F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

A guy you've been looking for, for a really long time gets brutally killed right when you find him??

Wow! That never happens in the FEAR games! Who would have guessed?!
^^ Your kind is not welcome here stranger, so ya better move along now ya hear.
is it just my imagination, or is there no grainy filter in the elementary school level (at least the exteriors)?
Hey guys, watching the demo: they didn't give it regenerating health, did they? Also out of curiosity, what's the story on the slow-mo this time?
There is no regenerating health, except when you're just about to die and it slowly regenerates back to the halfway mark giving you enough time to find a health kit or body armor.

The story on the slowmo is

Genevieve puts you through the Harbinger Project or whatever and has you surgically enhanced.
A guy you've been looking for, for a really long time gets brutally killed right when you find him??

Wow! That never happens in the FEAR games! Who would have guessed?!

Yeah, but usually it happens when they are behind a window, or in an hallucination, this happens with him literally right in front of you talking, and it looks amazing, then:-

You find his head later on in a locker room looking at you
and it's creepy as ****.


****ing LOL
Snake-Fist aka Snake Fisting Eater. Snake Fist was fisted.
The Snake Fist rock theme that played near the end was ****ing awesome. Got me pumped.

Oh yeah and the ending?

Jesus ****ing Christ that's ****ed up.
I bought this on steam yesterday... AND IT'S STILL DOWNLOADING!!

That was one weird ****ed up ending, she raped me! :o

I'm getting frustrated because I want to look at these spoilers, but I don't even own the game yet.
interesting ending :cheese:

Finished it this morning. Overall a pretty good game on its own, which - strangely enough for me - doesn't at all provide the "feeling" that made the first game so great.

Still it managed to keep me hooked until the end. Did anybody else find it more annoying than "scary" when Alma grabs you? By the 4th or 5th time it really gets boring.

And man, i miss those messages on the answering machines. They were useless but still better than picking up and reading logs. A Bioshock approach would have been great here.

BUT its still a good game and i will give it a second go next week.
interesting ending :cheese:

doesn't at all provide the "feeling" that made the first game so great.

Yeah, I know what ya mean, the lack of any real office complexes disappointed me too :D
Ok, so yea just beat it. WHAT THE ****?>??!

Horrrrrrrrible ending. Straight up. I mean your player literally gets "mind-****ed". That was maybe the weirdest damn thing I've seen in a video game.

Dude.. this sucks. I loved FEAR so much, and they have to end #2 so retardedly. The 3rd better make up for it (i.e. PUT POINT MAN BACK IN THE GAME!). How the HELL could they not even mention Point Man at least once or have him back for an appearance. That dude survived a goddamn nuclear blast like "Point" blank, he's not dead. WTF?
I do want to say the gameplay before the ending was great. I'm a fan of what they did with the blood, but not so much what they did with Alma. Her little pop-ins became less and less scarier going through the game. Whatever, slow-mo + nail-gun + rep soldier + wall = new wallpaper; that will always be awesome.

Once again though.. WTF?
Ok, so yea just beat it. WHAT THE ****?>??!

Horrrrrrrrible ending. Straight up. I mean your player literally gets "mind-****ed". That was maybe the weirdest damn thing I've seen in a video game.

Dude.. this sucks. I loved FEAR so much, and they have to end #2 so retardedly. The 3rd better make up for it (i.e. PUT POINT GUARD BACK IN THE GAME!). How the HELL could they not even mention Point Guard at least once or have him back for an appearance. That dude survived a goddamn nuclear blast like "Point" blank, he's not dead. WTF?
I do want to say the gameplay before the ending was great. I'm a fan of what they did with the blood, but not so much what they did with Alma. Her little pop-ins became less and less scarier going through the game. Whatever, slow-mo + nail-gun + rep soldier + wall = new wallpaper; that will always be awesome.

Once again though.. WTF?

I thought the ending was great, at the end, she was literally
"The mother of the Apocalypse".

The reason the PointMan doesn't make an appearance is more than likely to to Monolith only getting absolute full IP rights back at the 11th hour, but really, people are far to hung up about wanting him back.
I thought the ending was great, at the end, she was literally
"The mother of the Apocalypse".

The reason the PointMan doesn't make an appearance is more than likely to to Monolith only getting absolute full IP rights back at the 11th hour, but really, people are far to hung up about wanting him back.

I realize now I have no idea why I typed "guard". Dumb mistake I guess, and still freaked out by how much I hated the end. Fixed.

I want him back just because he's goddamn awesome. I know Monolith got the rights back near the end of development, I was surprised that they were still able to put in tidbits like N. Mapes quotes and actually give him an office. Your probably right. Re-introducing the Point Man would have taken too much time in development, and I'm sure they didn't want to delay release.

I guess I'll have to wait for 3.
The 3rd better make up for it (i.e. PUT POINT GUARD BACK IN THE GAME!). How the HELL could they not even mention Point Guard at least once or have him back for an appearance. That dude survived a goddamn nuclear blast like "Point" blank, he's not dead. WTF?

It's Point Man damn it, not Point Guard LOL. And honestly I couldn't care less if he ever makes a comeback. He's basically a blank slate, he has no personality, he's just a vehicle for the player to interact in the game world and nothing more.

Hell even that fat guy Norton Mapes from the first game has more character development than the ****ing Point Man.
Yeah, I know what ya mean, the lack of any real office complexes disappointed me too :D

yeah that too ;)

but primarily i wanted to say that Nr. 1 gave you such an unsettling feeling through the whole game and Nr. 2 totally misses out on that
The reason the PointMan doesn't make an appearance is more than likely to to Monolith only getting absolute full IP rights back at the 11th hour, but really, people are far to hung up about wanting him back.

Monolith always owned all the character IP the only thing they didn't own was the F.E.A.R name. If they didn't they would not have been able to use Alma neither. I'm sure we will see pointman eventually, but not in 3rd person. We will either play as him or hear something about him.
It's Point Man damn it, not Point Guard LOL. And honestly I couldn't care less if he ever makes a comeback. He's basically a blank slate, he has no personality, he's just a vehicle for the player to interact in the game world and nothing more.

Hell even that fat guy Norton Mapes from the first game has more character development than the ****ing Point Man.

"Guard" thing fixed. You musta posted right when I did. Still don't know why I typed that.

Thing is about Point Man is that he came from Alma. He would have the strongest link to her then anyone else would, not Becket. I guess what ruined it is the FEAR writers knew that they would have a tough time reacquiring the rights to the game, so they were forced to create a new character and figure out a way to give him the telepathic power that Point Man had (i.e. the surgical shit). Aristide would have tried to go for Point Man, but since he ain't no idiot he'd kick her ass then presume to kick Alma's. No stupid ending. A good, final ending with the next game completely open for speculation.
What I mean is no pregnant Alma. I highly doubt she would **** her own son 'cause that be ****ing super weird.
But no. Now we have limits to our imagination of what happens next. What I could see happen before the 3rd is an expansion (one actually made my Monolith hopefully), similar to a Crysis/Crysis: Warhead. They could reintroduce Point Man in proper fashion and answer a bunch of questions.
Whats the difference between playing as Point Man and playing as Becket? Neither of the two speak at all to matter.
Monolith always owned all the character IP the only thing they didn't own was the F.E.A.R name. If they didn't they would not have been able to use Alma neither. I'm sure we will see pointman eventually, but not in 3rd person. We will either play as him or hear something about him.

I was under the impression that they only had a handful of character rights, and the full rights reverted back to Monolith and WB when they got the F.E.A.R. name back.
It's Point Man damn it, not Point Guard LOL. And honestly I couldn't care less if he ever makes a comeback. He's basically a blank slate, he has no personality, he's just a vehicle for the player to interact in the game world and nothing more.

Hell even that fat guy Norton Mapes from the first game has more character development than the ****ing Point Man.

Point Man is Gordon Freeman.
Point Man is Gordon Freeman.

Good point. Maybe that's why I like Point Man so much. I fell in love with the Half-Life series playing a character with no background or unique personality who still became a hero at the end of it all.

bam23 said:
Whats the difference between playing as Point Man and playing as Becket? Neither of the two speak at all to matter.

For one, Becket kicks like a bitch. And decides to slide kick when he's running, not when crouching. Damn bindings.
How the **** do you slide while crouching?

Right-click + c was the original binding for slide-kicking in FEAR 1. Now the default is Right-click + Alt, which is a vastly nonoperational and weird binding to be an unchangeable default.
Seems a lot easier to hold sprint and hit melee than click two keys at the same times, which never worked for me. ****ING KEYS.
Did anyone try:-


Pushing this swing then turning around?
I'll have to give that a try on this playthrough. I'm running through on hard, not as difficult as one would hope to think.
Hmm... sounds like I may have to get this just for the naked girl mind-**** at the end.
I keep playing the ending for some reason. :naughty: Anybody have speakers instead of headphones? Luckily I had headphones.
Hahah, I find it funny reading people's reactions to the ending.

What can I say, dead or a live a fine looking chick is a fine looking chick
If I was beckett, I would look at her and say "I'm not paying child support".
what they didn't show at the ending was becket punching her in the stomach
But what if Becket would have used an condom... The ending would be like this:

Alma: "Aaaaahhhhh!"
Alma: "Well this sucks..."

Remember guy's, always wear a condom you never know what crazy dead chick could rape you.