F.E.A.R. new movie available now, go get it

DarkStar said:
On a side note: The little girl walking on the ceiling almost made me dump in my pants.

omg!! :LOL:!...yeah me too :eek:
Rico said:
I agree with crazyharrj... FEAR is officially rated as "bleh" until I get some better media or amazing stuff I haven't seen before.

Does it look like a neat game? Sure, looks neat in a "game I'll play after I play every other game I'm excited about" sort of way, but a major player? Hardly.

This game doesn't bring ANYTHING original to the table, a total rehash of all the major titles that have come out or are coming out recently. All they did was combine the hottest titles with The Ring and changed the color of the girl's dress to red, whoopie doo... Am I supposed to be scared?

So up till now this game looks like it just has D3 styled lighting, decent AI (for the assasin dudes, maybe) and cutscenes. Oh and don't forget lots of distortion shaders and bullet time. What does this new game bring to the table in terms of innovation? It looks neat but I don't see what all this hype is about. Monolith? I don't give a crap who makes the game so long as it's a good game. From the media I've seen this game does not seem worthy of the hype and the ONLY reason people are talking about it so much is due to the devs making it. It's funny that the first screenshot they released was something with a gun shooting a bunch of guys with an insane overuse of spark particles (particle overuse is a theme in the videos, action is not created by debris, it's created by intense battles and the gunplay in this game looks subpar) and a bunch of plastic-looking, not to mention HUGE models when compared to the gameworld they have created. Am I the only one who's noticed that all the characters in the game look like giants? It's like thos original GI JOE action figures that looked like Ken (from Barbie). Just don't fit in.

I remain skeptical until I see more than a few blurry videos showing me bullet time, particles and a little girl ripped straight from The Ring. Developers should be ashamed from ripping the concept straight out of a movie, they could have at least made her look different...
you're over analyzing buddy
these movies are teasers.. and give nothing away really
its an intruging game nontheless
Rico said:
Why did they put the girl in and made her move and look the same as the girl from The Ring then, please someone enlighten me. Can you not see straight through the developer's attempts to cash in on a concept proven to scare people? A concept we already saw very well done in the movie?

Why did they make her look the same? Why did they make her move like that and sort of "fast forward" teleport thing she did in the movie?

I'm not arguing about the game being completely original (and there IS such a thing as original concepts even to this day, you cannot argue that) I'm arguing about the developer using a concept straight from a movie in a lame attempt to scare people. Why do you think people say this game is a mix of FPS with The Ring? You think they didn't purposely make the game character to exploit the success of the movie's character?

Don't be naive, I'm complaining about the above. I could care less if HL2 had monsters influenced by Starship troopers (the book was miles ahead of the movie) but at least in HL2 they don't blatantly rip them off and use them in a similar setting.

I really want to like this game... but the action seems like its just rushing at enemies with a jittery gun and shooting them all the while having an overwhelming number of particles on your screen. Run and gun games simply don't work for making you scared... When you can see the Devil in front of you and know you can kick his ass in 5 seconds just by using your slow motion powers, then just rush at him with a shotgun and kill him before he can even get a taunt out it doesn't make it scary. It makes it lame.

Ever wonder why horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill have combat systems like that? Now imagine playing them if you had bullet time, the power of flight and any gun you would ever want? Not so scary anymore huh?

HL2 does rip starship troopers monsters off...in a different setting. Ok thats that one dealt with.

F.E.A.R rips the ring girl off.....in a different setting. Ok thats that one dealt with.

Tell me the problem? Show me the difference between HL2 and FEAR in that aspect.

I know this is a HL2 board and i know there will be alot of HL2 fanboi's here (i am one...only i leave my options open and dont base every game on HL2 info) but while everyone compares games to HL2 they havent actually got a clue if HL2 will be good or not (i hope it is) ...I've seen video footage of FEAR...ive seen video footage of HL2....both are looking amazing but it doesnt mean that HL2 is the best game ever and isnt original ...HL is whats keeping peoples hopes up with this game....HL was released at the right time, everything about it was different and was amazing at the time...now HL2 isnt so special compared to the looks from other games (Doom3 has the graphics/pyhsics, FarCry has the amazingly long view distances/pretty decent pyhsics/best graphics to date).

Anyway my point is FEAR isnt looking crap and it certaintly isnt looking like a rip-off even if it has parts from other games...like i said, ALL games except the few that revolutionized (Doom/Half Life) have some form of rip-off...it is no big deal and if that makes a game shit then you really need to wake up and smell the cheese.

If you can think up something that would play a decent part in a game that hasnt already been tried in a game/film then you can have a cookie....mmm tasty cookie too!.
Who's saying the game will suck? I said that it does indeed look like a promising title if they don't stick to just the stuff we've already seen.

I like to discuss stuff in forums, isn't that what they're here for? I also find discussions to be more productive when everyone isn't just posting about "how much they crapped their pants" when they saw something. I like to look at things from both sides of the coin and the horror lover in me just screamed bloody murder when I saw that little girl in the game.

How is that not reasonable?
Alig said:
Ok so because they use the same things max payne has means they are ripping it off? No i dont think so...

Anything and everything has been repeated over and over in the world...take a look at cars for example...they are all basically the same only with a different shape, some go fast, some dont...its the way the world goes round. Are you trying to say that because max payne robbed bullet time from matrix means no one can rob from max payne? Monolith should just leave out everything in the game because another game has already done it. Yeah that would be fun, lets all run around in a plain textured cube shooting bullets for 15 hours. We cant be copying anyone else....it isnt considered 'cool' or 'different' in the gaming world.

And quite frankly...yeah i think FC out does HL to date. Have you even bought the game? or you just going along with what everyone else says?

Every game out there rips something off....its why doom is so legendary, it didnt have anything to compare to or rip off because nothing else exsisted apart from Pong and other games like that.

HL2 rips the **** out of the Starship Troopers monsters...there is absolutely nothing different about them, at least F.E.A.R has a different sort of bullet time....it has ripples in the air when nades go off. Its a quiff which brings to my final point. Music :) How many songs are there today that are'nt versions of old songs with a little quiff in them? Hmm....not very many but that doesnt go to say they dont sell millions of copy's like F.E.A.R will.

What's music got to do with my post?

"HL2 rips the shit out of star ship troopers monsters" really I didn't know so. I'll have to see that for myself, and if I don't see a barnacle,headcrab,hydra,prowler,antlion (all) in that then your statement is false ( assuming that "the shit out" - means heavily rips off).

I'm talking about the sound effects, I'm not arguing I'm just trying to tell you to look at it from this aspect that the sound effects actually sound very similar to max payne (bullet whizzing fast and slow when triggered and heartbeat). Other than that f.e.a.r's own touch of bullet time isn't so bad after re-viewing at the trailer.

"Are you trying to say that because max payne robbed bullet time from matrix means no one can rob from max payne?"

You are missing the point, there is no law against robbing an idea in the game world, but it doesn't make f.e.a.r a very original game - which is why I wasn't impressed by it - the reason why this argument started. I never remember saying that monolith should leave out anything which makes a game original - more to the point bullet time is not a requirement for every game today so it can't be categorized as one of the "left outs". It (monolith) could improvise on other things or bring out new stuff. Lack of originality is the main issue I'm focusing on.

Yes, I have indeed played FC, and other than great visuals and okay-ish A.I. I found the game very uneventful. It's beyond me how you can bear such a bland story with boring characters...but that is your opinion and I respect that.

Agreed that f.e.a.r might actually turn out to be a better game in the end, but as of now I can't say much. I know most of you wouldn't give a flying shit about originality, so that's okay with me. However, it's doesn't seem to impressive me - so that's my opinion which is not going to change untill the game releases so live with it.

Oh and before you type a big reply to this - just a reminder that I won't be reading it since I have better things to do than argue on a stupid old video game that hasn't even released. Since I've done it one time too many with HL2, I'm bored of it now.

Normal maps eh??? Well you still need to use more than 12 polygons for the foot :LOL:
I think this game may have a higher scare factor than doom 3... but then again maybe they are spoiling FEAR by releasing all the scary parts.
Deadline said:
I think this game may have a higher scare factor than doom 3... but then again maybe they are spoiling FEAR by releasing all the scary parts.

well I would not think like that. There is a lot in this game that we venot seen before.

Doom3 is alot scariar than F.E.A.R.......... (you could say fear is the sweet and d3 is the candy) :D
Gorgon said:
well I would not think like that. There is a lot in this game that we venot seen before.

Doom3 is alot scariar than F.E.A.R.......... (you could say fear is the sweet and d3 is the candy) :D

Indeed. If you've played doom3 i think alot of people that scare easy would think twice before they hand their £35 over for the game when its out:p...I know i wont be playing it alone at night thats for sure haha, ive got the alpha and i know i wont be playing alone at night. :hmph:
christ that was AMAZING the little girl and the stealth guys and the action (you kick people!!!!) and jesus im just over stimulated now. this is pathetic how freaked out it made me. GIVE ME F.E.A.R. gimmie gimmie gimmie
My first impression a while back was "blech, nothing great here; seemed like they were only showing off tech to impress perhaps because the game itself lacked a lot"....my second impression now is "blech, but at least the video held my interest and was more gameplay so I'll surely give it a shot." So it's growing on me to some degree.

Still though, nothing new really or special, but at least it looks like it has some semblence of a plot (no matter how thin) and could be scary (we need more truly scary games dammit). Think it will be one of those games where you just accept it for what it is and not look too deep past that.

Although I wish game makers would not release so much stuff. Nothing worse than seeing a commercial for a scary movie only to find out after watching the movie that most of the "scares" were already in the preview. Seems games are doing this more and more as well.
I'm looking at the trailer right now, but it starts with all the previous movies and I've seen those a few times already :'/

Game looks really good though.
omg... that, im going to get nightmares from that game, really, i mean, jeez, that little girl freaked me out the most. i think the writer must be some kind of professional.

/crouches in corner of room with mom shotgun, shivers.
I thought it looked like crap at first, but after seeing the new vids I gotta admit I think Monolith may pull off another "Alien VS Predator 2" (one of my fave games of all time - by monolith to boot) mixed with a lil "clive barker's undying" (another fave not by Monolith , just to clarify)

the graphics are more of the same (read Farcry/Doom3/Unreal3) however that doesnt mean they dont impress.
then again you have to have a good computer to truely appreciate the visuals, otherwise the awesome gfx are lost on you, and in turn immersion is neutered.

I look forward to FEAR, as I look forward to any Horror FPS... there arent that many, and even less that actually dont come off as pure cheese.

:cheers: monolith