Favorite Childhood Memory

Hmm a funny moment (probably not my favourite) was in about year 4, I went for a slash and after I was washing my hands when my mate was fiddling about with a sink, saying look it's barely attached, when he rips the sink off and a jet of water sprays everywhere, and I mean a HUGE spray everywhere. The expression on his face when he was trying to shove that sink back on while getting drenched was priceless :laugh:

In the end we just legged it :p
Pesmerga said:
Seriously, what is up with doing that? You're the third sonofabitch that I've seen do it on these boards.

AngryLawyer, NSF (Oh god he pisses me off so much when he does it) and now YOU.


Favorite childhood experience : Touching myself

- Pesmerga

haha your getting upset over something on a forum hahaha.
The Dark Elf said:
haha your getting upset over something on a forum hahaha.

I agree, its pointless. Doesnt overly annoy me.

-We allready know your name, we read it before your bloody post Ritz
I have no childhood memories that stick out, i did lots of things i enjoyed but nothing really that pops into my mind straight away.

I spent a lot of my childhood designing and building stuff, from go-karts to 6ft crossbows (yes i used to build weapons when i was 6)

I had very few friends as a kid, about 2 for the first 10 years of my life.

I think one event i found funny was when me and a mate dug a massive underground bunker that was big enough for about 10 fully grown men and had a ventilation system, and when the base was destroyed when we accidently had a fire in there.
Lol, crawling through tunnels holding our breath with smoke so thick you couldn't see more than a few inches with an orange glow from the fire, that was funny.
Standing and watching the 'B&Q' Warehouse burn down in Hull ... it was an awesome sight, industrial amounts of aerosol cans/tins of chemicals/etc + massive fire = awesome.

Anyway, we even had our own joke about there being only 24 letters in the alphabet because B and Q burnt down.
Dalamari said:
Riding around the small towns in Iowa with my cousin about a year ago before he went off to the Navy, it was fun stuff, going about 100mph on country roads blasting Zeppelin.
As i read that, i thought "With a paintball gun, shooting signs and stuff..."
el Chi said:
Duplo and Lego are so awesome!
When I was a kid I built this awesome spaceship (which I may still have actually!) and even wrote a story about it :)
I was obsessed with dinosaurs as well, so I've got loads of toys :) I had it all mapped out:
I was going to work really hard and go to Cambridge to study Paleontology. :)
omg.. that's pretty much what I wanted to do ;(

I was obsessed with Dinosaurs too - I even made up one and convinced my primary school teacher existed :D

Fat Tony! said:
Pff chavs have always been around, they just didn't have their uniform or their organisation

I saw 4 out of 5 kids walking together wearing the SAME DAMN LONSDALE HOODY. Christ.

:P they were about 9.. it's secondary socialisation I tell ya!
marksmanHL2 :) said:
haha, everyone loves lego!!! :thumbs:
We once gave Lego to a kid we knew for his birthday. He doesn't unwrap it, he shakes the box - you ALWAYS do this when you're a kid - it rattles, as LEgo tends to do. He says:
"Not MORE Lego"

Like you could ever have too much!?

ComradeBadger said:
I was obsessed with Dinosaurs too - I even made up one and convinced my primary school teacher existed
That's awesome! What did you call it!? Describe?

Also: Pillow forts. Quite possibly one of the best things in the entire world and SO nostalgic! Actually they're still fun to do now :)
el Chi said:
Also: Pillow forts. Quite possibly one of the best things in the entire world and SO nostalgic! Actually they're still fun to do now :)

Oh God yes. Pillow forts rule :D I remember was about six my brothers had these toy guns and we'd make forts and have a little gun shoot out around the house :D

Good times, good times...
Nothing sticks out, the earliest I remember was visiting the primary school I was going to go to, I don't why I remember that, and I can't believe I remember something that long ago.
Shens said:
I must say, I cannot at all remember any childhood memories. My mind is clearly blank.

drugs took your memories too eh?
Shens said:
Get your drugs away from me.

I am no such person.
*stuffs flintstones chewable vitamins down Shens throat*
welcome to my world muahahahahahahahaha :devil:
el Chi said:
We once gave Lego to a kid we knew for his birthday. He doesn't unwrap it, he shakes the box - you ALWAYS do this when you're a kid - it rattles, as LEgo tends to do. He says:
"Not MORE Lego"

Like you could ever have too much!?

That's awesome! What did you call it!? Describe?

Also: Pillow forts. Quite possibly one of the best things in the entire world and SO nostalgic! Actually they're still fun to do now :)

lol sweet. :)

And yeah, forts as a really small kid :P

I remember disturbingly little about my childhood.

In fact. I remember disturbingly little since last week....

My memory sucks beyond human comprehension! :x
JiMmEh said:
Oh God yes. Pillow forts rule :D I remember was about six my brothers had these toy guns and we'd make forts and have a little gun shoot out around the house :D

Good times, good times...
IT's great that as a kid, the idea strikes you that the most impenetrable material in the world is obviously pillows.
I remember when I like to set up a tent in my house and sort of make it my tiny house... sometimes I put in marbles.
My favorite childhood-memory is witnessing the last succesful launch of the space-shuttle Challenger in april '84. I was on vacation in Florida with my dad and coz of a pure stroke of luck there was a launch when we were there. I was 11 back then and it made an impression that would last the rest of my life.