Just joined a gym to lose weight... What should I do?

Speaking of exercising, the one exercise I personally have never had any luck with are crunches/situps. I've made sure to "do them right" etc, but you don't get results nearly as fast when it comes to working out your abdominal muscles.

With lifting weights you can see some serious change within just two weeks, but you can do like... 60 situps a day and see hardly anything. They are the most exhausting as well.
Get someone to spot for you.
Take turns doing the situps with one sitting cross-legged on the other's feet to steady them. Every time you sit up your spotter tries to shove you back down, you have to try not to be pushed back and only lower yourself at your own pace.
Verbally abusing and trying to shove harder than each other when taking turns is a laugh.
Also 60 a day ain't that much overall.
Yes, I know it isn't, however, I'd expect some sort of difference compared to zero a day.
" Just joined a gym to lose weight... What should I do?"

1. Leave the gym.
2. Walk to nearest Dunkin Donuts or whatever
3. Buy some frigging donuts and coffee
4. Consume donuts
5. Walk around with the coffee cup in your hand
6. Consume the coffee in your home
7. Pass out on your bed and see weird dreams because of the coffeine
8. Repeat
Go get a personal trainer to help you. Never try doing it alone.

If you're at a good gym, there should be someone to at least help you set up a regiment.
LOL... why lose weight when you can bulk and turn that fat into muscle. Thats what I did, but I'm not necessarily fat. I just have tummy fat but I'm a teenager so thats ok. Anyway, what I'm saying is go the gym and lift weights as that will turn your fat into muscle an will burn calories if you do fast work outs with low weights until you sweat. If you want to lose weight faster, do leg workouts such as: squats, deadlifts, leg extensions, and toe raises. The reason for doing leg workouts is so you can build leg muscle which from what I had read will enable you to run for a longer period of time which will help you burn more calories.

Food: Do not drink anything but water, but you can drink juice if it's not a trashy brand filled with all kinds of things. Try to eat fish and chicken. Fish is probably the best source of protein you can get and you will need alot of it if your going to gain muscle. Also don't eat carbs like cookies, donuts etc. Eat rice and vegetables. I eat rice and fish almost everyday so I get protein with out suppliments.

PS. Don't even bother doing crunches because it just makes the muscles larger and will not appear under fat. I would recommend just lowering your weight as you need less than 8% body fat for a 6 pack.

One more important thing: I was told this from a friend, it's called HIT(High intesity training). Jog 1 minute, walk 1 minute, for 30 minutes each day. After a while increase to 45 minutes and then and hour. You will lose a ton of weight coupled with leg workouts.

Hope that helps.
My friend told me the best weight loss plan.

If more is going out, than in, you'll lose weight.
Screw running if you get shin splints, go swim some laps at a pool. The results might not be noticeable at all for a month, but you'll definitely benefit if you make it routine.
Pasta & rice? Are you serious? Those are the absolute worst things to eat on a diet.

They are better filler than potatoes.

It costs too much for that :( But I may end up getting one anyway just to make sure get the best results

You don't get a personal trainer for long (like a movie star has), you just get them to do you a program like I suggested and that's it. I mean I assume they has someone do a health and safety run around with you when you joined up, explaining how the machines work and how to use them.
Hey, once you lose weight, power lifting's awesome for keeping it off, bro.
Yeah... That's waterweight. ****ing retarded advice. Pro boxers/fighters do that to make weight before fights.
Which is exactly the goal of a recruiter. So that new recruits will make weight to qualify during recruit processing day.

The "actual" fitness and well-being of new recruits doesn't really matter to them so long as they can meet their quota and that waterweight will return once they are properly re-hydrated again. They claimed to me though that once most of the water was burned away is when you start losing fat and not to drink liquids immediately after exercise.
They claimed to me though that once most of the water was burned away is when you start losing fat and not to drink liquids immediately after exercise.

lol, Saturos. Don't listen to them.

Remain hydrated while exercising and afterward. Where do you think the sweat comes from? What do you think happens when you are too hot, but have no water to sweat? Temperatures reaching dangerous levels, Captain. Brain temperature critical. Strength reduced. Chance of stroke increased.

More Information:

I started going to the Gym again myself earlier this summer.
Losing fat/weight is the toughest part.

First of all, get your diet right. That is the most important part of a proper workout.
Without the proper diet you are going to be struggling and not seeing much of a result.
I have stopped drinking sodas and reduced my sugar intake years ago.
I lost a considerable amount of weight just by drinking water. Eat lean meats (Chicken breast, fish etc.) Try to avoid processed foods. Stick to good carbohydrates such as Whole Grain foods, fruits & vegetables, potato's. Read the ingredients on food labels. Just because it is plastered with "It''s good for you" labels in front of package does not mean that it actually is. I couldn't believe how much sodium some of the food has that i used to buy.

Get some protein in ya. Most of do not get enough profit from food.
I suggest that you get yourself some Whey Protein. It feeds and builds muscle and it can also help lose and maintain your weight. It worked for me. I Am currently using Optimum 100% Whey. They have several flavors. Just mix it with low fat milk though. It tastes like crap mixed with water.

If you really want to get into weight lifting, you may want to give Creatine and Beta Alanine. These are proven supplements that increase your performance, muscle mass and help you with recovering after a work out. A multi vitamin can't hurt neither.

Do cardio if you mainly want to lose weight and reduce your body fat. Sit ups are also very important. Just don't over do it though. I did and was in a lot of pain for a couple of weeks. Pace yourself and increase your workout in increments. Always hydrate yourself. These things take time.
Just find yourself a good motivator and you'll be fine. I was struggling myself when i first started.

Well, anyway. Good luck to you.
lol, Saturos. Don't listen to them.

Remain hydrated while exercising and afterward. Where do you think the sweat comes from? What do you think happens when you are too hot, but have no water to sweat? Temperatures reaching dangerous levels, Captain. Brain temperature critical. Strength reduced. Chance of stroke increased.

More Information:

I probably should've mentioned I already knew this to prevent myself from looking like an idiot, but yeah I didn't buy it.

Of course I knew all the dangerous health risks involved, but I tried it a few times during the final week before my ship date just to be on, "the safe side". I wanted to make sure I didn't get disqualified for weight and it turned out I was almost 20 lbs. in the safe zone anyways. All that self-torture for nothing.
I used to lift weights while high on pot. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

The key there is that they are young men. Just wait, it always happens, when they become more middle aged they'll be fat.

The older you get, the worse your metabolism usually gets, plus you usually exercise less. And aside from being fat, they'll have other problems from eating all that shit.

Diet is important.

Happened to a teacher back in the old high school days, he was a champion bike-d00d though he ****ed up his knee which ended his career.

I guess he didn't stop his high-carb, high-energy diet and now his walking stick is moreso to balance the belly rather than help the ol' knee.

I used to lift weights while high on pot. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

Bro, man.
Pasta & rice are good options for filler instead of potatoes

Pasta & rice? Are you serious? Those are the absolute worst things to eat on a diet.

Eat rice...

They are better filler than potatoes.

Stick to good carbohydrates such as Whole Grain foods, fruits & vegetables, potato's

OK, well let me put in my two cents about the rice and potatoes and pasta. 8 years ago, back when I was a senior in high school, I weighed about the same amount that I do now (200 lbs). For reasons that I wont go into, I became a vegetarian. As a result, I used rice and pasta as the base of almost all my meals, and I ate more potatoes than I used too. I also cut all fast food out of my diet, but I still did drink plenty of soda. I did do a little exercise, but mostly push ups and sit ups, nothing to rigorous. Anyway, after 9 or 10 months of that diet, I dropped down to 145. Now granted that was quite a while ago, and my metabolism could have been higher back then, but how do you explain that? lol

Anyway, thanks for your input guys. I did sign up for personal trainer for three 1-hour long sessions (there goes 120). So I will find out on Tuesday (first session) what they say then I can compare it to your advice and see how wrong... er, right you guys were. Today all I did was the treadmill. Put it at the highest incline, set it for 3.5 mph, and kept at it for 1 hour. I was drenched by the end. But (according to the treadmill) I lost an estimated 450 calories.
Pasta is good for bulking. However, if your main goal is to lose weight, avoid eating it for now.
Go with brown rice instead of white. Just make sure that you cook it right.
There's nothing wrong with potato's as long as it is a side dish and not your main course. I wouldn't waste my money on a personal trainer. Unless you are very desperate and/or morbidly obese. Just do a bit of research instead. Go to bodybuilding.com and check their forums out.
I would also avoid using treadmills since they can strain the joints in your lower body and induce boredom after a while. I prefer exercise bikes even though some consider them a bit less efficient than treadmills.

If there are Elliptical machines in the gym, use them instead.
They are the most efficient when it comes to cardio. I'd use them myself but i got Cervical Dystonia, which makes it very painful when i stand in the same position for more than a few minutes.
too late... money has been wasted lol. but i will try the ellipticals next time. There were a bunch of them and no one was using them.
I recommend you try every single unit available in one visit. That way, you'll be comfortable jumping onto any of them without ... I dunno. It might be a little intimidating to look like a noob in front of all the people that hit the gym every day, so I think it's good to learn about them. More importantly, you'll learn which muscles they work out.

I think when I was 14 or 15, I started working out. A friend showed me one of the machines, and unfortunately, I pretty much stuck with that one machine for most of the year, because I felt comfortable using it. So, I had killer ****ing abs... needless to say, if you only do one work out, you are only working out one part of your body.
too late... money has been wasted lol. but i will try the ellipticals next time. There were a bunch of them and no one was using them.

It won't be wasted. There were plenty of people at the gym I went to who clearly hadn't bothered with routines, and it showed. One guy was clearly obsessed with building his arms up, but although he had an impressive set of guns he never worked out on his legs or did cardio so he looked rather comical (like a top heavy ape). You don't want to be that guy. ;)
.... One guy was clearly obsessed with building his arms up, but although he had an impressive set of guns he never worked out on his legs or did cardio so he looked rather comical (like a top heavy ape). You don't want to be that guy. ;)
Also, don't drink Gatorade thinking it is better than soda. If anything, drink ONE after a workout. Don't replace sodas with gatorade thinking they are better for you, if you look at the nutrition facts, a normal gatorade contains about as much sugar as a soda.

This is one serving of a normal gatorade, while it says only 14g per serving, I believe there are two servings per bottle.

" Just joined a gym to lose weight... What should I do?"

1. Leave the gym.
2. Walk to nearest Dunkin Donuts or whatever
3. Buy some frigging donuts and coffee
4. Consume donuts
5. Walk around with the coffee cup in your hand
6. Consume the coffee in your home
7. Pass out on your bed and see weird dreams because of the coffeine
8. Repeat

Caffeine dreams are the ****ing worst.
I find the probability of being able to even GET to sleep after anywhere near a small jar of coffee extremely unlikely.
. Careful with what veggies you choose though as some like carrots have natural sugars.

What exactly is wrong with natural-occuring sugars? It's natural, not refined shit you find in biscuits/cookies. Natural occuring sugars are fine in small amounts.
Does anyone know much about P90x? I'm thinking of buying it but I'm not sure.
Also, don't drink Gatorade thinking it is better than soda. If anything, drink ONE after a workout. Don't replace sodas with gatorade thinking they are better for you, if you look at the nutrition facts, a normal gatorade contains about as much sugar as a soda.

This is one serving of a normal gatorade, while it says only 14g per serving, I believe there are two servings per bottle.


Anything with high fructose corn syrup should be avoided. Bottled/Liquid Gatorade included.
If you like Gatorade that much though, get it in powdered form instead.
I think that Gatorade is absorbed quicker than water because of the sodium or sugar or something... That's why it's a sports drink. Besides, sugars burn easily when you are exercising, giving you energy. Simple Carbohydrate.

Gatorade is hell of a lot better for you than Soda. Soda has high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, lots of sodium, carbonation, etc. Shit can give you throat cancer, even.

Gatorade Ingredients:
water, sucrose syrup, glucose-fructose syrup, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, salt, sodium citrate, monopotassium phosphate, ester gum, sucrose acetate isobutyrate, yellow 5

It does not have high fructose corn syrup.
I think that Gatorade is absorbed quicker than water because of the sodium or sugar or something... That's why it's a sports drink. Besides, sugars burn easily when you are exercising, giving you energy. Simple Carbohydrate.

Gatorade is hell of a lot better for you than Soda. Soda has high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, lots of sodium, carbonation, etc. Shit can give you throat cancer, even.

Gatorade Ingredients:

It does not have high fructose corn syrup.

The powdered version doesn't.

Bottled version does
Before this thread is clogged with anymore misinformation:

No gatorade does not hydrate better than water, if anything it's the reverse.

No there is nothing better for your than water.

Yes green tea has caffeine, but not as much as coffee or a soda.

Yes diet drinks are bad for you, numerous studies have found them to cause greater weight gain.

Yes working out will help, but you also need a diet that compliments it.

When it comes to weight loss it gets down this: you must expend more calories than you are taking in each day. It's as simple as that, there are finer points but that is the core of losing fat.

So in essence: drink more water, eat less, and move around more. I don't pretend to know more than that. You should talk to an expert, or at least look up official sites for losing weight the normal way (no Jenny Craig or any of that bullshit).

Don't ask the people on here, because by and large they either A) haven't got a single ****ing clue on how to gain or lose weight or B) have a different genetic makeup which means what works for them, doesn't necessarily work for you. Helplife2.net has a terrible record for recommending good life choices.
Before this thread is clogged with anymore misinformation:

No gatorade does not hydrate better than water, if anything it's the reverse.

No there is nothing better for your than water.

Yes green tea has caffeine, but not as much as coffee or a soda.

Yes diet drinks are bad for you, numerous studies have found them to cause greater weight gain.

Yes working out will help, but you also need a diet that compliments it.

When it comes to weight loss it gets down this: you must expend more calories than you are taking in each day. It's as simple as that, there are finer points but that is the core of losing fat.

So in essence: drink more water, eat less, and move around more. I don't pretend to know more than that. You should talk to an expert, or at least look up official sites for losing weight the normal way (no Jenny Craig or any of that bullshit).

Don't ask the people on here, because by and large they either A) haven't got a single ****ing clue on how to gain or lose weight or B) have a different genetic makeup which means what works for them, doesn't necessarily work for you. Helplife2.net has a terrible record for recommending good life choices.

Somebody's roid raging.
Before this thread is clogged with anymore misinformation:

No gatorade does not hydrate better than water, if anything it's the reverse.

No there is nothing better for your than water.

Yes green tea has caffeine, but not as much as coffee or a soda.

Yes diet drinks are bad for you, numerous studies have found them to cause greater weight gain.

Yes working out will help, but you also need a diet that compliments it.

When it comes to weight loss it gets down this: you must expend more calories than you are taking in each day. It's as simple as that, there are finer points but that is the core of losing fat.

So in essence: drink more water, eat less, and move around more. I don't pretend to know more than that. You should talk to an expert, or at least look up official sites for losing weight the normal way (no Jenny Craig or any of that bullshit).

Don't ask the people on here, because by and large they either A) haven't got a single ****ing clue on how to gain or lose weight or B) have a different genetic makeup which means what works for them, doesn't necessarily work for you. Helplife2.net has a terrible record for recommending good life choices.

Hey, hey, I haven't regretted my sex change for a second.
I'm legally obligated to carry out the results of any HL2.net poll I create.
Sorry, I made a mistake. I had suspicion. Very tricky they are:
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) – called isoglucose in the UK and glucose-fructose in Canada

I only drink the powdered kind, simply because it's more economical.

Even so, I wasn't aware the liquid, bottled Gatorade used a different mixture. I find it curious.
Corn syrup is cheaper...but you can't powder it. Here's a more interesting fact: gatorade flavoring is considered toxic until it's diluted and sterilized. The trucks that carry it have hazardous cargo placards on the trailer.
you can't powder it.
Ah, that would explain it then. I should have guessed that, knowing that corn syrup is a liquid. Logical, captain.

Here's a more interesting fact: gatorade flavoring is considered toxic until it's diluted and sterilized. The trucks that carry it have hazardous cargo placards on the trailer.
That probably goes for a lot of things we consume, don't you agree? I know I've seen 'skull and crossbones' warning signs on PepsiCo's containers.

Oh, I just saw this:
Gatorade is a brand of flavored non-carbonated sports drinks manufactured by the Quaker Oats Company, now a division of PepsiCo.

One thing to note: I don't think anyone claimed that Gatorade is better for you than water. However:
electrolytes assist the human body with the rehydration process.
Intended for consumption during physically active occasions, Gatorade beverages are formulated to rehydrate and replenish fluid, carbohydrates and electrolytes.
(Emphasis mine)