F.E.A.R. new movie available now, go get it

Wow, did you see the wall climbing that those enemies did?

That was amazing. Can't wait for it. I just hope they have some other story besides the little girl.
Christ all this F.E.A.R hype and shit is sickening me
Nice. Every trailer makes this game look even better than it already does. It looks like it could be quite a scary one too...a bit like FC is.
That shadow person girl thing was awesome.

I might give this game a shot.
Thats pretty cool. The graphics look really good and so do the animations.
:cheers: Once again, this game never ceases to amaze me, it's just so damn FREAKY!
I didn't find that trailer nearly as freaky as the one before. Probably because you get a clear look at the little girl this time, and i just don't find that as scary as half-second glimpses at her in the dark or in the corner of the elevator and stuff
CrazyHarij said:
Christ all this F.E.A.R hype and shit is sickening me
what are you talking about?
the game looks amazing
the hype is justified! :bonce:
CrazyHarij said:
Christ all this F.E.A.R hype and shit is sickening me

C'mon, you can't justify that thought with just a WIP, plus it isn't "a new company" that's developing it; it's Monolith, a vetern game developer with an impressing track record on impressive FPS games. They're responsible for making part of the FPS genre what it is today.
I agree with crazyharrj... FEAR is officially rated as "bleh" until I get some better media or amazing stuff I haven't seen before.

Does it look like a neat game? Sure, looks neat in a "game I'll play after I play every other game I'm excited about" sort of way, but a major player? Hardly.

This game doesn't bring ANYTHING original to the table, a total rehash of all the major titles that have come out or are coming out recently. All they did was combine the hottest titles with The Ring and changed the color of the girl's dress to red, whoopie doo... Am I supposed to be scared?

So up till now this game looks like it just has D3 styled lighting, decent AI (for the assasin dudes, maybe) and cutscenes. Oh and don't forget lots of distortion shaders and bullet time. What does this new game bring to the table in terms of innovation? It looks neat but I don't see what all this hype is about. Monolith? I don't give a crap who makes the game so long as it's a good game. From the media I've seen this game does not seem worthy of the hype and the ONLY reason people are talking about it so much is due to the devs making it. It's funny that the first screenshot they released was something with a gun shooting a bunch of guys with an insane overuse of spark particles (particle overuse is a theme in the videos, action is not created by debris, it's created by intense battles and the gunplay in this game looks subpar) and a bunch of plastic-looking, not to mention HUGE models when compared to the gameworld they have created. Am I the only one who's noticed that all the characters in the game look like giants? It's like thos original GI JOE action figures that looked like Ken (from Barbie). Just don't fit in.

I remain skeptical until I see more than a few blurry videos showing me bullet time, particles and a little girl ripped straight from The Ring. Developers should be ashamed from ripping the concept straight out of a movie, they could have at least made her look different...
Look man! Game developers are here to MAKE GAMES, not revolutionize the industry everytime they release something. It's not whether you have new technology as to using it creatively, and they do so very well.
Looks very good (love the dropkick), though too creepy for me.

Edit: Shouldn't this be merged with the other FEAR thread or somethin'?...
how are they using the technology and innovation already made creatively? Can you please tell me?

The only creativity I thought would go into a game not focused on innovation would go into the plot and the world. World looks kind of half-assed, how about the plot? Little girl from the ring > original ideas?

As much as I like horror I also strongly dislike people who rip ideas from others, can you tell me honestly that little girl they have there who appears to be a major player in their plot (recurring character) isn't an exact copy of the girl in The Ring?
I dont care what anyone says about F.E.A.R., it will own. The game looks very atmospheric just like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3. Anything that shouts atmosphere like these titles tickles my funny bone.
yeah I agree...it dosent have any "UNIQUE" points about it, but you have to admit, it does look scary ;)
Why is it so important for a game to have unique elements? It looks damns fun and scary. Oh and beautiful. So quit whining, or make a better one yourself.
fluffhead said:
I dont care what anyone says about F.E.A.R., it will own. The game looks very atmospheric just like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3. Anything that shouts atmosphere like these titles tickles my funny bone.

The game has tons of atmosphere but as soon as it showed the cutscene in the 3rd video the atmosphere kinda.....stopped. It wasn't as creepy as before. I just hope there isn't anymore cutscene's like that
Sparta said:
The game has tons of atmosphere but as soon as it showed the cutscene in the 3rd video the atmosphere kinda.....stopped. It wasn't as creepy as before. I just hope there isn't anymore cutscene's like that

It had atmosphere...cutscenes are'nt bad things...every game has them, even HL2.

And that cutscene still kind of shit me up heh..i didnt think the guys arm was going to be ripped off...and that little girl is scary. Hope my sister does'nt grow up like that :p
Speculator said:
C'mon, you can't justify that thought with just a WIP, plus it isn't "a new company" that's developing it; it's Monolith, a vetern game developer with an impressing track record on impressive FPS games. They're responsible for making part of the FPS genre what it is today.

So?...CryTek's first game happens to be Far cry, and many people believe it to be the best FPS to date. Many gamesites have similar opinions.

Meh, I think it's mediocre (far cry).

Anyway, back to topic - F.E.A.R literally is probably the biggest ripoff I've seen. Bullet time, check. The Ring girl, check. Plastic graphics, check.Doom 3 like monsters, double check. Wow monolith you've truly outdone yourself!
I downloaded all three videos from gamespot. It's fairly spooky, but nothing spectacular. The combat looks fairly bland to me. Run into room A, kill soldiers by shooting a million rounds into em, run into next room, rinse repeat. The flashlight effect looks really basic and frankly helps to ruin things for me. This will be a game I may some day pick up, but i'm betting for quite a while it won't get my hard earned money.
Doesn't-bring-ANYTHING-original-to-the-table talk is getting sickening. :)
lans said:
So?...CryTek's first game happens to be Far cry, and many people believe it to be the best FPS to date. Many gamesites have similar opinions.

Meh, I think it's mediocre (far cry).

Anyway, back to topic - F.E.A.R literally is probably the biggest ripoff I've seen. Bullet time, check. The Ring girl, check. Plastic graphics, check.Doom 3 like monsters, double check. Wow monolith you've truly outdone yourself!

as long as it's not really badly done it will be a great game, you'll be hard pressed to find a game that doesn't "borrow" elements from the others.
lans said:
So?...CryTek's first game happens to be Far cry, and many people believe it to be the best FPS to date. Many gamesites have similar opinions.

Meh, I think it's mediocre (far cry).

Anyway, back to topic - F.E.A.R literally is probably the biggest ripoff I've seen. Bullet time, check. The Ring girl, check. Plastic graphics, check.Doom 3 like monsters, double check. Wow monolith you've truly outdone yourself!

http://www.3dxperience.com/html/gallery/aliens/warrior bugs.jpg compared to http://www.gamer.no/bilder/spill/half-life_2/2.jpg. Monsters ripped straight from a film. Check.

So what if it has elements of films/games in there.....

What ripped Matrix off with bullet time? Max Payne. Or was is Matrix ripped Max Payne? Either way...the films are brilliant and so is the game.

What ripped The Ring off recently? Scary Movie 3 = funny as ****.

Plastic smastic...who gives a shit? i dont...FarCry is the best FPS to date.

You've seen a little glimpse of a monster in FEAR and you say it rips doom3 of, heh. Whatever. (how do you know it was'nt one of them ninja's?)
Does anyone know of any mirrors of the high quality vids??
Alig said:
http://www.3dxperience.com/html/gallery/aliens/warrior bugs.jpg compared to http://www.gamer.no/bilder/spill/half-life_2/2.jpg. Monsters ripped straight from a film. Check.

So what if it has elements of films/games in there.....

What ripped Matrix off with bullet time? Max Payne. Or was is Matrix ripped Max Payne? Either way...the films are brilliant and so is the game.

What ripped The Ring off recently? Scary Movie 3 = funny as ****.

Plastic smastic...who gives a shit? i dont...FarCry is the best FPS to date.

You've seen a little glimpse of a monster in FEAR and you say it rips doom3 of, heh. Whatever. (how do you know it was'nt one of them ninja's?)

That's because Max payne was the first game to bring the bullet time idea to games. Their might have been one before, but max did it best.

The point is, it's okay to borrow an idea, I don't see max doing kung fu like keanu reeves and the story being against machines...he can just use bullet time and shootdodge. The fact that fear uses literally the same mechanics and almost similar sound effects as Max payne makes it a ripoff.

Listen closely, the bullet withering past fast and the heartbeat is surprisingly a bit too similar.

If you think Far cry is the best FPS to date, you must be living with a rock on top of your head. I suppose half-life sucks in comparison for you, a sad but true fact in your case...

Have you ever heard of the term "PUN INTENDED"?

The scary movie series makes fun and ripsoff the idea of a film on PURPOSE. Obviously we know that they are making fun off it...and they know that we know it. They even have to take permission to do so. Even so, the scary movie clan altered it a bit.

But when you ripoff an idea it's like they don't take permission for it.You haven't even altered the damn idea effectively - you can just make out that fear ripped off the idea clearly.

Did you see those ninja types swinging and climbing over poles and walls? now see the E3 2004 xbox trailer of doom3.

BTW- I was flipping over channels and saw this ad on some cartoon channel (I think cartoon network) of F.E.A.R some time ago.How original can you get monolith?
I think FEAR is looking tasty :)

Too much fuss is made about originality these days - sometimes just more of the same is what ppl want. (it's not as though we're spoilt for choice with good shooters is it?)
Rico said:
how are they using the technology and innovation already made creatively? Can you please tell me?

The only creativity I thought would go into a game not focused on innovation would go into the plot and the world. World looks kind of half-assed, how about the plot? Little girl from the ring > original ideas?

As much as I like horror I also strongly dislike people who rip ideas from others, can you tell me honestly that little girl they have there who appears to be a major player in their plot (recurring character) isn't an exact copy of the girl in The Ring?

Well it can't count directly as a rip-off of the girl from the ring, it's far from that. She haunts people through a video tape; this one walks around on her own free will, doing what she needs to do. It's nothing like the Samara from The Ring. Doesn't it strike you that they chose a little girl because a child is truly the cruelest thing?

It's already intented for this protaganist to search for paranormal circumstances (source), not that he just happen to be at the wrong place in the wrong time. Don't think of this as "OMG The Ring Rip-Off", but as X-Files with a military twist or something like that. In addition, they had this idea long before "The Ring" was brought to western audiences, states here it was back after the development of Shogo (1998)(source )

And if your doubting the A.I., play NOFL2 for a second opinion, it's still advance for a dated game.
can you tell me honestly that little girl they have there who appears to be a major player in their plot (recurring character) isn't an exact copy of the girl in The Ring?

Yes, because you have absolutely NO idea about the plot progression of F.E.A.R. ;)
Bullet Time - a great concept. Max Payne was the first shooter to use it (the game would be nothing without it), then Painkiller (when the demos were released people liked the gameplay), now F.E.A.R. (except they have introduced visible shockwaves from explosives).

Plastic Characters - compaered to the revolutionary facial system of Half-Life 2, every game will begin to look medicore in that way. This "plastic" skin looks to be the closest that companies can come to mimicking the facials and expressions of Half-Life 2. Games were not ment to be watched, they were meant to be played, and refusing to like a game over little things like "plastic" is silly.

The Ring - I personally have never seen the ring, and this argument could probably be better proven by someone like Fenric, but there's something about children with demonic powers that is a little unnerving. THis little girl kinda reminds me of the G-man, following you wherever you go and yet still being one step ahead of you.

Enemies - There weren't a lot of enemies on display in the videos, only about 3 or 4, so we can't really determine a lot about them. The commandos (as seen in every first person shooter) appear to work well with each other and communicate a la Far Cry. The camoflouged creaters do resemble that of DOOM 3, except these ones are mostly invisible and they emmit some sort of purple charge. The crawling this on the floor was interesting too.
lans said:
That's because Max payne was the first game to bring the bullet time idea to games. Their might have been one before, but max did it best.

The point is, it's okay to borrow an idea, I don't see max doing kung fu like keanu reeves and the story being against machines...he can just use bullet time and shootdodge. The fact that fear uses literally the same mechanics and almost similar sound effects as Max payne makes it a ripoff.

Listen closely, the bullet withering past fast and the heartbeat is surprisingly a bit too similar.

If you think Far cry is the best FPS to date, you must be living with a rock on top of your head. I suppose half-life sucks in comparison for you, a sad but true fact in your case...

Have you ever heard of the term "PUN INTENDED"?

The scary movie series makes fun and ripsoff the idea of a film on PURPOSE. Obviously we know that they are making fun off it...and they know that we know it. They even have to take permission to do so. Even so, the scary movie clan altered it a bit.

But when you ripoff an idea it's like they don't take permission for it.You haven't even altered the damn idea effectively - you can just make out that fear ripped off the idea clearly.

Did you see those ninja types swinging and climbing over poles and walls? now see the E3 2004 xbox trailer of doom3.

BTW- I was flipping over channels and saw this ad on some cartoon channel (I think cartoon network) of F.E.A.R some time ago.How original can you get monolith?

Ok so because they use the same things max payne has means they are ripping it off? No i dont think so...

Anything and everything has been repeated over and over in the world...take a look at cars for example...they are all basically the same only with a different shape, some go fast, some dont...its the way the world goes round. Are you trying to say that because max payne robbed bullet time from matrix means no one can rob from max payne? Monolith should just leave out everything in the game because another game has already done it. Yeah that would be fun, lets all run around in a plain textured cube shooting bullets for 15 hours. We cant be copying anyone else....it isnt considered 'cool' or 'different' in the gaming world.

And quite frankly...yeah i think FC out does HL to date. Have you even bought the game? or you just going along with what everyone else says?

Every game out there rips something off....its why doom is so legendary, it didnt have anything to compare to or rip off because nothing else exsisted apart from Pong and other games like that.

HL2 rips the **** out of the Starship Troopers monsters...there is absolutely nothing different about them, at least F.E.A.R has a different sort of bullet time....it has ripples in the air when nades go off. Its a quiff which brings to my final point. Music :) How many songs are there today that are'nt versions of old songs with a little quiff in them? Hmm....not very many but that doesnt go to say they dont sell millions of copy's like F.E.A.R will.
Heh, it doesn't bring anything new or unique to the table? First Person Shooters have been milked to no end, I don't see any way of making them innovative or unique anymore.

Just because a game uses influences from past games doesn't mean it's just a shitty re-hash of those games. Some people...
Why did they put the girl in and made her move and look the same as the girl from The Ring then, please someone enlighten me. Can you not see straight through the developer's attempts to cash in on a concept proven to scare people? A concept we already saw very well done in the movie?

Why did they make her look the same? Why did they make her move like that and sort of "fast forward" teleport thing she did in the movie?

I'm not arguing about the game being completely original (and there IS such a thing as original concepts even to this day, you cannot argue that) I'm arguing about the developer using a concept straight from a movie in a lame attempt to scare people. Why do you think people say this game is a mix of FPS with The Ring? You think they didn't purposely make the game character to exploit the success of the movie's character?

Don't be naive, I'm complaining about the above. I could care less if HL2 had monsters influenced by Starship troopers (the book was miles ahead of the movie) but at least in HL2 they don't blatantly rip them off and use them in a similar setting.

I really want to like this game... but the action seems like its just rushing at enemies with a jittery gun and shooting them all the while having an overwhelming number of particles on your screen. Run and gun games simply don't work for making you scared... When you can see the Devil in front of you and know you can kick his ass in 5 seconds just by using your slow motion powers, then just rush at him with a shotgun and kill him before he can even get a taunt out it doesn't make it scary. It makes it lame.

Ever wonder why horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill have combat systems like that? Now imagine playing them if you had bullet time, the power of flight and any gun you would ever want? Not so scary anymore huh?
Subz said:
it looks great. stop bichin.

Yeah. How can people say this game looks bad when it obviously is looking cool? Seriously, I think its just because some people (Rico) like arguing about everything. I don't see how you can be a fan of FPShooters and not see the promise this game is showing.

On a side note: The little girl walking on the ceiling almost made me dump in my pants.