F.E.A.R. 3

So did they just all get together and decide "Hey, why don't we just jump the shark as much as we possibly can?" Because honestly, this looks ****ing terrible. FEAR 2 ended up being pretty mediocre, since it seemed like Monolith went and fixed the biggest criticisms of the first game (mostly in the environment design) but somewhere along the way managed to wreck everything that they had done right the first time, so I was hoping that FEAR 3 would be a return to form. But wow, what is this shit? It's like a late April Fool's joke or something.
It's like a late April Fool's joke or something.

I hope so, but I doubt it.

What is this? Goth porn hour?

Sure why not

This looks like it could be worse than the first 2 games and I didn't think that was possible.
Location variety sucked, I agree. Graphics were very nice for the time though.

Also I am someone who gets scared easily, so all those "lame" scare sequences actually creeped me out quite a bit even if I knew they were coming.
Location variety sucked, I agree. Graphics were very nice for the time though.

Also I am someone who gets scared easily, so all those "lame" scare sequences actually creeped me out quite a bit even if I knew they were coming.
Same here, really. Maybe it wasn't scary for people who are veterans of horror games and movies, but the atmosphere and scary moments gave me such a feeling of tension that it was almost mentally exhausting to play. Can't fault the game on its atmosphere, though you could definitely fault it on its enemy variety, locations, and narrative techniques (did anyone bother with those stupid phones?).
For me, what makes the first FEAR one of my favorite games ever is the enemy AI, and especially the gunplay. To this day I consider FEAR gunplay to be, perhaps the best in any FPS game ever.
Everyone seemed to be against FEAR 2, but I really enjoyed it.

Sure, the magic of the first one had gone, but some of the scares were better.

And its one of the few games that does slow-motion well.
Haven't played the second so just purchased it on steam for a tenner. The first I thought was excellent, the gun battles were extremely intense at times, and there were a good many locations in the game that had me really on edge, they did well creating a spooky aura in some places. The ending scenerio was a bit, urrr, odd, though.
Haven't played the second so just purchased it on steam for a tenner. The first I thought was excellent, the gun battles were extremely intense at times, and there were a good many locations in the game that had me really on edge, they did well creating a spooky aura in some places. The ending scenerio was a bit, urrr, odd, though.

Ha, wait until you get to the end of the second, it'll blow...erm...your mind! :D
Ha, wait until you get to the end of the second, it'll blow...erm...your mind! :D


Never played the games, but I followed the story.

FEAR 3 looks absolutely shit to be honest. Well at least the storyline does. Can't judge the gameplay yet.
I'll be honest here, I actually anticipated and bought Fear 2. I enjoyed it. The action had a bit more intensity to it (although the lack of mass particle effects was a big downer). A lot of the music actually kicked ass as well.

Also, Snake Fist.


Lmfao at that video :laugh:

That part of the game was pretty sweet I gotta admit.
Enjoyed F.E.A.R. But haven't picked up F.E.A.R. 2 yet.
Really enjoyed Fear 1. Fear 2 was absolutely mediocre. Reborn was a leap in the right direction.

Not sure what to make of this.

I'll reserve judgement...
I was not expecting much with FEAR, but the first one was superb. I got the expansions with the FEAR gold package, which was $10 more, so I guess that was a pretty good value. I beat the original game but I didn't get very far in the expansions before losing interest in them.

I didn't try FEAR 2, but I'm not interested in this series anymore unless they can top the first one.
I've played the first few missions of FEAR 2 and so far its very meh. The whole HUD borders around the screen is weird and the movement feels very tunnel vision and very disorientating, its very hard to get immersed in it. Will continue to play and see it can improve.
I've played the first few missions of FEAR 2 and so far its very meh. The whole HUD borders around the screen is weird and the movement feels very tunnel vision and very disorientating, its very hard to get immersed in it. Will continue to play and see it can improve.

The whole game just feels all wrong, if you ask me. The monstrous HUD is part of it, but a lot of the animations are weird, the guns have no recoil and weak sounds, the particle effect are almost completely gone, there's floaty and crappy mouse acceleration, and the audio mixing is really shitty for some reason (things like explosions are oddly quiet and weak). It's just a combination of a whole bunch of the subtle touches of the game that are done horribly wrong that makes the game just "feel" weak, floaty and awkward. The first FEAR was great because of its visceral and spectacular combat; that's what made the game, and the second one totally lost that element.
On playing more I would have to agree with you, the combat is definitely weaker than the first, and I know what you mean with the floaty feel to the game, the entire experience just feels very weird.

So I just finished playing through FEAR 3 and I've got to say I was pleasantly surprised by it.
It's not extraordinary by any means but they actually got the combat right this time around.
The movement feels fast and fluid. The guns are powerful and sound good.
More action oriented(which is exactly what I wanted), if you want a scary game this is not it.
While in slowmo the enemies are no longer highlighted. The jump kick is gone, but the awesome slide tackle is present, and done right.
Some strategy is added to the EPA mech fights since you have to activate the shields manually, and the missile launchers don't work while the shields are active.
Last but not least, I'm pretty sure they listened to all the people complaining that FEAR 2 was too easy, since I played this on the easiest setting and it was still a challenge.

So overall I enjoyed this a lot more than FEAR 2, will play through it again.
Remus, the jump kick is in, just jump and melee.

I'm up to interval 7 and so far I'm disappointed. The combats mechanics are good but why do we have to keep fighting the ****ing annoying phase commanders who are the worse enemies to grace a fear game ever. Also, I nearly un-installed at Interval 2 which was such a horrible experience it was like playing a budget version of MW2's favella mission. Granted the levels have gotten better the further in I've got but the horror aspect of the game now is non existent, they've turned fear into an all action game.
I've heard it's only 4 hours long as well. If that's the case and I've nearly finished there is no way that this game was worth the asking price. I'll go back through when I finish and play as Fettal as I think it gets you a different ending so at least there is some replay value there.
This was really fun. Finished it twice yesterday. The co-op is a lot of fun. Insane isn't so bad if you have a competent player playing Fettel, who I must say is a badass to play.
Hows the PC version of this? Checkpoints and shitty mouse or is it done well? I just started FEAR 2 and find it very easy with way too many pointless enemy spawns( the first was awesome at making you feel pressed with only a few enemies at a time while not just having lemming enemies pour into your machine gun fire). Of course I hope the level design is also excellent again, the FEAR series is the best at making mundane areas look believable and frightening
Just finished the game with the good ending (I presume point mans is good). I didn't really enjoy the games story all that much
especially killing off Beckitt, and the way in which the Alma situation is resolved was disappointing. The first two games led you on a quest to destroy her and that was also the goal in the third. Yet I never got to do this and she died in childbirth? Really?
Then I started the game again again as Fettal and jesus I'm enjoying this now. Possessing people and using the TK powers are brilliant and now I have no reliance on slo-mo the combat feels fast and exciting. I guess when I played through as pointman I was using this as a crutch.
In short, uninspired level design, a story I didn't care for and a lack of horror but with some great combat which returns the series to it's roots and worth playing for that alone. Also only took me around 5 hours to finish.
In short, uninspired level design, a story I didn't care for and a lack of horror but with some great combat which returns the series to it's roots and worth playing for that alone.

I agree. On the level design, I really wish they let you approach fights from multiple points like the first FEAR did. In both FEAR 2 and 3 it's too restrictive.
I beat it, about 8-10 hrs of gameplay for me.

I agree the story was a bit underwhelming. It was kinda shitty to see that Beckett was a bit of a scaredy wimp, and then he died...kinda expected more to happen with him considering all that shit he went through in FEAR 2. Not sure what to make of the ending, I'm sure if there's a choice in canonicity, Point man's would be the victor. I'm not sure how exactly Fettel or Alma are supposed to have died considering they're already dead...and on that note I wonder if there will be a FEAR 4, or should I say FE4R?
I beat it, about 8-10 hrs of gameplay for me.

I agree the story was a bit underwhelming. It was kinda shitty to see that Beckett was a bit of a scaredy wimp, and then he died...kinda expected more to happen with him considering all that shit he went through in FEAR 2. Not sure what to make of the ending, I'm sure if there's a choice in canonicity, Point man's would be the victor. I'm not sure how exactly Fettel or Alma are supposed to have died considering they're already dead...and on that note I wonder if there will be a FEAR 4, or should I say FE4R?

My understanding is that Fettal is using the body of Foxtrot from the Reborn DLC, hence why he can take damage in his ghostly form (doesn't explain his ability to possess another body using that one though) and Alma was always still animating her old body. So with the amount of energy required for her to give birth while keeping a dead body alive I guess she had no more energy left in her.
Also, Beckett being killed by Fettal was horseshit as it was revealed in Fear 2 he was just as powerful and maybe even more. When he started gaining control of Fettal I thought he might survive. Bad writing for a character they didn't know what to do with.
Ha! Just beat FEAR 2, where was Fox News when this was going down? Think of the children!

So it took 5 days for the heart to stop beating with no oxygen at all, so she is somewhat alive, kept so by her own telekinetic abilities, keeping her cells going with no food
I've played a little bit of FEAR 3. I don't like the feel of the smg/rifle or shotgun - I hate that the headshots don't kill outright. However, I LOVE the pistol in this game. It's definitely one of my favorite pistols ever. The sound, the feel, and everything are fantastic for this gun. I used it almost exclusively.
My complaints on the weapons:

The reload time on the shotgun and sniper rifle is too long. The blast radius on the rockets and grenades is too small. The grenades are too bouncy.
Oh, and the jump kick animation sucks, the one in the first FEAR was way better.

Overall the combat is better than in FEAR 2, but FEAR 1 still wins in this regard.
Contractions is so much god damn fun with friends. So intense on The Commute on Insane.
and the way in which the Alma situation is resolved was disappointing.

She plays a terribly passive role throughout the game, and it's just one of the narrative's myriad of problems (including the ones you mention), but I can't deny the poignancy of the game's final moments. Regardless of what Day 1 did to her character - and what Monolith might have done had they made it themselves - I wouldn't change those final moments for anything. If Alma’s existence after death was a result of her overwhelming desire to take revenge against those who tortured her (which she accomplished in the first game) and to reunite her family, I was always pretty convinced that once those had been more or less satisfied she'd just dissolve away peacefully. Which is exactly what happened. Take away her anger and her will and there's nothing left. I thought that was fitting. To be fair, I'd suggest that the implications of the ending are far more complex than her simply 'dying'. Her fate is ambiguous. As she ‘dies’ her final act is to give life. Given that she sort of just dissolves away so easily at the end (when I like to think that Alma would rather raise the child herself then leave its fate in uncertain hands because let’s face it, Point Man would make a terrible father) it's safe to assume that she might have given birth to herself. I also like what Day 1 does with the Point Man. He makes a decision for himself for once by taking pity on his hopelessly helpless mother. When he takes her baby he realizes, quite rightly, that it isn’t inherently evil. If there’s one message that F.3.A.R succeeds in driving home it’s that monsters are ‘made’. Not born.