Favorite Character(not including Dog)


The Bruce

I'd have to go with Father Grigory. He was by far the most interesting character of anyone in the game, second to Dr. Breen.
Yeh, I can't think of anyone better than Alyx. :frog:
Barney...He's dreamy
Its a tossup between Alyx and Barney. Not just because Alyx is hot but because she is like the practical brains of the rebels (Dr. Kliener is not practical). Barney is cool because even though Freeman kicks more ass, when the rebels have to rebuild Earth, Gordon is no where to be found and Barney becomes the hero.
Father Gregori

Dude, DEFINATELY Father Gregori. He is a psycho ass-kicker with a shotgun.
Gordon Freeman... cause he massacred alot of combine and aliens in just 1 week and 2 days.
Lamarr the Headcrab. The first character to illicit an undeniable love/hate/fear/comical emotion from me! :p
I'd say Barney. His name makes me think of purple dinosaurs, and I like his attitude better in this game than HL1
In order:

The Metrocop who tells you to pick up the can. Hot damn, he's a real hero.

-Angry Lawyer
I think Gandalf is the leetest....

oh wait :eek:

i actually like Breen, i think his motives go beyond personnal power...
Angry Lawyer said:
The Metrocop who tells you to pick up the can. Hot damn, he's a real hero.

-Angry Lawyer

same here....PICK......UP.....THE.......CAN

i just thought the dialogue was quentin tarantino-esque and the character was so well formulated. i literally wanted to hug the guy...specially after i cheated and blew his balls in with my 357

what a sweetheart

honestly though, i don't know WHAT it is but the combine just crack me up...specially in multiplayer....i mean they look amazingly smart, don't get me wrong....everything is right but just...the way they are cracks me up for some specific reason

i'm gonna go with the combine
I know they're not realy characters but i love Vortigaunts
The Gman

He may or may not be the highest power, but he's heavily involved in whats going on.
Couldn't take my eyes off of Alyx whenever she was on the screen.
I think dr.Kleiner is ****ing funny! But on the other hand Barney is cool.... Hmm... I don't know...
They're all great of course (don't hit me!). Forced to choose... i'm stuck between the doctors. Kliener has got the funnies, Eli seems remarkably human... but right now, I'm going with Breen. I've just played through the last bit of the game again, and as an "ultimate badguy" type, he's very refreshing. Superbly voice-acted, he's the first enemy character in a game that actually makes some sense to you: Why am I doing all this? What have I created? What will the consequences of destroying the reactor be? Oh sure, we want him dead, but he's still very much a voice of reason. Plus, i just love his scatterlogical ways in that last scene. Fabulous.

(I love the rest of the cast though - there are great moments for every character. I've never been this enthralled by any other game in this way, not even non-fps games.)
Lamarr!!! the headcrab is the best~!
I think Lamarr will save the world in HL3
I like breen the best sinply because of his lines during the citadel level. "you have destroyed so much, but what exactly is it that you have created" (or something to that effect) stands out as one of the most memorable parts of the game to me.
Why can't we choose dog

Oh well, it hard to choose my favorite character but it has to be
1. Barney
2.Dr Kliner
3. Father Gregory
The vortigaunts cause they always speak of you like your a god. then it would have to be barney cause he's cool
ratm9200 said:
I like breen the best sinply because of his lines during the citadel level. "you have destroyed so much, but what exactly is it that you have created" (or something to that effect) stands out as one of the most memorable parts of the game to me.

apparently not :thumbs:
I'd have to chose between barney and Father Gregory, but it'll probably be Father Gregory since he's a psycho killer. as for alyx :rolleyes: she's the hottest in the game. but the the favorite
Alyx, hottest in the game? You haven't seen Mr. "Pick-Up-The-Can' in his latest photo-shoot, have you?

-Angry Lawyer
For me, for some reason, I LOVE the vortigaunts. My first time playing through the game, I would squeal whenever I came across one. It made my day to see them cooking in the kitchen. And I can say "vortigaunts" as one character, because of course... they are coterminous. ^__^

Or the G-Man.

He seems alot more sinister in this. Though I can't shake the feeling he's actually helping us out.
Angry Lawyer said:
Alyx, hottest in the game? You haven't seen Mr. "Pick-Up-The-Can' in his latest photo-shoot, have you?

-Angry Lawyer

You seen the one with him sorta revealing the thigh? Hot.
Why not include Dog? He is my least favorite of all! Stupid arse robot

My favorite is most likely citizen #492392, he really makes me laugh, and you haven't lived until you have eaten his MRE ration suflet.
-Screaming corpse mutant guy that rode by me in 'Our Benefactors
-Doctor Breen
-Gordon Freeman

These are my favorites because they are apparently having bad days and they need some love. Especially screaming corpse mutant guy, can we get this guy some lotion, damn is he chaffed!