Farenheit 9/11

pingu said:
by watching that documentary, it has now confirmed my beleifs, that america is the most ****ed up country on the planet and im glad i dont live there

Seconded. Excellent docu-film, and I don't care what you american patriots say... however biased Michael Moore is, there are clear facts and un-fakable evidence in Fahrenheit 9/11 that are far more damaging than the little bits here and there that may be exaggerated.
I don't understand the rancor of non-believers. If they see it, they know that more than half the evidence in the film comes out of Bush's, Powell's, Rice's, Rumsfeld's, and Wolfowitz's own mouths.
I was waiting for someone to start a thread on this film. It HAD to be Rupert. ;)

Anyway when I when to see it with him it was a packed cinema and the film got a fairly good response.

I was open minded but I expected it to be a moving version of his book, (and I just can't fully abide a guy who types in capital letters for whole sentences). Also he is araving liberal (not necessarily a bad thing).

The film however did make some very good points and although the scenes with the smiling and laughing Iraqis before the war where slightly insulting to say the least, there where bits that had me thoroughly shocked.

When the congressman said that he couldn't possibly be expected to read all the bits of legislation he voted on, or the guys at the oil conference told the camera "war in Iraq: bad for them, good for us", I felt a little queasy.

Its important that we in Europe don't take it as an oportunity to America-bash. It's cetainly fascinating to get American perspective on this film since you're the guys it's aimed at. Keep your thoughts coming, we're all interested in what you think over here.
See the problem with Moore is although he doesn't outright lie, he only says the stuff that puts his point across.

and you can argue a half truth is also a half lie.

See the thing that really gets my goat more than anything else is his version of the coalition. He doesn't mention the UK AT ALL.

While its true the US deployed more troops the United Kingdom also deployed troops, fought the war and are still in there taking flak and loosing lives. Adding a country with the status of the UK weakens Moores arguement, but hardly to a point were its invalid.

The trouble I have is when I see something as half true as that it puts doubt into how far I can believe anything thats going on in this film.

Also I found the asking senetors to send there kids to Iraq was a bit sick. I mean how would you like it if yah dad appeared one day with a set of combat boots and shiped you off to the gulf.

All in all I think Moore goes too far. I feel Bush has created a political nightmare with the war in Iraq. However I feel Moore does not need to bend the truth in his film to show this, which sadly I think he does.

There's bias and there's propaganda. I think Moore pushes the boundry beyond bias and into propaganda too much in 9/11.
He asks senators so send their kids to war to see what their reaction would be, of course they arent going to.

Cant you see? Its because the american military are wreckless with their troops and send them into situations getting them killed all for the american government financial gain.

+ all the american troops are complete dumbasses, all with the typical "kill everything that moves attitude", mown into them by the dumbass military, no wonder they kill more of they own ****ing team than the enemy.

Asking the senators was funny, and needed to be done.
Raxxman said:
See the problem with Moore is although he doesn't outright lie, he only says the stuff that puts his point across.

and you can argue a half truth is also a half lie.

See the thing that really gets my goat more than anything else is his version of the coalition. He doesn't mention the UK AT ALL.

While its true the US deployed more troops the United Kingdom also deployed troops, fought the war and are still in there taking flak and loosing lives. Adding a country with the status of the UK weakens Moores arguement, but hardly to a point were its invalid.

The trouble I have is when I see something as half true as that it puts doubt into how far I can believe anything thats going on in this film.

Also I found the asking senetors to send there kids to Iraq was a bit sick. I mean how would you like it if yah dad appeared one day with a set of combat boots and shiped you off to the gulf.

All in all I think Moore goes too far. I feel Bush has created a political nightmare with the war in Iraq. However I feel Moore does not need to bend the truth in his film to show this, which sadly I think he does.

There's bias and there's propaganda. I think Moore pushes the boundry beyond bias and into propaganda too much in 9/11.
nay, its only as biased as everything else. The man wants to persuade people. I'd say he did a good job of it.

Yes, he is biased, yes, he leaves out facts that hurt his case no doubt, but thats what both sides do, so you gotta just decide whats right and whats wrong.

I'd say hes mostly right, and his facts are solid.
Raxxman said:
See the problem with Moore is although he doesn't outright lie, he only says the stuff that puts his point across.

Of course he does! That's what he's trying to do and that's the point of the movie. This has been covered before, but I'll say it again. The movie is obviously propaganda as well as being a documentary. It doesn't even pretend not to be. But, that still doesn't make the movie or his arguments automatically invalid. What it does mean is that people need to view the movie intelligently and objectively, just like anything else. You don't want other people to make your decisions for you, but you also don't want to ignore what they're saying. In the end it's your choice, but I think it's every voters responsibilty to consider what he has to say, whether they agree with it or not. You don't have to buy his arguments, but you also can't ignore the facts.

Raxxman said:
Also I found the asking senetors to send there kids to Iraq was a bit sick. I mean how would you like it if yah dad appeared one day with a set of combat boots and shiped you off to the gulf.

I agree, having to send your kids to go fight in Iraq might very well be sick. But someone has to do it don't they? And these senators are the one's who put us over there so why should they expect other US citizens to send their kids there if they're not willing to? Plus, your example isn't realy relevent as nobody can force their kid to go to war. No senetor was going to agree to it anyway. Moore was just trying to make a point.

Raxxman said:
All in all I think Moore goes too far. I feel Bush has created a political nightmare with the war in Iraq. However I feel Moore does not need to bend the truth in his film to show this, which sadly I think he does.

There's bias and there's propaganda. I think Moore pushes the boundry beyond bias and into propaganda too much in 9/11.

I do agree, there is indeed a form of propaganda in the movie. However, I ask you not to discount any facts in the case just because there is. I don't think it's really that hard to sift through the pure propaganda and the emotions of it to find the facts presented. But If you think the movie is too biased and is misleading you with half truths then I'd recommend doing further research into the facts presented in the movie so you can obtain an objective view of what happened. Also, if this movie were made by someone running against Bush I would definitely view it with a bit of suspicion. But, while Moore is trying to make his own point, I think he's doing it because he thinks it is the right thing to do. Thus I think it should be taken very seriously. Nobody is forced to agree with anything he says. But I hope they have very good reasons and facts as to why they don't.
pingu said:
+ all the american troops are complete dumbasses, all with the typical "kill everything that moves attitude", mown into them by the dumbass military, no wonder they kill more of they own ****ing team than the enemy.

Please don't post stuff like this. It's untrue and just plain ignorant. You go join the military and take a bullet for your country and then we'll talk. Until that time, don't bother saying crap like this. Damn, that makes me mad. But I'm not even going to say anymore as I would most likely be banned if I said how I really feel about people like you.
er yes it is true

they show the military go round malls recruiting kids telling them they can turn into popstars if they join, it shows the typical mentality. Their all listeneing to "the roof is on fire" whilst mowing down people, saying how it gets them psyched up for killing, their not skilled or clever people, just idiots with big guns.
pingu said:
er yes it is true

they show the military go round malls recruiting kids telling them they can turn into popstars if they join, it shows the typical mentality. Their all listeneing to "the roof is on fire" whilst mowing down people, saying how it gets them psyched up for killing, their not skilled or clever people, just idiots with big guns.

No it is not true. Don't talk about things that you seem to know nothing about. Your judging and insulting an entire military and its personnel based on two military recruiters and two soldiers who made some disturbing comments and listen to music. Now do I think the military is perfect? Of course not. Do I think it could be greatly improved? Yes, definitely. Do I think that the attitudes and actions of some soldiers are disturbing? Sadly, yes. I indeed understand people feeling that there are things wrong with the military and that something should be done about it. Now if you had actually posted something intelligent saying your worried about how these actions of some military personnel I wouldn't have any problem. But your comments such as "there all just idiots with big guns" are truly out of line. There are still thousands of individuals who serve in the military that don't deserve your misplaced disrespect.

Seriously, attitudes like yours that steryotype large groups of people without thinking, on little evidence, and based on the actions of a few are the reason that black people once had to sit at the back of the bus.

Edit: Anyway, I'll drop it so people can get back on topic (Unless he says something completely ridiculous). But I can't leave something like that without responding.