Fallout New Vegas: There will be vehicles


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
from no mutants allowed:

Unconfirmed sources inform us that the next issue of Game Informer will have a feature on Fallout: New Vegas. Here are the tidbits:

Fallout New Vegas information is coming "very soon." It's going to be Gameinformer's next cover. This is the information in the magazine:

- Similar to Dragon Age: Origins, at character creation the player can select from different background stories. The first few hours of the game are different depending on which background you choose, and you get some unique perks based on your background when the main game begins.

- One background story is shown, Chinese Agent. The background story takes place before the bombs fell. The player is part of a team of Crimson Dragoons infilitrating Hoover Dam. You manage to sneak through the Americans' defenses, set explosives, and head to an extraction point, but your escape is cut off by American soldiers in Power Armor. The player and other survivors of the Crimson Dragoons take refuge in a cave in the canyons, where they commit hari kari with cyanide capsules. The player about to do the same when the bombs fall. The background story ends an indeterminate time later, when the player exits the cave, removes his helmet, and sees his ghoulish reflection in the waters of the Colorado River.

- The background story segues into character creation. The player can customize the appearance of the ghoul, and you see you start the game with two unique perks. One, similar to the Ghoul Mask in Fallout 3, makes Feral Ghouls non-aggro. The other makes the player immune to radiation sickness and allows the player to discharge accumulated radiation in a blast similar to a Glowing Ghoul, healing the player and any mutants while damaging all non-mutants in range.

- By default, the Chinese Agent has the skills Sneak, Small Arms, and Explosives tagged and SPECIAL stats set, although the player can modify their tagged skills and stats if they don't like the template.

- One character background option is Lone Wanderer. This selection has no background story or template and is a complete blank slate for players.

- The SPECIAL system used will be similar to Fallout 3, but skills will be harder to cap and one character will not be able to become a master of all skills. The article is not very specific because apparently it's something the developers are still tweaking.

- Gambling will return, but not as a skill. Your Luck stat will effect gambling results. You can attempt to cheat at cards using your Sneak skill or hack slot machines using your Science skill.

- There will be vehicles. The desert of New Vegas dwarfs the Capital Wasteland and you will need transportation to get around and explore it. You will acquire a vehicle several hours into the main quest. You can customize your vehicle with parts bought at shops or won through racing circuits and quests. Vehicles will not be common, but you will encounter road gangs, merchant caravans, and other vehicles in the wastes. The open desert is home to some very large mutant creatures, like giant radscorpions and sandworms, that will attack your vehicle.

- New Vegas has a coliseum run by a slaver gang called the Caesar's Legion. You can gamble on and participate in arena fights.
Be advised, these are just rumours and might be entirely false.

so more road warrior than Fallout 3. I can live with that so long as there's plenty to explore

Well... Fallout 1 & 2 where highly influated by road warrior so I say this is a good thing. I have hopes for this game.
Well... Fallout 1 & 2 where highly influated by road warrior so I say this is a good thing. I have hopes for this game.

ya. fallout 3 was also (stylistically at least) influenced by the road warrior. I just meant the vehicles; they'll make it seem more like the road warrior. I want a Ford Falcon XB Coupe, the Mad Max Interceptor from the movies:

well too bad, because it won't happen
Yeah but Fallout 3 was mostly just Roadwarrior: Oblivion with guns, and im not saying it's a bad thing, since I enjoyed fallout 3 alot and sunk some hours into it. But the main quest did suck huge balls, and even if you compare it to the old fallout games, they are still to this day, better. IMO.
And that's taking into account how god damn buggy and rushed Fallout 2 was. Still god damn awesome. First time I played fallout 2 it crashed at the end fight. and nothing I did fixed it. Had to patch it and restart :p
I really liked F3. probably one of my fave games of all time. vehicles could ruin or improve the experience. however it's not by bethesda so that makes me even more weary
You're the only one.

The vehicles had best be optional.

Obsidian hasnt made anything half way decent in years. bethesda on the other hand, has. that said when Alpha Protocol launches we'll see if Obsidian is back in it's game
If it has guilds of some sort and the engine is vastly improved, it could likely be a day one purchase for me.
Obsidian hasnt made anything half way decent in years. bethesda on the other hand, has. that said when Alpha Protocol launches we'll see if Obsidian is back in it's game

Bethesda having made a good game since Morrowind is open to discussion and depends on preference.

I would love to see what Obsidian can do with a decent amount of dev time, considering how good KoTOR2 was even with the tiny dev time given. Alpha Protocol is looking pretty good as well, but we'll have to wait until release to see if they've lost it.
He says it's not the cover story, but doesn't say that FO:NV isn't covered at all.
"Hari-Kiri" aka Seppuku is a Japanese ritual not Chinese.
I'm still confused as to what exactly fallout vegas is...

is it like fallout3 or are they using a different engine...or are we back to isometric view?
I'm still confused as to what exactly fallout vegas is...

is it like fallout3 or are they using a different engine...or are we back to isometric view?

Its an entirely new game that uses Fallout 3 (same engine, perspective, etc.) as a base. It seems like there will be more elements from the classic games in it this time, and it seems less "dumbed down" if you will than FO3. Should be the better game if Obsidian gets enough time to actually finish it, which they usually don't.
Seeing as though some of greats from Fallout 2 and Van Buren (the Interplay F3) are working as leads on the project, I have high hopes. Higher hopes that Beth's F3.
Yeah, they're publishing I believe. They do own the Fallout IP at least.
Seeing as though some of greats from Fallout 2 and Van Buren (the Interplay F3) are working as leads on the project, I have high hopes.

Me too, but don't trust too much on former great games designers. They may fail as well. Two examples: Richard Garriott (Ultima series) and Petroglyph Games (Command & Conquer when they were Westwood Studios). Their last works are quite mediocre.
Me too, but don't trust too much on former great games designers. They may fail as well. Two examples: Richard Garriott (Ultima series) and Petroglyph Games (Command & Conquer when they were Westwood Studios). Their last works are quite mediocre.

Chris Avellone.

I really liked F3. probably one of my fave games of all time. vehicles could ruin or improve the experience. however it's not by bethesda so that makes me even more weary
All time?

Bethesda's recent games have been good games I'll admit, but far from great.

I'd say both Fallout 3 and Oblivion without mods are 7/10 games.
I never played any Beth games before F3, except Skynet but that was made long time ago. Remember kids, don't listen your friends when buying games.
In my opinions, Bethesdas older games were far better, Daggerfall still has a very very special place in my heart.
All time?

Bethesda's recent games have been good games I'll admit, but far from great.

I'd say both Fallout 3 and Oblivion without mods are 7/10 games.

I'd agree with this sentiment. Morrowind on the other hand easily gets 9.5/10 and is one of my top 20 games I'd say.
Please no facegen heads.

ooh awesome, cant wait as ive just hit lvl30 on F3 and am putting it back on the shelf for now.

if that is an actual screenshot then it does indeed look awfully similar to F3 (which i have no problem with). For a second i thought it was an F3 screen with a 'Welcome to Vegas' silhouette photoshopped onto that hill... but looking at the rifle, it seems the outline is slightly different to the hunting rifle in F3, so it probably is a New Vegas screen. Looks like a 12/13 on his back too.
It's F3 with a shopped Vegas sign.
It's F3 with a shopped Vegas sign.

i choose to ignore the ridiculously dark silhouette compared to the surrounding landscape lest my bubble becomes thoroughly burst.

...i really want this game
if that is an actual screenshot then it does indeed look awfully similar to F3 (which i have no problem with). For a second i thought it was an F3 screen with a 'Welcome to Vegas' silhouette photoshopped onto that hill... but looking at the rifle, it seems the outline is slightly different to the hunting rifle in F3, so it probably is a New Vegas screen. Looks like a 12/13 on his back too.

Vault 12 is the Necropolis Vault. Vault 13 is the original Vault from Fo1.

We have enough Vaults already.
if that is an actual screenshot then it does indeed look awfully similar to F3 (which i have no problem with).

You should have, the engine powering Fallout 3 is an absolutely mediocre middleware engine that doesn't really perform well in any major area.

I wish Bethesda wouldn't be such lazy asses and would actually code their own engine.

Also Mika, why even bother? Bodhi is but an initiate into the glory that is the Fallout universe, his sole taste of it lies within the foul poisonous vemon that is Fallout 3! Can he be saved? I think not!
Gamebryo's not a horrible engine, it's just a horribly outdated version that Bethesda uses. It gets the job done but is horribly limited and outdated.
well i think to be fair F3 has some great vistas, but yes animations can be awful (especially going up/down hills or sideways - pretty much every direction lol) and people do look like theyre made of wax...

anyway as i said before im still cracking on with F1 (finished the waterchip quest, fixed the nice ghouls water pump and a few other bits), its growing on me but i still havnt seen anything of the 'incredible stories and characters' that you guys said separate it from F3.
yeah i have met harold but wanted to get the waterchip quest done before i went off on a tangent. what should i expect?