Fat burning foods


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
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ok heres my story. about 2 weeks ago i started a small diet, mainly because i want to see my six pack. my schedule consists of cardio every other day, and on those every other days, my ab exercises (crunches, etc).

on top of that ive been trying to keep a decent diet. egg whites, whole grain cereal, and *trying* to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

my question is, i heard about "fat burning foods" or foods that burn more calories than the calorie content of the food itself. so are they saying i can see my 6 pack a shitload faster just by having a lemon a day? lol.

please explain if u can, and also any other tips u may have for fat burning/fat loss
eat lots of apples and avoid fast food if you can
apples lol. ok ill try to have more apples. i havent eaten fast food in about 3 weeks and not planning to ever (or until i get my desired goal). anythin else?
You'll see your sixpack from excersising those muscles, not from eating specific food.
this is what i do, keep going for jogs, like 2 times a week or 3. thet will burn off fat from your whole body and then every night jus do loads of sit-ups, any ones that i have been told of.

i eat loads of pasta, salmon, bread, drank water and milk (not together of course)lol.

just keep at it, it wont become a 6-pack ina day, it takes time. all the best :D
I have never heard of fat burning foods...you mean it is a food that has a negative calorie count? What is the point of eating something if it's just going to suck the energy out of you. Sort out a proper diet and exercise, make sure you're burning more calories than you're consuming.
The Dark Elf said:
You'll see your sixpack from excersising those muscles, not from eating specific food.

There are 3 ways to see a six pack.

1. Lowering your fat to an extremely low level, thus uncovering your tiny ab muscle.
2. Building up your ab muscles so they poke through the fat.
3. Both of the above - this is what you want to do.

Just because you have a six pack doesn't mean you're healthy and fit. It just means that you have a low enough fat percentage to see your ab muscles.
Razor said:
There are 3 ways to see a six pack.

1. Lowering your fat to an extremely low level, thus uncovering your tiny ab muscle.
2. Building up your ab muscles so they poke through the fat.
3. Both of the above - this is what you want to do.

Just because you have a six pack doesn't mean you're healthy and fit. It just means that you have a low enough fat percentage to see your ab muscles.

thats why i told him too go for jogs.. lol
i understand that. but one thing ive always wanted was to see my 6 pack. im not fat, im not even pudgy. i just have a bit a fat on my stomach im trying to get rid of to see my abs. ive lost 6 pounds in about 10 days, most of it was fat. the fat burning foods apparently:

1. dilute or liquify fat, making it less resistant to burn
2. cleanse your cells of fatty tissue
3. keep your body from holding on to more stored fat.
ShinRa said:
i understand that. but one thing ive always wanted was to see my 6 pack. im not fat, im not even pudgy. i just have a bit a fat on my stomach im trying to get rid of to see my abs. ive lost 6 pounds in about 10 days, most of it was fat. the fat burning foods apparently:

1. dilute or liquify fat, making it less resistant to burn
2. cleanse your cells of fatty tissue
3. keep your body from holding on to more stored fat.

I know there are some fat burning pills you can get that increase metabolism or something or other, i just go to the gym and exercise.
ShinRa said:
i understand that. but one thing ive always wanted was to see my 6 pack. im not fat, im not even pudgy. i just have a bit a fat on my stomach im trying to get rid of to see my abs. ive lost 6 pounds in about 10 days, most of it was fat. the fat burning foods apparently:

1. dilute or liquify fat, making it less resistant to burn
2. cleanse your cells of fatty tissue
3. keep your body from holding on to more stored fat.

what are the "fat burning foods"?

u dont lose fat over eating.. only doing sit-ups and jogging,thats what i thought.. :| .

eating the food jus prevents you from adding a lot of fat , and keeps the fat at a minimum, but doesnt remove any fat, thats where excercise comes in.

just do what i do, exercise and go to the gym regurlary. :p
thats impossible how can things you eat burn your ab muscle .. lol?
wow cool you have inspired me to get fit!! no more eating crap for joims, my 8 yo sixpack from tae kwon do will return!
tip for excercising abs whena t pc lift your legs of the floor for as long as poss so your stomach muscles are the ones working to hold them up very hard doing it right now and it is hurting
Joims said:
tip for excercising abs whena t pc lift your legs of the floor for as long as poss so your stomach muscles are the ones working to hold them up very hard doing it right now and it is hurting

yeah i do that one too.
and right after i post this, i'm jogging down the gym, cya lata :angel:
Joims said:
tip for excercising abs whena t pc lift your legs of the floor for as long as poss so your stomach muscles are the ones working to hold them up very hard doing it right now and it is hurting

Good tip, used to do this at thai boxing for long periods of time... :( lol

Try it at 6 inches off the ground, then when it rly rly hurts lift em up to about 90 degrees then start there and go back down to 6 inch. Then repeat till it hurts so much you have to rest completely. Then repeat. :p

Trust it works. Forget 6 pack, you want an 8 pack!!!! :cheers:
ShinRa said:
on top of that ive been trying to keep a decent diet. egg whites, whole grain cereal, and *trying* to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Just so you know, I have been hearing recently that most health experts and nutritionists say that 8 glasses of water a day is unrealistic. Alot of them say they aren't even sure where that number came from.

my news years res was to drink tha much water a day i gave up on new years day :p
How much % body fat are you? I'm 11.4 or something like that
How do you determine how much body fat you have?
my BMI is 16.37% according to that site. that means im in the middle of the "fitness" area. im assuming i need to be in the "athlete" area to see my abs?
shinra dont take that as a measurement becasue your fat could be in otherw places :p

i cant see my abs and im 4.48 tho they appear when i lie down :p

they are rather non existant these days so im on a mission to get em back u inspired me!! :D
glad i did something good lol.

idk, since ive started this 2 weeks ago exactly from today, ive a decent change for such a small amount of time. sometimes after i eat i feel enormous and when i look in the mirror it looks like im back at the start. then at other times (even after i ate), it looks like im really cutting out the fat. idk. i need motivation lol.
Im loosing weight to [or trying] I take long walks and go to school by foot insted of the bus and eat Salad and Oranges and Apples and yoghurt I havent eaten anything decent in 2 weeks now I lost 4kg I wanna loose 20kg befroe I move to Cali.
Tr0n said:
If you were to drink 8 glasses a day you would be pissin a river.

Thats a good thing. It keeps your system clean. The clearer your urine, the better. If its very yellow, then you're not drinking enough water.

If you wanna be really hardcore, you need to start training with weights and start eating egg white...lots and lots of egg white :D

Body builders do that, and in fact before entering contests, they'l start eating potatoes and their muscles will expand extremely rapidly (But it won't be toned like muscle thats developed from long term regular exercise...it'l just be big.
ShinRa said:
i understand that. but one thing ive always wanted was to see my 6 pack. im not fat, im not even pudgy. i just have a bit a fat on my stomach im trying to get rid of to see my abs. ive lost 6 pounds in about 10 days, most of it was fat. the fat burning foods apparently:

6 pounds in 10 days. You aren't burning fat my friend, that's mostly water/food fluxuation. Just do the math. 6 pounds is a bit under 3 kg. Fat has an energy density of roughly 38 MJ/kg. That's 114 MJ of energy. Converted to kcals, that's 27235 kcals. That means that on average over 10 days, you burned 2735 kcals that you did not replace with food. An active male will burn about that amount in a day. That means that you went 10 days without eating any food. Even if you were training a ridiculous amount and eating some food or have high metabolism, losing 2735 calories a day would make you very very hungry and would slow down your metabolism pretty quick.
On the other hand, water has a density of 1kg/litre. It would be very easy to by 2 or 3 litres dehydrated in the space of a single day. Combine this with an empty stomach and there's your 6 lbs
Combine this with an empty stomach and there's your 10 lbs

thanks for the math dan lol. but i said i lost SIX pounds in ten DAYS. not 10 pounds in six days lol.
how sad that statistically proven, 97% of all diet/fat burning supplements dont work.
ShinRa said:
how sad that statistically proven, 97% of all diet/fat burning supplements dont work.
That still leaves 3%. ;)
I just wrote 10 at the end by mistake. If you look at all the numbers it's calculated on 6lbs over 10 days. Either way, you don't burn that much energy in that short period of time.

I row lightweight, that's 72 kg, about 160 lbs. Over the summer I dropped down to tackweight, 66 kg or 145 lbs. Normally I sit at 156 lbs. I dropped my weight down to abou 147lb over a 2 month period and lost the last few lbs by sweating. Let me tell you, it was not fun. I mentally counted the calories of everything I ate and would have to turn down anything mildly fatty or sugary. But winning Canadian Henley gold was worth it I think. Anyways, the point of the story is that your body wants to keep a certain weight and it will work hard to not let that number change. Now I'm back at 155lbs training twice a day 6 days a week. I eat whatever I want whenever I want. Abs like a washboard
130?!!? damn

im 5'10 (70 inches) tall and im 185 pounds
Eating apples isnt really going to help. Any sugar creates insulin spikes which causes your body to store fat. So avoid sugar, alchohol, and simple carbohydrates (white rice, white bread, starchy noodles, etc).

Eating too little can make it harder to lose weight, because your body goes into starvation mode and keeps everything it can.

Try to figure out your target calories, and eat complex carbs in the morning/afternoon, and protien all day long. Be sure to eat some fat too,. should be about a 40/40/20 calorie split (thats actually not a lot of fat, because fat has a lot of calories).

Theres really no "fat burning foods",. I mean, you may as well eat nothing, but like I said, you do need to make sure you eat enough. Fat burning pills are generally bogus now that epinephrine is off the market (allthough I actually just bought some epinephrine online), but there are a few legal alternatives that supposedly do help a bit. These suppliments raise your metabolism, which you can do more effectivly by cardio anyways (I'm doing both).

Just keep at that intese cardio, and you'll get there.

BTW, a great site for fitness advice is www.johnstonefitness.com. I absolutly love that site.

Any idea what your BF% is now? If you're close, and yet 185 at 5'10, you must be a pretty thick guy. I'm 185, 6'2, and about 12% bf.
not sure what you mean by thick fluke?