time. This game though you forget about it most of the time! When you have your back up against the wall though, you can say "**** this hiding deal" and put on slow-mo and do a Matrix scene.

Another thing is they talk about the scary aspects of the game and the first wasn't scary. FEAR 2 IS SCARY! A lot of times you will be saying "wtf is going on?" then something will jump out.

Seriously just go out there and pick it up. People say it's an 80 score because it doesn't have anything revolutionary about it. While that may be true, you won't be thinking about it in a mech blowing stuff up! :cheese:

My only complaints is that the facial structure isn't great like lip syncing. Also tons of f bombs aren't necessary. The Steamworks feature should also give you achievement unlocks on Steam, but they don't. My biggest complaint though isn't the letterbox (I don't see the problem with it) it was the:
end boss battle thingy. You basically sprinted to the console while hammering your meds because that guy shot you really quickly.

I have not tried multiplayer but it looks like there is a COD 4 rank system and the mech is in multiplayer. That is pretty awesome.
Had a quick blast on it tonight.. will play through it tomorrow and the next few days but here are my complaints already.

No save anywhere - WTF?!?!?
Black bars on the screen - Just annoying.

As for multiplayer..

No anti cheat - Fools.
No dedicated servers - Eh?

The whole thing screams of a game ported from the consoles and it seems many of the cross platform games in the future will be like this. I fear PC gamers and being treated 2nd to consoles :(
Had a quick blast on it tonight.. will play through it tomorrow and the next few days but here are my complaints already.

No save anywhere - WTF?!?!?
Black bars on the screen - Just annoying.

The whole thing screams of a game ported from the consoles and it seems many of the cross platform games in the future will be like this. I fear PC gamers and being treated 2nd to consoles :(

Welcome to 2 weeks ago :rolleyes: :D
FEAR 2 IS SCARY! A lot of times you will be saying "wtf is going on?" then something will jump out.

Fear 2 is not scary. You can't do horror when there is no threat of being randomly raped to death.
question about the ending

I dont understand the ending (watched it on youtube). I see tons of comments concerning how the main character impregnated alma, but from the ending itself, I dont really see/get what happens.

In the last level when you're in that nightmare environment fighting the ghost of your squad mate Kaegan, you have too pull all those levers on the machine. When you pull a lever Kaegan freaks out on you screaming "Why does she only care about you?!", and you get random breaf flashes of Alma on top of you moaning. It doesn't take too much imagination to figure out what's going on...

Coincerning the ovarall game I stand by what I said. The singleplayer is fine, although it is in need of some fixes and teaks. However I don't like what they've done with the multiplayer, it's back to FEAR Combat for me.
Yeah I thought it sounded like she was orgasming or something. Seriously that makes it incest, she is dead, and she can tear people apart using her mind. Oh and she is 8 I mean wtf".
Yeah I thought it sounded like she was orgasming or something. Seriously that makes it incest, she is dead, and she can tear people apart using her mind. Oh and she is 8 I mean wtf".

You are NOT the Pointman in this so you have no relation to Alma.
Also she is older than 8 she is actually 15, cause she was 15 when she gave birth to the Pointman. She was 8 when the experiments started on her and that's when the horror started for her.
Any bugs or crashes? missing textures, memory leaks, freezing or stuttering? A finished, fully functional game? in this day and age? ridiculous.

Possible spoiler

I do hope what you just wrote is not a spoiler, considering you are quoting one.
Yeah I thought it sounded like she was orgasming or something. Seriously that makes it incest, she is dead, and she can tear people apart using her mind. Oh and she is 8 I mean wtf".

She was about 18-19 when she died. Also you play as Michael Becket a delta force operative who has absolutely no relation to Alma. So it's not incest or pedophilia, it's just necrophilia...:laugh::laugh:
Any bugs or crashes? missing textures, memory leaks, freezing or stuttering? A finished, fully functional game? in this day and age? ridiculous.

I do hope what you just wrote is not a spoiler, considering you are quoting one.

No, i'm referring to Fear 1. Those events i mentioned happened in the original so unless you've not played it it's not a spoiler.
My favourite bit so far:-

When you finally get to Terry "Snakefist", he explains everything to you, then out of nowhere, a ****ing assassin literally tears the poor guys head off from behind.

also, this bit:-
Now it's my favourite scene too.