F Steam

Just called both my stores and they said it hits the shelfs November 1st, THATS ALMOST A MONTH AWAY AHHHHHH

And Torre, stfu don't post in my post saying F me, if you feel the need to tho get a life kid.
Yeah don't listen to retailers. Furthermore, don't use 5 year old acronyms and learn how to spell when insulting someone. November 1st isn't confirmed, nor is November 23rd. It's up to Vivendi.
Oh no it's offended!

Search the friggin forum before you post a new thread, heaps of info here.
It is up to Vivendi. And I do not think they are going to release it soon. So you might be better purchasing it through steam, so you can at least play CS:S to ease your craving for the source engine, until Half-Life 2 comes out. I mean the game could come out next week or it could come out 2 months from now. There are no confirmed release dates. All you can do is wait.
It hasn't even gone gold yet, why are you blaming valve's incompatence on vivendi?

You guys are tools.
Last time I checked the RC was already sent to Vivendi, thus taking the game off of Valve's hands.
jsc1286 said:
Last time I checked the RC was already sent to Vivendi, thus taking the game off of Valve's hands.

Who said it was accepted?

Actually, lombardi said the opposite a week after it was sent.

Gamespot article a week or two after 9/15:
"We delivered the first release candidate last week, and hope to deliver the final version very soon"

If anything, it's Valve's fault. Quit blaming Vivendi unless you know what's going on behind the scenes (none of you do).
Hay Guyz When Is Half Life 2 Going To Be Released!!? I Cant Read Internet By My Self!!!111
Ok thanks everyone, all this hear-say and junk its hard to belive what people say and who is right.
and Torre, why are you still talking? So sad.