Far Cry demo...When is it out?


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
Far Cry demo

Anybody know when the far cry demo is going to be released? hopefully before the full game is.
Damn, I thought you were going to say "Download it here".

Ahh, the false hope of Thread topics.
They haven't announced an official date but the beta sign ups just ended.
got me all excited. Even tho my comp probably cant even handle it. *smiles delightfully at the thought of a new computer come january*
hopefully ill get to be in the beta when they announce it 22nd-28th :)
Wow, I didn't even know they were going to have a demo... Yes yes, this must be good news!!
I too am prayin' that I get picked for the Beta testing... *crosses fingers*
The game certainly is going to kick major arse.

Can't wait to try it. I'm very excited about FC.
Feath said:
Damn, I thought you were going to say "Download it here".

Ahh, the false hope of Thread topics.
Same here *grumbles like an old man* we should ban him for getting our hopes up! ;) joking of course.. We should tar and feather him instead
Same.... damnit! dont trick us like that!
Praying, praying to get into the Beta Test. Been waiting on this one for a while now, and every tidbit of info or screenshot I see makes me want the game ten times more!
mrBadger said:
Yeah me too Abom :D

It's overtaken HL2 in my game-wanting ness

You just wait until Valve releases new screenshots, movies, and will say that HL2 demo comes out soon, you will be all over HL2 once again :)

As for Farcry, great game, but I don't like settings. Terrorists, islands, too much green (nuke the world I say!). But if demo comes out, I will try it anyway :)
Farcry MP looks like it might have a chance...

But imo the singleplayer is going to be CRAP with a CRAP story. You ask..."How do you know that?" Well, i dont know. But i just have this REALLY ****ING WEIRD FEELING ABOUT IT.
see, i've never seen any far cry stuff and i don't plan to... because then it won't feel like 1,000,000 years before it's released..... and besides, even if u don't get picked for beta testing... it will be released on IRC within days :p
mrBadger said:
Yeah me too Abom :D

It's overtaken HL2 in my game-wanting ness
FC has had my #1 anticipation spot since.. uhmm.. mid-October :)
Shuzer said:
FC has had my #1 anticipation spot since.. uhmm.. mid-October :)

heh, n3Wbz..... :p

i don't have to anticipate it!!! heheh heheheheh heh eheh eh ehheh eheheheh he heh heheh heheh eheh eh eh heh...... jump on the non-anticipation bandwagon!!!

*thehunter1320 builds the non-anticipation wagon

*thehunter1320 dies of non-anticipation
thehunter1320 said:
heh, n3Wbz..... :p

i don't have to anticipate it!!! heheh heheheheh heh eheh eh ehheh eheheheh he heh heheh heheh eheh eh eh heh...... jump on the non-anticipation bandwagon!!!

*thehunter1320 builds the non-anticipation wagon

*thehunter1320 dies of non-anticipation
..you've gone insane! lol, lack of HL2 information getting to you or something? :)
Farcry looks like the shiznit. After seeing that AI demo on the media page, it looks so awesome, especiallt compared to Deus Ex. Like if you shoot one guy in a group of people there like "Oh shit!" and the other three run for cover. Looks awesome.
Since i'm not a sadistic mod...I've changed the title of the thread so it doesn't harm anyone else..

Farcry looks like the shiznit. After seeing that AI demo on the media page, it looks so awesome, especiallt compared to Deus Ex. Like if you shoot one guy in a group of people there like "Oh shit!" and the other three run for cover. Looks awesome.

Shame they dont try and drag the disabled person to safety. That would be one of those little features that just tips the game over the amazing edge.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Shame they dont try and drag the disabled person to safety. That would be one of those little features that just tips the game over the amazing edge.

He shot him in the face with a sniper rifle. There was nothing left to drag.
Indeed... actaully, there is footage of AI enemies searching their mate's dead bodies :P

Goes like this:

Two blokes standing around, and one of them gets shot, the other guy runs over to his mate, crouches down, and examines his corpse
mrBadger said:
Indeed... actaully, there is footage of AI enemies searching their mate's dead bodies :P

Goes like this:

Two blokes standing around, and one of them gets shot, the other guy runs over to his mate, crouches down, and examines his corpse

Cool... I want this game. NOW!. Why do I have to wait for everything?

So does FarCry come with co-op? That would be so sweeeeeet!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they going to release a MP and SP demo(s)?
The Terminator said:
Can only hope. How long is the beta expected to last?

I don't think it's a long period, a week or so. Maybe less.
Abom|nation said:
I don't think it's a long period, a week or so. Maybe less.

Oh thats good, must be just makin sure no bugs for when they relase the demo. CANT WAIT!
so there will be a farcry demo?? coool....umm...is this multiplayer or just single player?
for fact...not guessing or prettty sure
they promised a singleplayer demo..... so im guessin it will come out at the beggining of Feb since i heard the game will come out mid feb/march But who knows Crytek has been very good on releasing media... theres about 400 screenshots and 20 movies out there for the game. And they havent lied yet... unlike another company we know...... CoughValveCough........ sry i have a cold :)
lmao at chris_3....hhehe cough cough......i dont think valve lied....i just think they under estimate too much.....its always better to over estimate....cause then the public is happy when u release the game early!! :D