Favorite in game cutscene......

Intro of Total Annihilation and C&C Red Alert music make them so good
SHIPPI said:
The Opposing Force intro has to be my favorite :)
That intro was good the first time, boring after that. They should have put in a proper skip cutscene key instead of messing about trying to get the right map loading to get past it quickly.
FFX cutscene in the arena before the disaster, Awesome!
Or the beginning to diablo II was quiet good.
Intro to HAlf-life counts? ;)
The Dark Elf said:
That intro was good the first time, boring after that. They should have put in a proper skip cutscene key instead of messing about trying to get the right map loading to get past it quickly.

.... Eh?
My favorite cutscene was from the game Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2. The one cutscene after you kill the dark jedi, Maw. They actually used real actors for their cutscenes, and it was pretty cool. Now whenever I watch them I laugh because the acting's so bad. I can still remember the lines in it.

"Excellent Katarn! You've started your journey to the dark side! But that is not enough. Strike her down, and realize your destiny as a dark jedi, your true power!"


"A pity, then you will die!"
My two favourite cutscenes would have to be: (THIS WILL CONTAIN MAJOR SPOILERS OF MAFIA AND KOTOR!!!!)

In Mafia, the end cutscene, where Salieri's henchmen walk up on your lawn.

- Greetings from Mr. Salieri...
*double barreled shotgun goes off*

And the one in KOTOR when you finally realize that you are Revan. When I got to see my characters face on him I dropped my jaw and had to spend the rest of the day searching for it. Seriously one of the best plot twists ever, and undoubtedly one of the most powerfuly cutscenes.
I liked most of the Jedi Knight 2 cutscenes, especially before the barfight :D

"Bartender.. Bartender! BARTENDER!!" *smashes lightsaber on the table*
scene in zelda oot after you get all 3 spirtual stones and then u go back to the castle and zeldas riding out of it on a horse, followed shortly after by ganandorf!
Well recently I was really impressed with the cutsenes in Doom 3. Seeing as they were all "in game" and looked AMAZING! The animators over at id are freakin awsome.
My favorite is the very end cutscene. For all of you who have beaten the game, you know what I'm talkin about.

Demon dragon from Hell, oh ya!

Looking back on past games, I'd say FFX probably had the most beautiful cutscenes I had ever seen. And the cutsceens in MGS2 were very well done aswell (although too frequent and quite lengthy).
Metal Gear Solid (ps one): where you meet the psycho guy, he lets you put down the controller and he makes it move :o
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payn, gotta love those cut scenes !
un0x said:
Metal Gear Solid (ps one): where you meet the psycho guy, he lets you put down the controller and he makes it move :o

the intro of ninja was also excellent.Ripping of the guards was awesome....
max payne 2. the cutscenes seemed like real life as far as the animations were at some points.
myth said:
the intro of ninja was also excellent.Ripping of the guards was awesome....

So true :) the game was awesome.... still have to play mgs 2 and the others (don't know how much there are already? :O)
altho i wasn't a big fan of the game itself, Shadow Ops: Red Mercury for xbox had some really awesome cutscenes. It felt like i was watching a movie, and with the surround sound it was pretty awesome. I'd recommend playing the game just for the cutscenes.
intro from full throttle. anyone that doesn't remember full throttle is a nublet :p

The silent hill series had some of the best cut scenes. wooo mama are those games ****ign scary lol. love though...


it is, lol but i use my real name to end all my messages. more personal that way. why hide behind a fack nickname lol?


No No You're all wrong. Best Cut-Scenes were for Perfect Dark N64! My God that game just drew me in and wouldn't let go. It's been probably the best SP game I've ever played to date.

My favourite cutscene is just after you come off the elevator after saving the A.I. and the lights go out, then that music starts playing, man that just got me pumped.

Side Note: I think Perfect Dark had some of the best music as well, it really got the heart going.

Come on? Whos with me!
as far as FMV, i'm gonna have to go with Tales of Symphonia, when the great tree rips out of the ground and its roots rip apart like half the world.

honorable mentions: soul calibur 2 intro, starcraft amerigo cutscene, grey fox confronting liquid...

but as far as cutscenes using the ingame engine....
i can't think of any.

EDIT: oh hell yeah man perfect dark was a drug to me, it never left my n64 from the moment i got it (and i mean that).

...wish i hadn't sold my n64 *sobs*
Fallout was fun, as was it's sequal. Not played tactics yet (I am playing Final Fantasy Tactics on the GBA:SP, incredibly addictive).

The ending to The Legend of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time is probubly my favourite, although it's obviously not the most graphically engaging.