Farenheit 9/11 trailer now online

KagePrototype said:
It's a documentary on 9/11 and the Bush Administration by Michael Moore. That pretty much sums up what you should expect from it.

Oh Good. For a second there, I was expecting to view some sort of biased documentary propoganda. I'm glad I'm not.
clarky003 said:
the strange thing is, there was no real proof who was in those planes. wheres the black box recorders...? have the government shared that with the public... cant remember but I dont think they did... usually you base it on facts .

If you stay up to date with current events and watch the news, tape was released showing one of the hijackers boarding the plan. They showed mug shot references as each boarded and it was unmistakeable. Odd thing was they were dressed really nice and proper like americans.
staddydaddy said:
If you stay up to date with current events and watch the news, tape was released showing one of the hijackers boarding the plan. They showed mug shot references as each boarded and it was unmistakeable. Odd thing was they were dressed really nice and proper like americans.

Maybe its because they were living in America :rolleyes: What did you expect? A bunch of guys with turbans? And a T-Shirt that says AL-QAEDA on it? Or a sign on his back saying "Kick me, i'm a terrorist".
Sparta said:
Maybe its because they were living in America :rolleyes: What did you expect? A bunch of guys with turbans? And a T-Shirt that says AL-QAEDA on it? Or a sign on his back saying "Kick me, i'm a terrorist".

LMAO.... i shouldnt laugh, because i know what happend was not funny at all. but still, if we cant have a sence of humour what do we have.
Odd thing was they were dressed really nice and proper like americans.
hmm very odd :stare: , well... it still isnt the black box, so no real conclusive proof, its just assuming, and stating stuff again. and then we are supposed to believe its true, the usual media routine. :smoking:
Oh god....another michael moore film...

Edit:I would like to make a note of how near the ending of the trailer he is trying to depict something like you would see in a vietnam film with the music and short clips of US soldiers and protesters.Thats some propganada for ya!
its a political movie, lol. if you want a film to have impact, you have to lay it on thick a little.. still its better than scaring people in your own country by saying.... they have weapons of mass destruction, and wont hesitate to strike again. , now that's propaganda. .... be scared, be controlled and sueded by fear of not being safe.
Hrmm everyone who disagrees with CptStern is suddenly an American who dosen't know
there arse from their toe.

I've been doing a little research on Micheal Moore AND Noam Chomsky and while Noam is a little better then Moore. He is still heavily biased. I will pull out my research findings later.(tired)
staddydaddy said:
Oh Good. For a second there, I was expecting to view some sort of biased documentary propoganda. I'm glad I'm not.

you mean like when Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and cronies came on national tv to tell the world Saddam had WMD and was prepared to use them at a second's notice?
All of you say the same regurgitated pap...Moore is a liar..even if he was who the effing cares? Your own president lied thru his teeth so that you would all swallow his thin justification for invading a country...and you bought his bs hook line and sinker.
CptStern said:
you mean like when Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and cronies came on national tv to tell the world Saddam had WMD and was prepared to use them at a second's notice?
All of you say the same regurgitated pap...Moore is a liar..even if he was who the effing cares? Your own president lied thru his teeth so that you would all swallow his thin justification for invading a country...and you bought his bs hook line and sinker.
Of course, because we're not on Moore's side we're on the Presidents. They both can't have problems? :naughty:
"You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror." - Bushisms

it's a two way street :angel:
aww crap not another one of these. This guy should really come up with new things to do.