Favorite 10 Games!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Name your favorite 10 games!

Random Order

1) Good ol' Half-life 2 + Gmod
2) Darwinia (Not The Demo)
3) Oblivion
4) Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
5) Resident Evil 4
6) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
7) Rise of Nations
8) Battlefield 2
9) Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
10) Condemned: Criminal Origins (From what I've played of it, it is really cool)
1. H
2. A
3. L
4. F
5. -
6. L
7. I
8. F
9. E
10. 2

Bleh, these threads are boring. I mean, how many threads of these do we need and does one really care what another's favorite games are? Ho hum.
Well, someone could not have tried one of the games, then try it and like it, therefore giving that person a new game to play and enjoy. Or not.
1. Half life
2.Halflife 2
3. Battlefield 2
4.dod s.
5. indigo prophecy
6 Rescue Rangers (nintendo)
7. super mario brothers 3
8 cs 1.6
9 cs source
10. smash tv (nintendo)
1: E.T. The Extraterrestrial
2: Club Drive
3: Fight For Life
4: Captain Novolin
5: Virtuoso
6: Legend of Zelda: Wand of Gamelon
7: Superman 64
8: White Men Can't Jump
9: Custer's Revenge
10: Revolution X

1) Half-life
2) Half-life 2
3) Psychonauts
4) Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
5) City of Villains
6) DoD: Source
7) Deus Ex
8) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
9) Discworld MUD
10) Fahrenheit
1) Half-Life
2) Half-Life 2
3) C&C Series
4) Cossacks
5) Joint Operations
6) Delta Force Black Hawk Down
7) GTA:Liberty City
8) Tropico (yey!)
9) Homeworld 2
10) Little Big Adventure

.......naming just 10 is very hard! I missed out loads of classics, I used to love playing back in the day - managed to get LBA in though. :P
1) Starcraft
2) HL2
3) BF2
4) Raven Shield
5) GTA - VC
6) GTA2
7) Civ-CTP
8) Sims
9) Tetris
10) Pong
1) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2) Last Ninja 2: Back with A Vengeance
3) Goldeneye 007
4) Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
5) Jedi Outcast
6) Half Life
7) Half Life 2
8) Resident Evil 4
9) Knights of the Old Republic
10) MarioKart DS

No doubt this list will change entirely in the coming weeks.
1. Half-Life 2
2. System Shock 2
3. Homeworld
4. Final Fantasy Tactics
5. Half-Life 2 Episode 1
6. Unreal Tournament 2004
7. Final Fantasy VI
8. Deus Ex
9. Half-Life
10. System Shock
Random Order

1)Half Life 1 + expansions
2)Max Payne 1&2
3)GTA-Vice City
5)Far Cry
6)C&C RA2-Yuri's revenge
7)Quake III
9)Unreal Tournament
10)Worms 4 Mayhem
1. Half-life 2
2. Grand theft auto: Vice city
3. Half-life 2: Episode 1
4. Deus ex
5. System Shock 2
6. Half-life
7. Metal Gear solid 2
8. Starcraft + Starcraft Brood war
9. Resident evil 4 (Based purely on the game itself)
10. Syphon Filter

Also, no more threads of this kind for at least a month. Far too many. :|
1. Half Life
2. Half Life 2
3. Deus Ex
5. Far Cry
6. Diablo
7. Red Alert
8. Max Payne
9. Mechwarrior 2
10. Tribes
1.Resident evil series
2.Unreal Tournament 2003
3.Unreal Tournament 2004
4.Unreal Tournament 2007
5.Resident evil: Cold Blood
6.Stubbs the zombie
7.Disney Pixar's movie Cars
8.King Kong
9.Land Of The Dead: Road To Fiddler's Green
10.BattleField 2
1. GTA: Vice City
2. Max Payne
3. Half-Life + Expansions
4. Half-Life 2
5. Wetrix
6. Warcraft III
7. Deus Ex
8. Deus Ex: Invisable War
9. Quake 3
10. Unreal Tournament
Double_Blade said:
1.Resident evil series
2.Unreal Tournament 2003
3.Unreal Tournament 2004
4.Unreal Tournament 2007
5.Resident evil: Cold Blood
6.Stubbs the zombie
7.Disney Pixar's movie Cars
8.King Kong
9.Land Of The Dead: Road To Fiddler's Green
10.BattleField 2

Lol@Resident Evil series followed by 4 entries for the Unreal Tournament series >>
It's hard to list my favorite games. It is easier to list my favorite shooters, so I'll do that. GTA makes the list too as it kind of qualifies. I had to include "series" because otherwise half the list would be of Half-Life games. ;)

Here's my list of favorite shooters in about as close a ranking order as I can get:

1. Half-Life series
2. Perfect Dark
3. Deus Ex
4. DOOM series (excluding DOOM3)
5. Serious Sam series (excluding Serious Sam II)
6. NOLF series
7. GTA series
8. Goldeneye
9. Max Payne series
10. Far Cry

I'll come up with 10 favorite non-shooting games a little later.
I don't think you should be allowed to list series, it's just not right.
Jintor said:
Lol@Resident Evil series followed by 4 entries for the Unreal Tournament series >>
There's three :P Though one of them hasn't even been released...

And I'd never thought I'd ever see "UT2003" on a top 10 games list :x
I think this is it, but I am at work so I am not in the ideal situation to consider this...

1. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
2. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
3. The Dig
4. The Secret of Monkey Island
5. Loom
6. The Curse of Monkey Island
7. Thief 3
8. Final Fantasy Tactics
9. Baldur's Gate 2
10. The Black Mirror
nutcrackr said:
I don't think you should be allowed to list series, it's just not right.

It's a lot harder that way. It would come down to this then (if going in the previously listed order):

1. Half-Life
2. Half-Life 2
3. Half-Life 2: Episode 1
4. Perfect Dark
5. Deus Ex
7. Final Doom
9. Serious Sam: The First Encounter
10 Serious Sam: The Second Encounter

Bah, I'll have to give this more thought...
1.) Half-Life 2 + Episode 1
2.) God of War
3.) GTA:SA
4.) Max Payne
5.) StarCraft/Brood War
6.) Duke Nukem 3D
7.) Rise of the Triad
8.) Xenogears
9.) Metal Gear Solid 2 + 3
10.) Contra Series
1. Half-Life
2. Starcraft
3. Half-Life 2
4. Day of Defeat: Source
5. Unreal Tournament
6. Dawn of War
7. Battlefield 2
8. Goldeneye / Perfect Dark
9. Donkey Kong 64
10. Final Fantasy IX
2.half-life: Opposing Force
3.half-life: blue shift
4.half-life: Source
5.half-life Deathmatch
6.half-life Deathmatch: Source
7.half-life 2
8.half-life 2: Episode One
9.half-life 2: Deathmatch
10.half-life 2: Lost Coast

Now come on, Lost Coast isn't even a game, it's a tech demo. I demand you list something else, such as Minerva (mod) which rocks socks more than Lost Coast.

Um... "Favorite" is different than best I suppose, so here goes... NOT IN ORDER. I cannot order "fun."

1. Warcraft 3, with or without expansion. Great online play with customs.
2. Call of Duty, first online game I played extensively (first clan etc). Also first game I was actually good at.
3. System Shock 2, best horror-theme and a nice RPG if a bit unbalanced.
4. World of Warcraft, best MMO ever and the only one so far I can rationalize payment for.
5. Dark Forces 2/Jedi Knight. Enough said here. In MotS it was fun to get eaten by a Rancor.
6. Dragon Warrior 3/4, awesome oldschool RPGs.
7. Galactic Conquest mod (BF1942) for best online community and friendly play. The team that made this releasing their new mod for BF2 is the sole reason I'll download BF2. (I'd never buy it)
8. Age of Empires, Age of Kings and their expansions. RTS goodness.
9. Quake 2, for getting me started in game/mod development which is now one of my foremost hobbies, second only to actually playing the games.
10. Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear.

I know theres a few more lurking, but at the moment my pile of CDs (which cannot be moved on pain of pain) is only showing Rise of Nations, Quake 2, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and a PCG demo disc with a Prey cover. Oh and Space Quest 6, but I can't list that one without also listing Space Quest 4 and 3 which are superior.

But never fear, for now my list of honorable mentions, also known as games which have merited a spot on the coveted Shelf of Game Boxes.

Knights of the Old Republic (memorable characters)
Empire Earth
Myst 1-5 (own all + Uru)
Homeworld (Good plot in an RTS! Unfathomable)
Ahhh Baldur's Gate 1&2. If you don't know who Minsc is, you are not an RPG gamer.
Ghost Recon, big maps + coordinated tactics + coop mp = win. Me and me bro beat the entire game with just us (no bots), him with an assault rifle and things that go boom, me with my silenced sniper and kickass pistol.
Icewind Dale, solid plot, and my heroic group of all human warriors and rangers that beat all comers proved that you don't need magic to win in fantasy games.

and the Legendary most awesome game series ever award goes to:

Creatures 1, 2, and notably 3. The only game I can imagine ever surpassing this in ANYTHING is Spore, simply because of scale.

Granted Creatures is not for the stupid. But it was hella fun concocting medicines and devising merciless Grendel killing traps (in 3). I played this when I was 8-10 I believe, and if I got it out again I'm sure I could understand much more about it.

I'm sorry for not putting Half Life in anything, but its not favorite for me, just in the "best" list.


Jesus I need to stop posting in these threads. I'm seemingly the only one who puts thought into their lists, and I don't have enough harddrive space to keep reinstalling old games! I still haven't beaten ALL of Baldur's Gate with one group of heroes. It's hard to handle the 200 hours worth of content there.
1.Counter Strike
2.Call of Duty 2
3.MoH (All of them are good)
4.Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas, Vice City and Liberty City
5. World of Warcraft
6. Half-Life 2
7. Doom 3
8. Socom
9. Pac Man
10. Grand Trismo
1. Half-Life
2. Half-Life 2
3. Total Annihilation
4. Alpha Centauri
5. Deus Ex
6. Battlefield 2
7. Splinter Cell series
8. Tie Fighter
9. System Shock 2
1. Half-Life Series
1. Halo Series
3. System Shock 2
4. Call of Duty
5. Day of Defeat
6. Age of Empires Series
7. Starcraft
8. The Sims 2
9. Quake Series
10. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

And yes, I put in two 1's for a reason.
Not really in any order except the first two. Oblivion would be on there except I hardly got to play any of it. I will soon be able to though! :naughty:
Here's the games I had the most fun playing:

1. Half-Life
2. Half-Life 2
3. Serious Sam The Second Encounter
4. Morrowind
5. The Sims
6. The Sims 2
7. Call of Duty
8. All the Tony Hawk games
9. Nox
10. GoldenEye

Edit: Deleted Halo Co-Op and replaced it with GoldenEye, which I forgot about
No Order

1. XCom: UFO defense (UFO enemy unknown)
2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time
3. Medieval total war
4. Baldurs gate
5. Half-Life 2
6. Wing Commander: Privateer
7. Total Anhiliation
8. Guild Wars
9. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
10. Hidden and Dangerous

Sorry for any spelling errors, it's late and I can't be bothered to spell check.
1. Half-Life
2. Gunstar Heroes
3. Vampire Hunter: Darkstalker's Revenge (I just picked up an original .jp Saturn copy of this on the 4th, yeah!)
4. Soul Calibur
5. Astal
6. Half-Life 2
7. Kingdom Hearts
8. Panzer Dragoon
9. Capcom vs. SNK 2
10. Alundra
1. Oregon Trail
2. Full Throttle
3. The Dig
4. The Secret of Monkey Island
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6. Half-Life
7. Mechwarrior 2
8. Final Fantasy IX
9. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
10. Metal Gear Solid

Double_Blade said:
1.Resident evil series
2.Unreal Tournament 2003
3.Unreal Tournament 2004
4.Unreal Tournament 2007
5.Resident evil: Cold Blood
6.Stubbs the zombie
7.Disney Pixar's movie Cars
8.King Kong
9.Land Of The Dead: Road To Fiddler's Green
10.BattleField 2
Please tell me you're only 12... or that those are the only 10 games you've ever played, because this list makes me very, very sad.
Half Life
Half Life 2
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Grand Theft Auto
Super Smash Brothers
Guild Wars
joule said:
1. H
2. A
3. L
4. F
5. -
6. L
7. I
8. F
9. E
10. 2

Bleh, these threads are boring. I mean, how many threads of these do we need and does one really care what another's favorite games are? Ho hum.

1 sonic 2
2 operation flashpoint
3 half life
4 street fighter 2
5 grand theft auto 3
6 goldeneye
7 half life 2
8 splinter cell 3
9 gtr
10 thief 3

In order.
1. Half Life 2
2. Half Life
3. DoD:S
4. Star Wars Galaxies (Pre-NGE)
5. Star Wars Bf2
6. Bf2
7. Castlevania: SotN
8. Gmod
9. GTA San Andreas
10. Super Smash Bros. Melee