Famous People You Know


Jul 19, 2011
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So, plain and simple. Who are those famous people that you know. How are you acquainted?

Anyway here's an easy one for me that I can think of. One of mine is a drummer, Brian Dietz I went to school with. He's in a band The Bunny the Bear.

heres a newer video:

I know its not everyone's cup of tea but as of lately I'm an even bigger fan.

Also one of those 6 segrees of separation. My father was 3 steps away from President Bush Sr, and my sister in law has two relatives that are famous. One is in a band that just got signed: Colors in the Air a local band that is making it big (hopefully) and one of the most best Opera singers in Europe, I can't remember her name but she's really big overseas right now. That and I also went to school with a Calvin Klein's supermodel and a few others. A friend of mine from work:
He moved away a few years back. So crazy I worked with him and now hes in Taiwan entertaining
My dad is an actor, so I know a lot of people who are very well known in the Irish theatre/film scene, including some very successful playwrights and TV actors, but I doubt their fame has made it across the Atlantic, except perhaps Enda Walsh. I played with the magnets on his fridge once when I was a kid. Through him, my father is also slightly acquainted with Cillian Murphy (who was in Inception and Batman and such), but I've never met him myself.
I'm friendly with someone who starred in a CBBC program. My dad was also childhood friends with Hugo Weaving. That's pretty much it..
My second cousin, Eric Carr, was the drummer for Kiss.
I can't think of anyone I personally know. Supposedly my friend's brother-in-law is one of the co-owners of the 9:30 Club in DC. Everyone else I know is boring! :p

Edit: Also one of my friends knew the Chocolate Rain dude in college. But not friends with him. He gave me an mp3 of an older song by him from before Chocolate Rain came out.
Uhh... I was on TV a few times for various lame reasons. Don't really know any famous people though.

One of my RL friends is friends with John Darnielle from The Mountain Goats. He's pretty goddamn indie.
One of my cousins is a guitarist for some famous band that I dont like. Nirvana or NIN or something, I can't remember, didn't really care.
My deceased aunt was a playboy bunny who had a part in Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams, banged Paul Stanley, and chilled with Journey on one occasion.
Was acquaintances/friends with a 'relatively' minor actor for a little while. Been so long I don't remember her name anymore though. The crazy games some of those people play.

Other than that though, nope, not really anybody.
Haha. I doubt any of them were ever recorded on video. I was in a commercial for Jeopardy once when Jeopardy came to film in the area and a film crew accosted a few of my friends and me at the mall (I was probably 15) to sing the Jeopardy theme. The commercial was a bunch of spliced videos of different groups of people doing it, we ended up as 3 or 4 seconds of the commercial.

Then I was interviewed randomly for a news segment a year or two later (still in high school) near my school. Don't remember what it was about but as a 17 year old I probably said something relatively dumb in an attempt to be cool.

I think that's it, besides like elementary school plays I was in being on public access cable and jazz band performances in middle school being shown on the news and school district channel a couple of times.
So how about someone actually famous hmm? ;)

I've never heard of any of these people.

But speaking of this topic, remember that hl2.net anonymous confessions thread? Someone wrote that they were actually a famous person (musician?) but was keeping it a secret. I wonder if that was actually true.
Me neighbor's daughter grew up with Jessica Alba. That's the closest I've gotten as far as I know.
Alba lived in my town. Aw ye.
I've received a postcard from Astronautalis. That's about it. So... no one.
My mom grew up next to Richard Dean Anderson aka MACGYVER for a couple years in Minnesota. They might have kissed once? Not sure.


I personally know Samon very well. There aren't any famous people in Finland so the closest to having met a famous people is talking to David Lynch in davidlynch.com chat room or having Jennifer Lynch in facebook.
I met Yoko Ono at a ski resort in BC once. She was kind of a bitch.
One of my RL friends is friends with John Darnielle from The Mountain Goats. He's pretty goddamn indie.
No shit? I am a huge fan of that band. Wait until Toaster gets word of this, she will actually flip her shit.

A friend of mine at university went out (and may still be going out for all I know) with Anna Popplewell, the older girl in the Narnia films. He and she were both part of the whole theatre crowd, the students who spent a great deal of their time writing, acting in or producing amateur plays. They were often pretty good (I went to a few of them). She herself was fairly nice; she always seemed somehow stuck-up, but I think she was just a little distant through no particular defect of her own. We met or talked occasionally, so I'd say we were acquaintances, but other friends knew her better by virtue of being closer to her boyfriend.
No shit? I am a huge fan of that band.

When I read this sentence, I immediately had an image of you sweating nervously at the computer as Toaster watched closely from behind to make sure you were typing something ultra positive about The Mountain Goats.
I shook hands with Mikhail Gorbachev when he visited Vancouver. I was a babe in arms. He must have thought I was some escaped-communist-lovechild or some shit.
What for? Do you actually know him?

I actually have no real explanation for it. I'm pretty poor at reading cursive and his signature was pretty messy. So it was just this really bizarre postcard of this natural rockbridge in Virginia (and that's pretty much all he wrote about on it too) sent from Seattle. It also was sent pretty near my birthday. The details of it were so odd I always meant to post a thread about it on here but kept forgetting. Anyway, my friend was looking at it one day and noticed the signature looked a lot like it does on the cover of his CD I have.

So yeah, I googled the phenomenon and it seems to have happened a few times that people have posted about on the internet. I bought a t-shirt from his site, so that explains why he has my address. So I guess he just picks people who have bought things from him at random and sends them postcards? Maybe for their birthday? Anyway, gonna cherish it forever.
I actually have no real explanation for it. I'm pretty poor at reading cursive and his signature was pretty messy. So it was just this really bizarre postcard of this natural rockbridge in Virginia (and that's pretty much all he wrote about on it too) sent from Seattle. It also was sent pretty near my birthday. The details of it were so odd I always meant to post a thread about it on here but kept forgetting. Anyway, my friend was looking at it one day and noticed the signature looked a lot like it does on the cover of his CD I have.

So yeah, I googled the phenomenon and it seems to have happened a few times that people have posted about on the internet. I bought a t-shirt from his site, so that explains why he has my address. So I guess he just picks people who have bought things from him at random and sends them postcards? Maybe for their birthday? Anyway, gonna cherish it forever.

He's been talking about making hand-made one of a kind stuff for special editions of his new album, so I wouldn't doubt it.
My uncle plays D&D with him!

I don't really know anyone famous, although I am related to Jack Horner (from the nursery rhyme)
I actually have no real explanation for it. I'm pretty poor at reading cursive and his signature was pretty messy. So it was just this really bizarre postcard of this natural rockbridge in Virginia (and that's pretty much all he wrote about on it too) sent from Seattle. It also was sent pretty near my birthday. The details of it were so odd I always meant to post a thread about it on here but kept forgetting. Anyway, my friend was looking at it one day and noticed the signature looked a lot like it does on the cover of his CD I have.

So yeah, I googled the phenomenon and it seems to have happened a few times that people have posted about on the internet. I bought a t-shirt from his site, so that explains why he has my address. So I guess he just picks people who have bought things from him at random and sends them postcards? Maybe for their birthday? Anyway, gonna cherish it forever.

Thats awesome. Makes me wish I didn't buy his Pomegranate album off Amazon.
Robert Plant (Led Zep lead singer) lives in my town and is a member of our tennis club. I've met him once at some local charity gig, he bought a pint of Enville Ale.
KiplingsCat's dad knows the guy who played Mord in Game of Thrones.
Oh yes that's right, I forgot about him. He's great craic.

(Incidentally, my father also once shared a bed with Graham Norton while on tour).
(Incidentally, my father also once shared a bed with Graham Norton while on tour).

lol fags.

If we're talking about people we know how know famous people, my friend texted me from the airport once to say he met Jim Gaffigan. And my brother met Adam from Mythbusters and had a photo taken with him,
Martin Savidge was in my house when I was ~7-ish when he was covering the wildfires in my area in 98. The CNN truck was parked in my driveway and he interviewed my family about the fires.
No shit? I am a huge fan of that band. Wait until Toaster gets word of this, she will actually flip her shit.

A friend of mine at university went out (and may still be going out for all I know) with Anna Popplewell, the older girl in the Narnia films. He and she were both part of the whole theatre crowd, the students who spent a great deal of their time writing, acting in or producing amateur plays. They were often pretty good (I went to a few of them). She herself was fairly nice; she always seemed somehow stuck-up, but I think she was just a little distant through no particular defect of her own. We met or talked occasionally, so I'd say we were acquaintances, but other friends knew her better by virtue of being closer to her boyfriend.

holyohmygodiamnotevenBREATHINGHOLYGODISTHISREALLIFE. I need to be introduced pretty much immediately. But subtly, you know? I don't want your friend thinking that I'm just using him to talk to JD, that would be like, really sad for your friend and I would feel bad if he knew.


Oh and um I guess when I was like eight years old (I think) my mother and I met Olivia Newton John while disembarking from a tiny plane flying (I think) from one California airport to another. My mother said she was a big fan and she still watched Grease all the time (total bullshit). Another time I met an Australian on a very long flight who told me a story about how he nudged Tom Cruise (except, he didn't realise it was Tom Cruise until later) out of the way to see his daughter finishing up her dance class.
Hahahah. You guys would fit in just great with all the hipsters and indie kids around here. I haven't met Darnielle myself, I just saw him comment on some of my friend's Facebook statuses with such things like "yeah we should totally get together and talk about this some more". I didn't think it was the real Darnielle until I clicked on his profile and saw that Kimya Dawson has commented on some of his profile pictures...
The Wizard of New Zealand came to my eighth birthday party.

**** y'all, it counts.
That whole wikipedia article is just WTF after WTF :D