Yep, it's a fat country. There is no doubt about that. One of the main culprits in this whole fiasco (if not THE main culprit): school lunches. Sticking McDonalds, Taco Bells, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts smack in the middle of school cafeterias is obviously a terrible idea if we're concerned about the fitness of the youth. Common sense tells me that we should be pulling that Big Mac from the 3rd grade kids hand and replacing it with something healthy. A truly fleshed out and fully realized physical education program should be implemented as well. My high school gym classes consisted of dodge-ball, the ever-popular football, and the occasional group beating of a nerdy kid it the shower room. That does not cut it. Phys. Ed. should not be Jock Paradise. It should be just as serious as any other class, and devoted to making sure everyone gets the proper amount of exercise. An exercise regiment could be constructed for each could to match their needs, interests and abilities. Schools should be places for building people with a fit body to house a fit mind.