F*** the normal developpement process!



I've been disappointed when I finished HL2.......****..... half of the scenes were cut ....it's the same for the guns and the story is really cheap and underdeveloped.

Seriously.......I think that the fact that there's a lot of missing things is because valve had a big rush to finish the game. It's not the normal development of a game as some stupid ass holes said!

Wake up in the alpha there were like 30 different weapons and they showed a lot of things in the official videos that they're not in the game... I'm sure that there's a link with the big delay of HL2, with how the game is now and with the shareholders of valve that forced gabe to release the game earlier!

They just had no time to realise all the ideas they had!

And just note that it's illegal to show a promotionnal video that do not represent the real content of a game.....but no one talked about it...
Why the hell did you make a thread on this? You're last post in the other thread was sufficient.

And just note that it's illegal to show a promotionnal video that do not represent the real content of a game.....but no one talked about it...
That especially, made me laugh pretty hard. :thumbs:
Olograph said:
And just note that it's illegal to show a promotionnal video that do not represent the real content of a game.....but no one talked about it...

Its not illegal

Olograph said:
in the alpha there were like 30 different weapons

Downloading stolen/copyrighted material is illegal.
bliink said:
Its not illegal

Downloading stolen/copyrighted material is illegal.
I was so excited to be able to say something like that and I scroll down and someone beat me to it. :hmph:
If VALVe has learned one thing about the HL2 prerelease scene, hopefully its not to show a ton of tech demos containing non-game material.

.. and to not jump to conclusions about release dates. Hopefully VALVe has learned two things.
There's only like one weapon, one level and one enemy cut that were actually advertised.

Everything else, you searched for it yourself by downloading the leak, and subsequently you disappointed yourself. Things are cut from any game. That's what a normal development process is. Abnormal would be actually keeping those 30 different weapons.

So, you went out of your way to use illegal software to make yourself unhappy.
You of all people should have known the concept of ignorance being bliss.
Olograph said:
I've been disappointed when I finished HL2.......****..... half of the scenes were cut ....it's the same for the guns and the story is really cheap and underdeveloped.

Seriously.......I think that the fact that there's a lot of missing things is because valve had a big rush to finish the game. It's not the normal development of a game as some stupid ass holes said!

Wake up in the alpha there were like 30 different weapons and they showed a lot of things in the official videos that they're not in the game... I'm sure that there's a link with the big delay of HL2, with how the game is now and with the shareholders of valve that forced gabe to release the game earlier!

They just had no time to realise all the ideas they had!

And just note that it's illegal to show a promotionnal video that do not represent the real content of a game.....but no one talked about it...

You have no clue about law do you? And also, Valve has no "shareholders" they are a private company.
C'mon man! I know that the alpha copy is illegal......it's illegal like the music you download on the Internet so don't stress!

And I just want to make realise that VALVe had a big rush and cut a lot of things to realease the game for the 11/16/04!

And if we forget the alpha and talk about just the videos and the promotional things, there's not only 1 gun and 1 scenes missing. There's almost 25 things.....scenes, guns, physics things and AI script that do not work in the final version......

And don't tell me they cut the hydras cause it didn't fit into the game....it looked so cool!!!....but it looked complicated to make!!!!!

It's the same with the gun which pitch flame grenades....it was to complicated to realise with the time they had.

Also, in the game they're a lot of things that you can't do like stuck a door....the game need a big adjustment about this. It's the same for the A.I. that needs a lot of work again.

And c'mon dude!!!! If you finished the game, it shows easily that the game is not finished........just the way the story is (f***** up) tell it.

This is the madness I'm getting out of here!
Just because the story is incomplete doesnn't mean it's the same way with the rest of the game. Remember that we learn these things along with Gordon and Gordon is still in the dark about many things. There's still a lot of questions that needs answering and that's the reason we're getting Half-Life 3 sometime in the future.

Come back when you've learned how game development works. Thanks.
Have a look at what Halo 2 cut out then.

I'm quite sure their tech-demo was something most unlike the final product.

(Wheres my massive invasion of earth then?)
Valve Software is a limited liablility company (LLC). That means that they do NOT have shareholders.

Valve worked on HL2 for years and cutting large parts of the game so that it works better and flows more smoothly are a normal part of the process. They obviously didn't rush the release date, considering they spent several months past the projected summer 2004 date that had been "set" after the leak.

The tech-demos were just that - tech demos. They were to represent the capabilities of the source engine, nothing more.

Surely, you didn't expect to see combine in Ravenholm?
olograph u need to quit whinning and just play game, and have fun. so they cut out material... BIG DEAL ITS NOt THE END OF THE WORLD BUDDY! lol just chillax and have some good times wit the game. :naughty:


Olograph said:
C'mon man! I know that the alpha copy is illegal......it's illegal like the music you download on the Internet so don't stress!

And I just want to make realise that VALVe had a big rush and cut a lot of things to realease the game for the 11/16/04!

And if we forget the alpha and talk about just the videos and the promotional things, there's not only 1 gun and 1 scenes missing. There's almost 25 things.....scenes, guns, physics things and AI script that do not work in the final version......

And don't tell me they cut the hydras cause it didn't fit into the game....it looked so cool!!!....but it looked complicated to make!!!!!

It's the same with the gun which pitch flame grenades....it was to complicated to realise with the time they had.

Also, in the game they're a lot of things that you can't do like stuck a door....the game need a big adjustment about this. It's the same for the A.I. that needs a lot of work again.

And c'mon dude!!!! If you finished the game, it shows easily that the game is not finished........just the way the story is (f***** up) tell it.

This is the madness I'm getting out of here!

1. Correct, it is illegal, downloading music on the internet is also illegal, you seem to have picked up on your knowledge of law, glad we could help.

2. Ha-ha, if they were in such a rush, why didn't they release the game in summer 2004 like they said?

3. The scenes are there, some are gone, some are altered, but a promotional video is just a demonstration, they are not a view of what was in the game! If that was the case, you wouldn't have gotten the crowbar until Ravenholm, that would've been a lotta fun huh?

4. They cut the Hydra cos it didn't work. It's that figgin' simple!!! Learn to live with it!

5. Complicated? No. Cool gun? Yes. Useful? No.

6. Well... okay, you have a point, the not being able to block door was a bit of disappointment, but the AI does work well... Oh okay I'll be nice and give you a point for that one. So Olograph vs HL2.net: 7-1

7. The story is good, you're too busy hating the game to notice it.

Final score: 8-1 and you are outta here!
I f*** you all....you are on the VALVe side at 100% and you can't realise taht VALVe is a fuc**** cheap and liar company....

It looks that you like to be hurt so have fun in your shit stupid ga*s.

.....I know what is a normal game developpement.....but there's a fu**** difference between a normal game developpement and the shareholders of VALVe that decide that the game will be release for a certain date.

In a normal game development, we do not remove all the cool things and 90% of the scenes and guns....this is called.....a big rush!

WAKE UP !!!!!
Also,.....I'm sure I'm right cause there are not just not missing scenes in the game and few guns missing.....

VALVe didn't finished the A.I. properly.....they didn't do 50% of what they said in the e3.

There's a insuffisent number of guns for the game...that's why the deathmatch is a ****ing boring crap.....remember in hl1, there's was almost 15 differents weapons for the dm!

The game is simply rushed!!!! And that's it!
Olograph said:
I f*** you all....you are on the VALVe side at 100% and you can't realise taht VALVe is a fuc**** cheap and liar company....

It looks that you like to be hurt so have fun in your shit stupid ga*s.

.....I know what is a normal game developpement.....but there's a fu**** difference between a normal game developpement and the shareholders of VALVe that decide that the game will be release for a certain date.

In a normal game development, we do not remove all the cool things and 90% of the scenes and guns....this is called.....a big rush!

WAKE UP !!!!!

You wake up.

They removed around 5% of the stuff, everything else you saw was in the leak. That doesn't count. And there are no shareholders in Valve. They funded the whole game out of their wallets...over $40 million.

Olograph said:
I f*** you all....you are on the VALVe side at 100% and you can't realise taht VALVe is a fuc**** cheap and liar company....

It looks that you like to be hurt so have fun in your shit stupid ga*s.

.....I know what is a normal game developpement.....but there's a fu**** difference between a normal game developpement and the shareholders of VALVe that decide that the game will be release for a certain date.

In a normal game development, we do not remove all the cool things and 90% of the scenes and guns....this is called.....a big rush!

WAKE UP !!!!!

I'm fully awake.
You need to realize two things.

Thing one: Valve has no shareholders.

Thing two: You are a retard expecting god on earth and only got jesus.
Olograph said:
We don't do a game to be useful but to be fun!!! idiot!

I don't want a gun that shoots a single measly fireball that can probably kill maybe two people at its most when I can shoot a huge bouncy energy ball that disintegrates anything in its path before exploding.
Ok ok is there was no shareholders......someone pushed VALVE for the game release.....

Maybe it's just the stress all the fans did that forced VALVe to rush the game.

And sh** up The Thing...not 5% but 35%!....
The Thing said:
I don't want a gun that shoots a single measly fireball that can probably kill maybe two people at its most when I can shoot a huge bouncy energy ball that disintegrates anything in its path before exploding.

Ok so now, explain why they didn't make two different guns with that?

I can answer for u.....big big rush ....no time!!!!!!!

You do what VALVe wants! To shut up and believe that the game development was normal because they cut the half of the game.
I say It's illegal in the same way to download the Alpha that to show a video that there's nothing at all of it in the game.
Heh, you really clutch at those straws, don't you?

In normal game development, features (scenes, weapons, characters, enemies) get cut all the time. You just never get to find out about it. If you hadn't chosen to download the stolen build, then you wouldn't have known about it. Valve aren't doing it any differently to anyone else.

As has already been pointed out, Valve don't have shareholders - they're a privately-owned company :)

90% of the scenes and guns are still in there. You're just exaggerating because you think it strengthens your "point".
Olograph said:
Ok so now, explain why they didn't make two different guns with that?

I can answer for u.....big big rush ....no time!!!!!!!

You do what VALVe wants! To shut up and believe that the game development was normal because they cut the half of the game.
I say It's illegal in the same way to download the Alpha that to show a video that there's nothing at all of it in the game.
Which is why they call it an Alpha, they try stuff to see what works and what don't and they remove/add things accordingly.
Also, you good sir, are an asshole.
Olograph said:
Ok so now, explain why they didn't make two different guns with that?

I can answer for u.....big big rush ....no time!!!!!!!

You do what VALVe wants! To shut up and believe that the game development was normal because they cut the half of the game.
I say It's illegal in the same way to download the Alpha that to show a video that there's nothing at all of it in the game.

It's not illegal. Stop making up stupid laws. You downloaded the alpha, so you should be in jail right now according to your logic.

Why would you want that gun? It doesn't even look fun.

I bet you're one of those people who whined about how they took so long to release the game and then whined even more about how some stuff wasn't there.

Tsk tsk tsk.
well I still think it would be nice if they included some kind of Rifle....
like an M16 or something
Lemonking said:
well I still think it would be nice if they included some kind of Rifle....
like an M16 or something
Aww, nyeeh aww jeez.. I just don't think that would work in that environment. A mounted heavy mg would be nice though, for the otherwise superb chapter Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman.
firstly, english lessons

secondly. i suggest you read a little on game development before you use it in every sentence (sentence: see english lessons). in most cases weapons and so on are removed for many particular reasons; be it balance in the game, the style of the game, or as u seem so adamant to emphasise, the game had to be rushed out the door.

as you've already told us, from you're illegally downloaded copy of the alpha. it contained more weapons (i wouldn't know i might add). that was a year ago. a lot changes in that time. the story was developed. the gameplay was developed. the balance was developed. things get taken out and put in all the time. that's how development works.

if you're so bothered about half-life 2 not having the weapons you want, the gameplay techniques you want. why not put your amazing game development skills to work and make it happen? the games there. the maps textures and models are there. you have an sdk with code. i'm sure since you're so talented you could improve on valves work and satisfy your needs.

o_O bitch bitch rant rant

p.s. no-one say my grammar sucks :D i type with lots of . on the net :D
Olograph said:
I've been disappointed when I finished HL2.......****..... half of the scenes were cut ....it's the same for the guns and the story is really cheap and underdeveloped.

Seriously.......I think that the fact that there's a lot of missing things is because valve had a big rush to finish the game. It's not the normal development of a game as some stupid ass holes said!

Wake up in the alpha there were like 30 different weapons and they showed a lot of things in the official videos that they're not in the game... I'm sure that there's a link with the big delay of HL2, with how the game is now and with the shareholders of valve that forced gabe to release the game earlier!

They just had no time to realise all the ideas they had!

And just note that it's illegal to show a promotionnal video that do not represent the real content of a game.....but no one talked about it...
1. Your an idiot.
2. You know what, I think I covered it all with 1.
3. Just to reinforce my point, your an idiot.
Ok you like to be in your shit together and you don't want to think 2 sec......I quit it!

Even not able to read correctly before shitting the explanation of a normal game developpement......

Last thing of me there:



You are all stupid and stuck in your mind ****ers!
Olograph said:
Ok you like to be in your shit together and you don't want to think 2 sec......I quit it!

Even not able to read correctly before shitting the explanation of a normal game developpement......

Last thing of me there:



You are all stupid and stuck in your mind ****ers!
I will bet anyone that cares to lose 10 bucks that Olograph will be banned by the end of the day.
Olograph said:
Ok you like to be in your shit together and you don't want to think 2 sec......I quit it!

Even not able to read correctly before shitting the explanation of a normal game developpement......

Last thing of me there:



You are all stupid and stuck in your mind ****ers!

I'm not the one swearing and not thinking correctly.

I don't believe any of that stuff would have been that great in gameplay. Not close to 35%.

You are arguing about a topic that you clearly do not understand.
Olograph said:
Ok you like to be in your shit together and you don't want to think 2 sec......I quit it!

Even not able to read correctly before shitting the explanation of a normal game developpement......

Last thing of me there:



You are all stupid and stuck in your mind ****ers!

Most game developers remove a large amount of the things that uneducated morons might consider to be "cool" early in a game's development. mainly because they don't work, and often because they just don't fit. The reason you're having an infarction about it is that you actually got to see the early stages of development because you downloaded the stolen build. If you could do the same for practically every other game in existence, then I don't for one second doubt that you'd be bleating about it in exactly the same way.

Now open your eyes, life your head out of that puddle of drool and comprehend. The reason that everyone is saying you're wrong is not because they just don't see it. It's not because they fail to recognise this blatent "truth" that you cling to like a limpet. No - it's quite simply because You are wrong.
Doesn't matter to be banned...........was I supposed to sh** up?
bliink said:
Its not illegal

Downloading stolen/copyrighted material is illegal.


Stop whining now. Enjoy HL2 and everything related. You own one of the most precious games ever to grace your obviously screwed up mind.
I'd beat this guy around with a crowbar of intelligence, but I see that has already been done. But I thought I might as well reinforce the point.

Olograph, take a step back and look at this logically, okay? It wasn't rushed. Heh, if anything, it took too long. Get that through your head.