Favorite Default HL2DM Map?

What's your favorite Valve-made HL2DM map?

  • Overwatch

    Votes: 20 40.0%
  • Lockdown

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Steamlabs

    Votes: 15 30.0%

  • Total voters

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Is it Lockdown, Overwatch, or Steamlabs?

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My favorite is definitely Lockdown.

I like Overwatch, but am quite annoyed by wide-open combat with bullet weapons... I tend to try to stay away from the streets,

In my humble opinion, Steamlabs is scatterbrained garbage. It doesn't have half the flow of Lockdown or Overwatch, nor the "easy to see" visuals of *any* HL2 maps, is big, very tedious to get from point A to point B, and only good if "too many" people are playing.

In Lockdown, you just prance around on a tour de-force, establishing your territory and sweeping through each corridor with a feeling of "ownership" and dominion over the place. You move through the map like a SWAT unit, from hall to hall, exactly as the prison environment suggests.

In Overwatch, you have an extremely friendly circular environment with streets surrounding a central building... You sweep the streets on the outside, killing with ranged gunfighting and stuff-throwing, then move into the building-of-death, forcefully, to flush out some kills, and even work your way to the rocket launcher on top, which is *quite* hard to get, in a very natural, un-cliche way. (no spiked death traps or any of that Unreal garbage surrounding the rocket launcher)

In Steamlabs, everything goes the other way. You have a massive, extremely unfriendly, hard to recognize, hard to navigate, dark, generic complex with rooms and halls that are just "there" as if being placed randomly just to make a "big DM map". I really haven't played it as much as Lockdown or Overwatch, but so far I really don't like it and try to avoid it.

I just go straight for Lockdown. :thumbs:

What are the opinions of all ye so-called, "Frag bait?"

Am I the only one who thinks Lockdown is one of the best maps in deathmatch history?

If I were given a choice between having 10,000 different UT2004 maps, 10,000 different Quake3 maps, and 10,000 different Halo2 maps, or Lockdown, I would choose Lockdown. No joke. It shames all other deathmatch.
I like lockdown, but it's wayyy to easy to control the entire map from the upper level :)

Oh, and Steamlabs is a remake of a classic map, it has good flow - however, the original stalkyard pwns them all :p

And oooo fragbait am I ;) :D
Overwatch....i love the smell of the outdoors
the other guy even says 'i did a search on this'....clearly you did not."closed" maybe

In other news - overwatch is my favourite...
sabre0001 said:
the other guy even says 'i did a search on this'....clearly you did not."closed" maybe

Actually, it was this thread that came second. No big deal though.
Overwatch, by the way.
Whow... I started a thread identical to this one about three days ago. :O

Nonetheless, my "favourite map" tends to change a lot. I liked Overwatch last week, but now I'm more of a Steamlabs person. Steamlabs is especially good for crowbarring unsuspected players from the back, or throwing cinder blocks at them with the gravity gun. ;)

Overwatch is really starting to piss me off with all the RPG campers! What skill does it take to shoot rockets down on people that can't kill you? I'd love to challenge all those campers to a 1v1 crowbar wrestle!
I didnt see the other thread... lol. Right up there with mine. :angel:

I wanted to poll on people's favorite levels as a priority, as well as see why people like the 3 maps. A discussion without a poll is misleading for me, and I'm trying to collect some preferences about elements (because Im working on a mod).

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I hope Valve is working on some other maps... I really like the formula of taking existing maps from HL2 SinglePlayer and porting them over, because they are based on realism and location (lockdown = prison, overwatch = city17) and are really good.

Also, the present array is just so narrow... 3 maps? What kind of game-mode has 3 maps?
well they are realeasing the two or three best user maps as "official" soon
Dario D. said:
I didnt see the other thread
Hehe... it was at the top of the list. A little hard to miss. :cool:

Dario D. said:
A discussion without a poll is misleading for me
What do you mean? My thread did have a poll.

I'm telling you, dude; the thread's are identical. :LOL:
overwatch..! it doesn't have that sort of claustrophobic mood, as the other maps.. :)
I HATE LOCKDOWN!!! it is such a bad map...mainly because it is too easy to get killed by cheap shots! steamlabs is cool caz u can blow people upzoors! And over watch doesn't have any map hazards :(...BTW is there a crossfire with working artilery? they should've made crossfire as a default map yarg!
Crossfire: source and the latest versions of crossfire 2 are both fully functional.

Thnx mecha....have any links to good sources for them?
My vote goes for lockdown. I simply enjoy it more than the other two maps.

Overwatch since the start seemed 'small' to me. I would have prefered if there where more buildings similar to the one in the middle.

Steamlab is pretty confusing , that might add to the fun sometimes, but it doesn't have the same feeling than the old hl1 version.
Overwatch for me. Although on that map, the highest score always goes to the most shameless and impudent lamer.
I like the RPG campers in Overwatch

I like the RPG campers in Overwatch - it gives more of an objective feel to the game when trying to take them out, or take control of the fort, so to speak, whilst still maintaining a random kill-fest feel.

I didn't like Steamlabs at first, but I'm starting to enjoy it now. The Slam is good laugh unless your team is made up of dickheads.
Steamlab. Compact and good for shotty. Also I find easiest to mainuplate gren kills in Steamlabs.
daverince said:
I like the RPG campers in Overwatch - it gives more of an objective feel to the game when trying to take them out, or take control of the fort, so to speak, whilst still maintaining a random kill-fest feel.

I didn't like Steamlabs at first, but I'm starting to enjoy it now. The Slam is good laugh unless your team is made up of dickheads.

Yeah... I like RPG campers, because then I go on "the hunt" [tm], and try to deliver a sneaky-sneaky crossbow bolt from a mile away, or a cooked grenade launch from the grav-gun to end their lame dominion of the RPG.

Very satisfying to kill the guy in a skillful or explosive way... also ala plasma balls and SMG grenades. Doesn't always work though... RPG campers usually kill me a few times before I knock them down.
Yeah, the horribleness of the camping in overwatch is generally exaggerated. Sure, it does give the camper an advantage, but it's not too hard to get up and claim the place for yourself.
A single person can clear any roof camp, as long as there are few enough people. And if the roof is full of people, it's like a sniper's buffet.
After all, that's what rooftops with rocket launchers on them are for; people to get an advantage, while everyone else knocks them down.

Keeps the game very interesting, or else it would just be running in circles with guns.

I DO understand the complaints though. Everybody spawns just below the RPG, and it sucks to get pwned 3 times in a row without time to even move.

I think a little redesigning could fix things up - put some hallways inside the outlying buildings so that spawners can leave the streets and stay away from the RPGs, Crossbows, and Magnums. Overwatch is small.
Dario D. said:
Yeah... I like RPG campers, because then I go on "the hunt" [tm], and try to deliver a sneaky-sneaky crossbow bolt from a mile away, or a cooked grenade launch from the grav-gun to end their lame dominion of the RPG.

I see what you mean by that. But often the campers are so unimaginative that no matter how skilled you are in knocking them off the top, they just run to the same spot again. Over and over again. Just do something different for once you gits! :frown:

Also, teams of determined roof-campers can be awful. I found one game in which all 5 of the opposing team were on the roof, each keeping a laser trained at a different entrance. Spawnkills ahoy, it was totally ghey. I guess this doesn't happen often though.

Redesigning Overwatch is a good idea. Only a few small changes to the map could get rid of these problems. Give the campers less cover, and the spawn points more.
i've only just started playing deathmatch and to be honest i thought i wasn't going to enjoy it as much as cs:s (which i must say i'm not enjoying anymore)

i was wrong! i love deathmatch now and played quite a bit on steamlabs last night. thought it was a cool looking map, i also played around on a rats map which i used to like in cs:s

in short, hl2 dm rocks!!!
No kidding. HL2DM is the pinnacle of video gaming deathmatch.

CS:S, I thought I would like it, and enjoyed it for a good week or so, but then... well... I don't play video games to spend 60% of the time waiting around just to spawn and get killed again.

To me, Counter-Strike sucks. If I want to wait around, I'll go to a restaurant.

I far prefer Battlefield 1942 where you can pick your class, drive vehicles, tanks, ships and airplanes, and spend 98% of the time ON the battlefield, fighting and strategizing - not waiting to spawn all the time, then finally having a chance to play and getting killed by someone 0.01 seconds after coming in sight of the nearest enemy.
I reckon fixing Overwatch to try and stop camping would be pretty easy. Stick a blasted wall at the end of the thin bit you run across to get to the RPG (with a way to get across obviously). Makes it hard for them to just blast people on the floor below, and it's esy to kill them using explosives (impact explosions hit the wall and do damage, grenades are kept by RPG by wall).

Probably has a lot of problems too but I reckon it'd be better than what we have now.
Dario D. said:
I far prefer Battlefield 1942 where you can pick your class, drive vehicles, tanks, ships and airplanes, and spend 98% of the time ON the battlefield, fighting and strategizing - not waiting to spawn all the time, then finally having a chance to play and getting killed by someone 0.01 seconds after coming in sight of the nearest enemy.

Did you ever play Desert Combat or Galactic Conquest? I may have fought you before.
Yeah... at least a thousand hours of Desert Combat :)

But I play as Deefrag, so I dunno if you would have known it was me.
lockdown fo sho!

overwatch has the rpg whores, steamlab is too hard to navigate, and doesn't have some of the cool elements that lockdown has (not to mention the lack of health packs)

lockdown pwns all. I love it :D
Ooo...so many choices...uhh I will say overwatch
hmm.. from the default maps, i thougth Steam Labs was perfectly done.. a remake of datacore :)
as for custom maps...i am a bit disappointed in most servers not running the same version of custom maps.. alot of the servers run the buggy version of crossfire for example.
maps such as dm_substorage and dm_watergate are not being run by many servers and its a shame because both of these maps (and others) are excellent maps...don't know why they aren't on every server. :|
I like Overwatch most :) I usually spawn a helicopter above the building and let it drop bombs every 10 sec :) Sometimes i spawn some turrets too :)
Overwatch i love, because of the simple feel of taking and nuking a building - and then getting pwned. Also i randomly toss furniture up on the roof. Once i actually got a kill with it!

I like steamlabs, but only because its got SLAMS.
Jintor said:
I like steamlabs, but only because its got SLAMS.

Overwatch has Slams. :thumbs:

Lockdown doesn't. :frown: Lockdown's the PERFECT map for Slams.

In that regard, Overwatch is the worst possible map for Slams. I like the Slams, but choose between giving them to Lockdown or Overwatch, Overwatch is the worst choice. For crying out loud, it's an outdoor-oriented map.

But being that Slams are fun and generally useful anywhere, I would have put them in all the maps... however, in a seldom-traveled space, so that they aren't over-used.

The position of the Slams in Overwatch is perfect, so they rarely get used.

They would have to be hidden in some dark corner of Lockdown...
I love overwatch, but i cant seem to kill anybody with the smg. The only kills i get are with the pistol and the crowbar/stunstick.
Where are they in Overwatch? Why wouldn't you put them in Lockdown?
In Overwatch the Slams are in the upper room inside the building, under the windows that look out into the street (the street from which u enter the building's second floor).

- I would put the Slams in Lockdown. I meant that Lockdown is the best place for Slams.