Favorite Game Controller


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I saw a thread like this on a psx EMU forum, and figured, what the hell, let's see what the PC gaming community thinks of the pads out there!

My top two would have to be either the Dual Shock pad, or one of the aftermarket XBOX stype pads floating around.

Till recently, I couldn't stand anything other than a PS2 pad. Others were either too large, too small, or just made my fingers scream when they saw that the button they needed was all the way on the other side of the controller. I loved the PS2 pad because it was small, sleak, and fit my hands perfectly.

Just a few weeks ago, I bought a 10 USD XBOX gamepad from Radioshack (Pelican Eclipse) and i'm having second thoughts on my Dual Shock love. This specific pad works very well for PC gaming, as it's very large, and you can just let it sit on your desktop while you play, no strain on your wrists.

My biggest gripe though, would have to be the pressure sensitivity on the AB XY buttons. In games that don't use the sensetivity (emulators), I end up having to press extra hard to get the buttons to register, and that means twitch reflexes can say bye bye. While games that DO use it (trackmania nations... and um... Trackmania Nations...), well, it's still annoying. The buttons have such an incredibly large pressure detection range, that it's ****ing hard to tell if you're slowing down because you're pressing too weak. Then, when you think you are, you jam on the button and it digs into your thumb :P

Which brings me to my next problem, the buttons are rounded. Not much of a problem in anything but racing games. In fact, I like it, in everything but racing games. In racing games, constant pressure on that dome shape button means that there's constant pressure on your thumb, but it peaks in the center and goes outwards. Now, usually button pressure on my fingers isn't an issue, but that's because most gamepads have flat buttons. On this, it's just the fact that it's in a small cone shape that makes it annoying.

I could easily fix the pressure sensetivity issues by installing the Digital only version of XBCD, and I might.

Worst gamepad would have to be the GC gamepad. In terms of ergonomics, it's in fact the BEST gamepad i've every used (never gotten a single cramp using one), and if you give me enough time with one, i'll stop caring about WHY I hate it, but...

I despise the pad because the buttons are placed too damn confusingly. "Oh, so that big one is A, that explains allot" "wait, why's the B small? The A should be small too, easier to push" "wait, so the TOP one is X, and the one on the right is Y?" "NO NO NO WTF I PRESSED Y! Wait... No that was X" "What? It says to push the Z button. Where the **** is the Z button?"

Typical gaming session at my cousins house (he has a GC). From reading the above, you might just say that I haven't gotten used to the pad, since I don't own one, but it's far from that. I'll get issues with the buttons 6 hours into a session at his house. It's so damn confusing, most likely because the first Nintendo gamepad I touched was an N64 pad, and those are probably the closest thing to a GC reciprocal you can get. C stick is on the left, instead of right, Z button is all the way on the other side of the controller now, A button is green, B button is red (opposed to A green B blue of the N64), and let's not forget that they switched the ****ing A and B buttons around.

*clears throught*


What is/was your favorite gamepad, and why?

If it's the PS2 gamepad, then what's your second (I can tell we're going to get allot of Dual Shock fanboys)?

What's the best PC gamepad you're used?

And while we're on it, what's the WORST gamepad you've used.

Keep in mind these are all oppinions, so if you say, don't like X gamepad because your finger won't fit over the R button, don't just say "OMFG BUTTONS ARE TOO SMALL", say that they're too small for your hands, otherwise we'll just get confused.

No polls. I despise polls.
Easily PS2 controller, it's very comfortable to hold and buttons are all very easily accessible. The only minor downside is that it is a bit small but overall, it's far better than any other controller. The biggest rival would probably be the Xbox 360 controller, I haven't had much of a chance to test it so I can't offer much feedback but when I did use it felt very comfortable as well. The design is obviously heavily inspired by the PS2 controller, which I guess is why it felt so good.
The PS2 Controller is the best ****ing controller in the world.

And you know what? You can use it on your PC for 11 bucks or so. Buy the PSX to USB from radio shack for about 11 bucks I think, maybe less, I can't remember... and it flawlessly lets you use the ps2 controller on the PC. That's what i've been playing San Andreas for PC with. Keyboard and mouse for on foot, and ps2 controller for driving. If you use SAAC controls for san andreas, its great and you can bind it just like the ps2 version if you wanted to.
Raziaar said:
The PS2 Controller is the best ****ing controller in the world.

And you know what? You can use it on your PC for 11 bucks or so. Buy the PSX to USB from radio shack for about 11 bucks I think, maybe less, I can't remember... and it flawlessly lets you use the ps2 controller on the PC. That's what i've been playing San Andreas for PC with. Keyboard and mouse for on foot, and ps2 controller for driving. If you use SAAC controls for san andreas, its great and you can bind it just like the ps2 version if you wanted to.

I went to Radioshack, with three options.

Buy a PS2 USB adapter (if they had) for 10 bucks

Buy an XBOX controller and wire it up to a USB plug


Buy some Diodes, a 25 male LPT plug, a male LPT plug cover, and a PSX extendor.

The last option ended up being near 20-30 USD, so I figured "**** that".

Down to either a 10 dollar XBox controller or the adapter, I bought the controller.

C'mon, where's the fun in buying something, when you could MAKE something?
I'd say the small XBox controllers are the best console controllers for FPS's on consoles (yes, like Halo and Riddick, etc)

However, for RPG's and fighting games (as well as racing), PS2 is better.

I don't like the Nintendo Revolution controller because it looks impossible to use IMO :P
Nintendo 64.

'nuff said =]
I rate them all below the N64 controller. Now that was a comfy, easy to get a grip on controller.
I think the best is the N64 controller by far. I don't think anything else is even close. I think that along with the sega genesis controller, the PS2 controller and the Xbox controllers are the worst controllers of all time.
Gamecube. Nothings as easy or simple to use for the majority of games out there. It's not great for FPS, but it rocks and everything else.
Gamecube controllers (<<<Gamecube owner) are great for those long hours spent plowing away at the huge amount of platform games for the console. (Twilight Princess FTW!!!) I have never ever, EVER got a cramp on the gamecube controller, ever. Also Sinkoman, the buttons on the GC controller and n64 controllor are exactly the same colour, at least they are down here...

But as for my fav gamepad, definitly the n64, sooooo good. If only the D-Pad wasnt annoyingly out-of-the-way while playing Rouge Squadren...

And ive only got 1 PC gamepad, the Logitech Freedom 2.4 joystick , so that'd have to be my fav :P
GC controller (i've never had any trouble with the button placing, other than the z-trigger) is probably my fave. Comfortable, easy access to buttons, responsive analogue stick and shoulder buttons.

The N64 pad deserves a mention for being the first to do analogue well (and is still far more precise/responsive than the PS2 pad - but that isn't hard ;)), and the 360 pad, bar the d-pad, is lovely.

Old skool award goes to the snes pad - it was superb for its time, and is still the best joypad for any 2d game.
Gamecube controller and Xbox 360 controller. Both are extremely comfortable and easy to use. Plus, I can turn on my 360 with my controller. That's ACE!!!:thumbs:
I can't believe anyone really cares that the 360 controllers can turn off\on the console.
Think about it:
Are we really that lazy that we can't walk a few feet and hit a button? Honestly folks.
Minerel said:
Are we really that lazy that we can't walk a few feet and hit a button? Honestly folks.

You're lazy enough to game for a couple hours, why get up? :D I really, really
enjoy the 360 controller. Plus, wireless is a ****in liberation.
The original playstation controller. Other then that the 360's.
Xbox 1 controller, wish they kept the same format for Xbox360...
I love the original ones though, not the small "s-type-I have baby hands" ones they later released.

dreamcast came in second... I love my triggers.

havent put enough time into the xbox 360 ones yet so I will reserve judgement till I get a chance to go buy one and test em proper.

worst controller ever?
PS2/PS1 dual shock... and the banana looking ones for PS3... the system might turn out to be awesome, but lord how I despise those controller designs (all PS ones.. and I own both PS1 and PS2) playing an fps with em is really retarded...
Gamecube, best in ergonomics. May be confusing to look at because of a total lack of symetry but it really does work amazingly well in games.
Something to consider: Nintendo has been leading the way in controller design since the NES. They always are the ones taking the next step, be it analog or rumble features.
I can't believe anyone really cares that the 360 controllers can turn off\on the console.
Think about it:
Are we really that lazy that we can't walk a few feet and hit a button? Honestly folks.
You don't use a remote to turn on your TV?
GC controller, because it's the only console i've regularly played.

A lot of it is to do with which you've grown up with/played lots, your hands and wrists become adjusted to that style of controller and it seems more comfortable and easier to reach the buttons. I found this out when playing kingdom hearts on my sisters ps2, at first the ps2 controller was just weird, but after enough playtime it felt natural.
You don't use a remote to turn on your TV?
The Tv in my room is 3 feet away. Yes I use my remote sometimes.
I'm not calling this a bad feature but do I go all around saying


No I don't. My point isn't saying the 360 shouldn't have it or it's a useless feature, my point is it isn't some over the top reason that would set a controller any better than another controller.

Hell from what I saw on a Revolution video it can not only turn off the revolution but also the TV. Yet how many people know or care of this and is it going to make it's controller any better than it already is? Not really. All you can do now is sit on your butt, play a game while your eating pizza on your bed all day and night, and turn it off and go to sleep and repeat the next day.

I'm just worried what the rest of the world might think of Americans and how lazy we truely are for using "My controller can shut off the Console" as a reason why it's better than another controller.
The ergonomics of the Xbox 360 controller are felt to be the most comfortable and optimal in terms of shape, size, and placement of buttons.

this badboy right here. I used to use arrow keys because i didn't like wasd. However i noted that making bindings for games with lots of controls was a pain. Rather than put up with giving in to the wasd crowd i chose the 3rd option.
joule said:
The ergonomics of the Xbox 360 controller are felt to be the most comfortable and optimal in terms of shape, size, and placement of buttons.

Xbox 360 controller, by far. It's terribly, terribly comfortable, and feels perfect, as long as you let the handles sink into your palms.