Favorite Character(not including Dog)

Hmm... after playing again through again... I decided that the Combine Elites are truly cool!
Excepting the bullshit speech (ergo! concordantly! vis a vis!), lack of emotion and the fact that the Architect ruined an already craptacular film (whilst Breen enhances HL2)... Actually, I think that everyone at Valve who poured their time into creating the Breen character and storyline should be insulted at you suggesting a link between a character that is utter crap and one which is pretty damned excellent really. Given that an early Citadel interior sketch had the "Consul's" Room filled with monitors, perhaps Valve realised exactly how not to make an antagonistic character.

So, not a matrix fan, eh? ;)

I thought the first 2 matrix films were really good, and I still say there are similarities between the 2 characters, in the way that they both externally control "worlds"
AfternoonLemon said:
So, not a matrix fan, eh? ;)

I thought the first 2 matrix films were really good, and I still say there are similarities between the 2 characters, in the way that they both externally control "worlds"
I thought the first one was excellent. The second and third films lost their way majorly IMO. :)
ok mine is actually all the characters.....i just love em all!!!
umm........................................yea. I will say the crow that is on the Gman's soldier when he is seen on the tv. Not really sure when. but yea. you know.
gordon's adventure in half life 2 took 3 days, because he wasn't there in the week between "Entanglement" and "AntiCitizen One"
fokke said:
gordon's adventure in half life 2 took 3 days, because he wasn't there in the week between "Entanglement" and "AntiCitizen One"
3 month old threads be warned - the random fact man is here to drag you back to the front page! :thumbs:
Ah well... Make use of it then...

Mine is Dog.

EDIT: Oops... I didn't read the title. Mine is the crow on G-Man's shoulder ;) .
It's a hard one... I like all of them, except Alyx and DOG, to be honest. I'm serious, I don't like either of them.

I really do like Dr. Breen alot. Sometimes it's hard to tell... is he a coward? Sure. Is he actually evil? Hmm... I mean he just might have good reasons for doing what he's doing. He strikes me as a very hands-off person. If anything, he's condescendingly-Evil.
A List

My top favorite character WOULD be dog but... since i can't pick him i will make a list of my favortie peeple

A Combine Cop - Their suits are awesome (gordons suit is GAY)
Alyx - She Can Kick Ass
Gordon - He Has Gravity gun
i like gregory

grregory he rules and he owes me 25$ and also hes all like eat this :sniper:
Breen all the way.
Easily one of my favorite villains in the history of everything ever, he reminds of myself, albeit smarter, more powerful, better dressed, much more in the way of eloquence, and a better voice actor.
A close second for Grigori, he's got a good laugh round when he sayd salvation, and I like his shoes.
riomhaire said:

hahahahahahahahahahaa PWNT

kyle877 said:
grregory he rules and he owes me 25$ and also hes all like eat this :sniper:

Good first post :LOL: :LOL:

Gregori as well for me.....

plus the guy with the wrench who helps you fight against the manhacks. I made a sad discovery on my 4th time (!!) through the game. When you exit the room, and he shouts "good luck!" or whatever, then you go on to face the next batch of manhacks, after that point if you return to the room you'll find that guy dead, and a single manhack flying around... shocked me ;(
I'll stick with the trend, and vote Breen followed by Grigory.

Breen was one of the best villians EVER. Especially at the end. "You will be killed in every single way possible and some that are, theoretically, impossible!"


He's not -take over the world- evil. He's mysterious evil, even though he's right there.

And Grigory is great when he's preaching while you're killing.