Far Cry or UT2004?

Which game?

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Sep 3, 2003
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For those of you who don't want to spend money on more than one game a month, which of these two "Next Gen" FPS's will you be spending your hard earned cash to purchase?
FarCry and added a poll to the thread.
D33 said:
FarCry and added a poll to the thread.
BFV if i to choose one....and is UT2004 a nextgen??? for nextgen i would choose farcry...but im getting all 3....OMG I NEED MORE HD space..i got like 10 gb left
i absolutely adore UT2004, as i am more of a MP gamer than SP. i like far cry, but tbh it doesnt offer me alot apart from good graphics and big enviroments. im still considering wether to get it or not. UT2004, however, is exacty what games are meant to be... fun, fun! FUN! plus, you can still have a fun night 'out' with m8s....
plus, theres a cool SP mode in UT2004 where you build a team out of mercinaries, getting money and winning tornimants. and it has gr8 ai apparantly.
I vote UT2004. Not because I like it, which I do (but not enough to buy it instead of BFV), it's just that Far Cry feels like a game tacked on to show off the CRYengine... engine.
UT2k4 for sure. Far Cry feels flawed, plus I prefer the online capabilities and feel of UT2k4.

It feels like a new game compared to UT2K3 with vehicles and such.
I'll be purchasing both but if I could only have one it would be Far Cry simply because I prefer single player games.
I'll be getting both games too, but I'd say FarCry if I had to choose between them.
i like sneaky games so its farcry for me, i preordered yesterday. gonna mod for farcry, the mapping prog looks great.
I think i'll go with FarCry, I generally dislike games that put Multiplayer before Singleplayer.
mortiz said:
I think i'll go with FarCry, I generally dislike games that put Multiplayer before Singleplayer.

just out of intrest, why? i mean, MP allows you to play with freinds but SP is usually rather linear. im not sparking an argument here im just interested.
Suicide42 said:
just out of intrest, why? i mean, MP allows you to play with freinds but SP is usually rather linear. im not sparking an argument here im just interested.

Because MP is overall rather shallow, SP allows you to undergo an immersive story while MP is pretty repetitive.
But it also depends on the gameplay of the game, for a game like UT2k4, I wouldn't like to see a SP version, but the same goes for some good SP games that shouldn't get a MP version.
And lineairity isn't bad, just as long as it doesn't limit the gameplay. I'd prefer a well structured SP game with lineair but good leveldesign any day above a non-lineair game without a feeling of a story or whatever.

I'd definitely go with UT2k4, no doubt there for me.
Suicide42 said:
just out of intrest, why? i mean, MP allows you to play with freinds but SP is usually rather linear. im not sparking an argument here im just interested.

It's just I prefer to play games for plot (like reading a book).
I like SP when its well done and the focus. That said I prefer a purpose-built MP game like BFV because I'm going to be playing it well past this year.
Out of the two I'd have to go with Farcry just because UT2004 is best at a LAN or similar event and those only come along once in a while.
I see no BOTH option...since I will be getting BOTH. UT2k4 first, because it comes out first. :)
UT2k4 for me.

I played the FarCry demo from PC gamer and it sucked ass, now im pretty sure the full game will be much better than that demo but it has still turned me off of Farcry for now.
FarCry for me. I'm just no into UT-type gameplay. I played the UT2k4-demo and it was really good, but just not for me.

NB the new SplinterCell game and BF:Vietnam also come out at the end of march. Between all four I will probably choose for BF first, then SplinterCell, and FarCry on third place. Let the flaming begin!
Me too. I'll buy both but if I had to choose one it'd be Far Cry. Why? I don't have broadband.
I'm not usually a twitchy-type guy, but UT2k4 is so well balanced that it is a blast to play. I'm obsessed with that demo. Best demo since Call of Duty, imho.
A2597 said:
I see no BOTH option...since I will be getting BOTH. UT2k4 first, because it comes out first. :)

There's no both option because he asked "If you could only afford one.." :)
If I could only afford one game....come on, what kind of question is that?! If I had to choose, it would be....wait a minute did anyone notice in Far Cry how the shooting is a little bit delayed? I'm not sure if thats just my computer but I don't really feel the power of the guns in Far Cry like I do in UT2004. Any by the way, do you think this is the last installment of the Unreal Tournament series? I think it is.
csmighty1 said:
If I could only afford one game....come on, what kind of question is that?! If I had to choose, it would be....wait a minute did anyone notice in Far Cry how the shooting is a little bit delayed? I'm not sure if thats just my computer but I don't really feel the power of the guns in Far Cry like I do in UT2004. Any by the way, do you think this is the last installment of the Unreal Tournament series? I think it is.

You're experiencing mouse lag in FC, I used to experience that, but I formatted into Windows Server 2003 and tada, issue solved. Runs alot smoother too..

besides, the full game will be better optimized
Those ten new movies of FarCry on IGN had it looking like it was running great.
Argh...I keep trying to check stuff out at IGN, but for some reason all I get with their movie links is nothing.
Heres home BF:V is the deadest game of the year! :)
(As in, behind UT2k4, farcry, doom3, stalker, AND HL2! :) )
Those new movies on IGN do look like it's running at 50-60 fps. Maybe since the demo they did some tweaking or something. We'll find out on the 23rd :)
AmishSlayer said:
Those new movies on IGN do look like it's running at 50-60 fps. Maybe since the demo they did some tweaking or something. We'll find out on the 23rd :)

Yeah, the devs said they have made major improvements (general) since the demos, soo.. I can't see it not being really well optimized :bounce:
Thought I'd point out that my copy of BF:V just shipped. I imagine UT2004 is doing the same.
Ut2004 is a piece of crap imo.. just like ut2003 was. bad gameplay.

Imma go with far cry :]

( you can't even compare the two in my opinion..)