Fat America

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Yep, it's a fat country. There is no doubt about that. One of the main culprits in this whole fiasco (if not THE main culprit): school lunches. Sticking McDonalds, Taco Bells, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts smack in the middle of school cafeterias is obviously a terrible idea if we're concerned about the fitness of the youth. Common sense tells me that we should be pulling that Big Mac from the 3rd grade kids hand and replacing it with something healthy. A truly fleshed out and fully realized physical education program should be implemented as well. My high school gym classes consisted of dodge-ball, the ever-popular football, and the occasional group beating of a nerdy kid it the shower room. That does not cut it. Phys. Ed. should not be Jock Paradise. It should be just as serious as any other class, and devoted to making sure everyone gets the proper amount of exercise. An exercise regiment could be constructed for each could to match their needs, interests and abilities. Schools should be places for building people with a fit body to house a fit mind.
I used to be kinda overweight (220 lbs at 6'0") but it was my own fault for being so lazy. Since last spring I've lost nearly 30 pounds and I'm still losing... I feel no sympathy for obese people. Unless there's some medical reason that you are overweight (like diabetes) there is no excuse. Get off your fat ass and exercise! :D
If you were offended by this, good. Now get up and run 30 laps around the block, fattie. :P
There is never a real medical reason for obesity....there are no fat people in concentration camps or starving african nations who have 'fat' genes.

People are fat because they are lazy and eat too much. That simple.
gh0st said:
gh0sts plan for a fit America:

Step 1) Kill all fat people.
Step 2) Feed fat people to starving countries and the poor
Step 3) Make kids stop eating shitty food so they dont grow up to be fat (even though some will be orphans... but I digress).

I'll tell you whats worse than obesity in America. Its smoking in Germany. Theres a killer.

Dude, "kill" fat people? That's horrible dude I have relatives and friends that are fat.
Zeus said:
Dude, "kill" fat people? That's horrible dude I have relatives and friends that are fat.
Well boy...they better start working out then! :
Zeus said:
Dude, "kill" fat people? That's horrible dude I have relatives and friends that are fat.
No. Not "kill".

Then we feed them to third world countries and the urban poor. :smoking:
i heard texas has alot of fat people too...got this from that Super Size Me

nearly everyone in mcdonalds was fat
no wonder people are fat it texas.. it's too damn hot to do anything!

I'd stay inside too!
gh0st said:
No. Not "kill".

Then we feed them to third world countries and the urban poor. :smoking:

Ok can you just kill the friends and not the family? lol
nah i see it as the governments fault.

and major fat exporting companies like Macdonalds.

the government could easily close all these down (well not easily), but it can be done, but they wont becausse they make money from it. its a fact of life.. sadly.

its excatly the same as cigarrettes and tabacco. its all about money these days.. not 'saving' our lives. jeez .
Tell me how the govt or McDonalds strapped u down and forcefed u Chicken McNuggets? People need to start taking responsibility for their own lives.
Calanen said:
Tell me how the govt or McDonalds strapped u down and forcefed u Chicken McNuggets? People need to start taking responsibility for their own lives.

But if people took responsibility for their own lives, they wouldn't sue, and how would you lawyers make a living?
But if people took responsibility for their own lives, they wouldn't sue, and how would you lawyers make a living?

Ooh, he's got us there. Fix one kind of lifestyle and ruin another :(

The scapegoating culture has gone far enough in my opinion- perhaps it's because I'm a friggin' stick insect, but I can't help but feel it's rather foolish to compare fattening food to a habit like smoking or alcohol.

In moderation, fast food won't cause any lasting damage (admittedly you could say the same for alcohol, but since when do thousands die because someone eats themselves into a stupor and runs you over in a car?), but like all consumables it can be abused.

In the UK we've considered everything from banning food commercials and imposing a tax on certain kinds of ingredients, but when you get to the bone of the issue (no matter how much fat is covering it) it's blatantly obvious that blame ultimately lies with people who pay no heed to their skyrocketing weight.
I made a living as a lawyer predominantly from transaction work, which has nothing to do with litigation.

That said, the law is supposed to be about the right person taking responsibility for their actions. Unfortunately frivolous law suits are a plenty in the USA. Not as much in Australia though and I practiced in both.

People do need to take responsibility for their own actions. If I kill a pedestrian in my car, and the pedestrian's widow sues me, its not as though the law suit is trying to shift responsibility away from the pedestrian. It always rested with me as the driver.

There is a good lawsite called www.overlawyered.com have a look its funny.

In New South Wales there is a section 198J of the Legal Profession Act which requires that the lawyer must say that the litigation has a reasonable prospect of success before initiating proceedings. And I have never initiated proceedings where the client did not have a very good chance of winning. There is just no point otherwise.
qckbeam said:
Yep, it's a fat country. There is no doubt about that. One of the main culprits in this whole fiasco (if not THE main culprit): school lunches. Sticking McDonalds, Taco Bells, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts smack in the middle of school cafeterias is obviously a terrible idea if we're concerned about the fitness of the youth.
You're kidding me. They do that up there?
Come to think of it, I'd of given my right hand to have a fast food joint in my old school. But only if I could have it replaced with some sort of bionic prosthetic.

I eat so much junk food that I should be a toothless blubberball, but I put my scrawniness down to stupidly long walks and the fruit and vegetables that somehow find themselves on my plate.

I'd probably of rarely used a school-intergrated Burger King or whatever but that would've been more to do with my finances than health cost- as long as it remained an option it'd be acceptable, because I imagine that children raised purely on fast food would be obese and, more to the point, dead.
Edcrab said:
I imagine that children raised purely on fast food would be obese and, more to the point, dead.

you don't need a diet of pure fatty foods to become overweight and obese. You need a diet without healthy fruits and veggies, a lifestyle with little or no activity, and yes, some fatty foods (not just from McDonalds) .
If you're fat man or a fat woman, then it is your own stupid fault for being fat and it is your own responsibility to get fit. It isn't hard to get off your fat arse and go running or go to the gym 5 times a week.
Yes, I'm aware that it's not just fast food that causes obesity- but it's the most prominent (and most unfair) target for government health watchdogs.

Heh, when I was a kid it was a rare treat, not an almost-daily meal... parents today, eh?