Far Cry SDK is out!


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
I guess they finally wanted to release it. :hmph:
Still no updated 1.2 patch though.
When you start a thread, it helps if you post a link.:)
Sedako said:
Still no updated 1.2 patch though.

Interesting also is that if you read the read me file it says that this is the SDK for verison 1.0 and then says that this was updated on the 30th of july. I bet the the 1.2 patch was messing up the sdk software or something.
FinaLLY!!~~ You think people care anymore? ^_^
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
lol...nobody gives a shit since D3 is starting to hit the streets...

Ahh, so true, their timing was terrible. Like releasing a romantic comedy in the same weekend of Star Wars, gg.
Now the worst thing Doom3 can do is release their modding tools the same timeframe when Half-Life 2 gets released. Actually, I'd kinda like it that way. ^_^

PS: 1,000 Posts! WOOOOOTTT! Heeeeyah!
....just in time for the mod community to be crushed by doom 3......
Sorry Crytek - but it's a tad late.
Yeah nice timing Crytek you're only a few months and many fans late.
Makes you wonder... is there actually anyone with Far Cry still installed on their pc's?
PvtRyan said:
Makes you wonder... is there actually anyone with Far Cry still installed on their pc's?

I have it installed!
I still have it installed... haven't played it in over 3 months though... beat the damn game in two days.
I uninstalled long ago when I saw the size of the first patch, and heard just how horribly unstable default multiplayer was from a friend. Still think FC was a solid but horribly overrated game myself.
PvtRyan said:
Makes you wonder... is there actually anyone with Far Cry still installed on their pc's?
I traded my copy in when I pre-ordered Doom 3. I considered selling it on eBay, but it seems like everybody and his brother is trying to unload this piece of crap, and ain't nobody buying. $10 towards the price of Doom 3 seemed like a good deal.
Hey i think im gonna move our MOD to farcry because HL2 is taking such a long time :p

Who remembers those mod teams ;)
No doubt all those finicky mod teams will move over to Doom 3 now that it's making waves. Their chances of ever actually producing a mod, however, is zilch.
I recall saying the exact same thing in the moron-soup that is the 3DR gaming forums ^Ben :)

I'm just dying to see it become a reality heh.
Harryz said:
When you start a thread, it helps if you post a link.:)
Thats what google is for.

Its especially nice for us Firefox users who have a goolgle search bar thing