fao: Seasoned Key-binders


Nov 27, 2003
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I want to have it, so that my walk key toggles. Is there a way to do this?!

As an incentive to help me - I could... er... dunno make a spray for the first person to get me the answer... :frog:
I have no idea if its possible, but I would like to have it also. :dork:
alias crouchon "+duck; bind space crouchoff"
alias crouchoff "-duck; bind space crouchon"
bind "space" "crouchon"
Man, Im new to CS, but look at that script, and learn

A man who knows how to fish is never hungry :-)
Bicka said:
alias crouchon "+duck; bind space crouchoff"
alias crouchoff "-duck; bind space crouchon"
bind "space" "crouchon"
Cool trick there Bicka. Cheers :)
Bicka said:
alias crouchon "+duck; bind space crouchoff"
alias crouchoff "-duck; bind space crouchon"
bind "space" "crouchon"
thank you Bicka... although after actually trying it in-game.. I learned that I actually just prefer a sore pinky/holding crouch.\
thanks again though :)
Does anybody have a reference sheet for all the possible keybindings used for gameplay?
Bicka said:
alias crouchon "+duck; bind space crouchoff"
alias crouchoff "-duck; bind space crouchon"
bind "space" "crouchon"
Does other types of birds work as well? :E Oh I'm so funny today ;)
in console, type: bind shift and see what it tells you it's bound to, then use the toggable crouch script above and replace +duck and -duck with whatever "bind shift" told you

should be +walk if i recall correctly
Sweet. Now I just need one to buy vest+helmet+he with one key.

Will it save aliases that are added from the console?

Why yes, I am new... why do you ask? ;)
bind key "buy vesthelm; buy hegrenade"

type 'bind' to see all the pre-defined buy aliases and then just follow the syntax above to make your own binds


bind mouse3 "buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang"
bind mouse4 "buy primammo; buy secammo"
bind mouse5 "buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy vesthelm; buy vest"

the last one will buy either an ak47 or m4a1 depending on you being CT or T and a vest+helmet or just vest if you can't afford the vest+helmet

yes, it should save it all, unless you exit with a crash
there must be a command to save your config but i dunno it right now but i'm sure someone will bring it up :)
Now thats what I call service! Thanks m8.

(Man this site rocks)
I'd like to bind "buy HE" + "throw HE" to the same button. In this case, the scrollwheel. HE-spamming :D How would I do that? Maybe Buy with scroll down & throw with scroll up?
Ahh... brings back the good old days of messing around in Jedi Knight's console.

Typing +Taunt in console turned on the taunt and you never stopped.
So you'd run around as a storm trooper saying "Hey, you there! Hey, you there! Hey, you there! Hey, you there!" Never-ending until the admin finally booted you.

Good times.
I'm not sure wether it saves actually : /
I just tried and it didnt seem to have saved my bindings.
Tlaloc said:
bind key "buy vesthelm; buy hegrenade"

type 'bind' to see all the pre-defined buy aliases and then just follow the syntax above to make your own binds


bind mouse3 "buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang"
bind mouse4 "buy primammo; buy secammo"
bind mouse5 "buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy vesthelm; buy vest"

the last one will buy either an ak47 or m4a1 depending on you being CT or T and a vest+helmet or just vest if you can't afford the vest+helmet

yes, it should save it all, unless you exit with a crash
there must be a command to save your config but i dunno it right now but i'm sure someone will bring it up :)

thanks, Tlaloc.

any word on why valve removed the very handy prioritized buy scripts in cs: source? they are very flexible/useful in condition zero.
DuB said:
I want to have it, so that my walk key toggles. Is there a way to do this?!

As an incentive to help me - I could... er... dunno make a spray for the first person to get me the answer... :frog:
here are my aliases.cfg

// Weapon Selectors (c0ax's editted)
alias wb      "wknife; wsec; wpri"
alias wpri    "weaps1;weaps2;weaps3;weaps4"
alias wsec    "use weapon_usp;use weapon_glock;use weapon_deagle;use weapon_p228;use weapon_elite;use weapon_fiveseven"
alias wknife  "use weapon_knife"
alias wc4     "use weapon_c4"
alias whe     "use weapon_hegrenade"
alias wflash  "use weapon_flashbang"
alias wsmoke  "use weapon_smokegrenade"
alias weaps1  "use weapon_m3;use weapon_xm1014"
alias weaps2  "use weapon_mac10;use weapon_tmp;use weapon_mp5navy;use weapon_ump45;use weapon_p90;"
alias weaps3  "use weapon_famas;use weapon_galil;use weapon_ak47;use weapon_m4a1;use weapon_sg550;use weapon_aug;"
alias weaps4  "use weapon_scout;use weapon_awp;use weapon_g3sg1;use weapon_sg552;use weapon_m249"
// (c0ax end)

// Jump/Crouch with Toggle Crouch
alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; duck_off"
alias duck_t   "duck_on"
alias duck_on  "alias duck_t duck_off; +duck;"
alias duck_off "alias duck_t duck_on; -duck;"

// Toggle Walk
alias walk_t   "walk_on"
alias walk_on  "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed;"
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed;"

// Plant Bomb
alias +bomb "wc4; +duck; wait; wait; wait; wait; +attack; wait; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team PLANTING!!!"
alias -bomb "-duck; -attack; slot10; wb;"

bind   "a"         "duck_t"
bind   "w"         "+bomb"
bind   "mouse2"    "+cjump"
bind   "capslock"  "walk_t"

Pay attention to how I do the Toggle crouch. This is set so that when you jump it undoes your toggled crouch (if ur using the jump/crouch bind). For the bomb plant teamsays PLANTING!!! and radios cover me while planting...on release it switches to your primary weapon with secondary on quickswitch

If ya need buyscripts lemme know.
Bicka said:
alias crouchon "+duck; bind space crouchoff"
alias crouchoff "-duck; bind space crouchon"
bind "space" "crouchon"
it is very difficult but I have found that if the script inside is too long if you put the reworking aliases last when using the +/- sometimes it doesn't get the change to rebind it ... in other words for saftey I always put those first

edit: just read that not very clear. i always rebind or change the alias (as I do in mine) before performing the action...that way you are sure you will uncrouch when you hit it the second time.
I don't get how to save my config though... ie. I have to re-do the binding when I re-start CS.
Put your scripts into your userconfig.cfg so it auto-execs when you start cs, or make a separate config file for your binds and exec yourself.
BigWalnutZ said:
here are my aliases.cfg

// Weapon Selectors (c0ax's editted)
alias wb      "wknife; wsec; wpri"
alias wpri    "weaps1;weaps2;weaps3;weaps4"
alias wsec    "use weapon_usp;use weapon_glock;use weapon_deagle;use weapon_p228;use weapon_elite;use weapon_fiveseven"
alias wknife  "use weapon_knife"
alias wc4     "use weapon_c4"
alias whe     "use weapon_hegrenade"
alias wflash  "use weapon_flashbang"
alias wsmoke  "use weapon_smokegrenade"
alias weaps1  "use weapon_m3;use weapon_xm1014"
alias weaps2  "use weapon_mac10;use weapon_tmp;use weapon_mp5navy;use weapon_ump45;use weapon_p90;"
alias weaps3  "use weapon_famas;use weapon_galil;use weapon_ak47;use weapon_m4a1;use weapon_sg550;use weapon_aug;"
alias weaps4  "use weapon_scout;use weapon_awp;use weapon_g3sg1;use weapon_sg552;use weapon_m249"
// (c0ax end)

// Jump/Crouch with Toggle Crouch
alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; duck_off"
alias duck_t   "duck_on"
alias duck_on  "alias duck_t duck_off; +duck;"
alias duck_off "alias duck_t duck_on; -duck;"

// Toggle Walk
alias walk_t   "walk_on"
alias walk_on  "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed;"
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed;"

// Plant Bomb
alias +bomb "wc4; +duck; wait; wait; wait; wait; +attack; wait; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team PLANTING!!!"
alias -bomb "-duck; -attack; slot10; wb;"

bind   "a"         "duck_t"
bind   "w"         "+bomb"
bind   "mouse2"    "+cjump"
bind   "capslock"  "walk_t"

Pay attention to how I do the Toggle crouch. This is set so that when you jump it undoes your toggled crouch (if ur using the jump/crouch bind). For the bomb plant teamsays PLANTING!!! and radios cover me while planting...on release it switches to your primary weapon with secondary on quickswitch

If ya need buyscripts lemme know.

Nice. Do you happen to know if it's possible to bind the Radio Messages to keys as well?
// CS1.6 to CS:S radio Commands Compatibility Aliases
alias w "wait;"
alias w2 "w;w;"
alias s10 "slot10;"
alias clear_menu "s10;w2;s10;w2;s10;w;s10;s10;w;s10;"
alias coverme "radio1;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias takepoint "radio1;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias holdpos "radio1;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias regroup "radio1;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias followme "radio1;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias takingfire "radio1;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias go "radio2;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias fallback "radio2;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias sticktog "radio2;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias getinpos "radio2;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias stormfront "radio2;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias report "radio2;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias roger "radio3;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias enemyspot "radio3;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias needbackup "radio3;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias sectorclear "radio3;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias inposition "radio3;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias reportingin "radio3;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias getout "radio3;menuselect 7;clear_menu;"
alias negative "radio3;menuselect 8;clear_menu;"
alias enemydown "radio3;menuselect 9;clear_menu;"
82ross said:
// CS1.6 to CS:S radio Commands Compatibility Aliases
alias w "wait;"
alias w2 "w;w;"
alias s10 "slot10;"
alias clear_menu "s10;w2;s10;w2;s10;w;s10;s10;w;s10;"
alias coverme "radio1;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias takepoint "radio1;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias holdpos "radio1;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias regroup "radio1;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias followme "radio1;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias takingfire "radio1;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias go "radio2;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias fallback "radio2;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias sticktog "radio2;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias getinpos "radio2;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias stormfront "radio2;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias report "radio2;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias roger "radio3;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias enemyspot "radio3;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias needbackup "radio3;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias sectorclear "radio3;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias inposition "radio3;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias reportingin "radio3;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias getout "radio3;menuselect 7;clear_menu;"
alias negative "radio3;menuselect 8;clear_menu;"
alias enemydown "radio3;menuselect 9;clear_menu;"
nice I was gonna say you can do it that way ^^^^^ or I thought there was a new way just like u can buy things without the menuselct now. i'll have to hunt because I am not sure.

edit: now that I look at urs there are way too friggen many menu clears...holy smokes. i know sometimes lag make it not register if you don't have a bunch but sheesh
82ross said:
// CS1.6 to CS:S radio Commands Compatibility Aliases
alias w "wait;"
alias w2 "w;w;"
alias s10 "slot10;"
alias clear_menu "s10;w2;s10;w2;s10;w;s10;s10;w;s10;"
alias coverme "radio1;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias takepoint "radio1;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias holdpos "radio1;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias regroup "radio1;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias followme "radio1;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias takingfire "radio1;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias go "radio2;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias fallback "radio2;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias sticktog "radio2;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias getinpos "radio2;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias stormfront "radio2;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias report "radio2;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias roger "radio3;menuselect 1;clear_menu;"
alias enemyspot "radio3;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias needbackup "radio3;menuselect 3;clear_menu;"
alias sectorclear "radio3;menuselect 4;clear_menu;"
alias inposition "radio3;menuselect 5;clear_menu;"
alias reportingin "radio3;menuselect 6;clear_menu;"
alias getout "radio3;menuselect 7;clear_menu;"
alias negative "radio3;menuselect 8;clear_menu;"
alias enemydown "radio3;menuselect 9;clear_menu;"

Say - I've got the wierdest problem... when I try the radio command bindings in Single player (ie I make a server) it works - but when I use them online, the radio command menu doesn't close... any ideas?
You can try to put a couple of wait;'s in between the radio menu and the menu select since some servers lag and it takes a while for the radio menu to come up.
Lep said:
You can try to put a couple of wait;'s in between the radio menu and the menu select since some servers lag and it takes a while for the radio menu to come up.

Getting the same issue. "clear_menu" is not working. :(
is there any way to make it automatically radio ENEMY DOWN every time you kill someone?
this may or may not fix it...not at comp with CS:S on it:
alias +enemyspot "radio3;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias -enemyspot "clear_menu;"
if not try a few more
alias +enemyspot "radio3;menuselect 2;clear_menu;"
alias -enemyspot "clear_menu;clear_menu;clear_menu"
the add massive amounts of waits of that didn't work
for those of you who don't know the "+" means it is executed while holding the key down. "-" is executed when you let the key go

edit: dunno why it says "me nu" it doesn';t say that when i type it only when it is displaayed
Them CS 1.6 2 CSS conversion binds arent mine. I just used them a few days ago when i decided to use radio binds again. The clear and wait commands work fine for me, so i never changed them.
And what would my bind be in that case? "+enemeyspot" ?
adding the 'waits' does'nt seem to work for me on servers. Still leaves the radio menu open.
alias enemyspot "radio3;menuselect 2;w2;w2;clear_menu;"
// Toggle Walk
alias walk_t "walk_on"
alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed;"
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed;"

bind "capslock" "walk_t"
for some reason that doesnt work for me.

// Plant Bomb
alias +bomb "wc4; +duck; wait; wait; wait; wait; +attack; wait; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team PLANTING!!!"
alias -bomb "-duck; -attack; slot10; wb;"

bind "w" "+bomb"
can i just change that "w" to "ctrl"? because i use "w" to move forward.
// Toggle Walk
alias walk_t "walk_on"
alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed;"
alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed;"

bind "capslock" "walk_t"
// Plant Bomb
alias +bomb "wc4; +duck; wait; wait; wait; wait; +attack; wait; radio1; menuselect 1; slot10; say_team PLANTING!!!"
alias -bomb "-duck; -attack; slot10; wb;"

bind "w" "+bomb"
for some reason toggle walk doesnt work for me.

can i just change that "w" to "ctrl"? because i use "w" to move forward.