Favorite Playable Infected

Which playable infected do you prefer playing as?

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I'm actually enjoying them all in equal measure.

With the L4D SI, I got bored of the Hunter very quickly and didn't really like the Smoker.

The number of choices in L4D2 is just right though!
I love getting a good ride with the jockey. It's amazing to steer someone miles away from their teammates.
Boomer right now. I love jumping from the fourth floor on Dead Center to the bottom. Almost gets them every time.
Boomer. He himself might not cause much damage, but he just ruins everyones day if you manage to tag all four survivors.
I actually like the Jockey the most because it is so easy to separate a Survivor from his or her group while they are all focused on something, like getting gas cans in Scavenge mode. I easily got the Qualified Ride achievement by controlling a Survivor and moving them up the stairs, into a corner, while the others filled up Jimmy Gibb's car, unaware of their missing friend.
I haven't played it :(, but the jockey looks tremendously fun.
Spitter, when it comes to the new Infected. I always like my Smoker though.
I hate using the Charger. It's useless unless it's an open area.
Love the charger so much, especially in Hard Rain (in the field next to the petrol station...takes survivors so far away from safety).

Oh and in the Parish Finale (where there is a massive hole in the bridge). Playing vs once and I saw a friend take a long trip down, I nearly died laughing.
I actually like the Jockey the most because it is so easy to separate a Survivor from his or her group while they are all focused on something, (...)
Wow, that makes playing Versus on L4D2 with random teams an absolute NO... Man, some people manage to get the team killed (in L4D1, that is) by not paying any kind of attention at all... Can't start to imagine the amounts of ragequits L4D2 will experience. ;)
I voted Jockey due to one awesome ride I had. Motel in Dark Carnival I jumped on Nick's head after the three other survivors were boomered and took him all around the entire building while his friends were shooting the commons off themselves. After I downed him I managed to grab another survivor trying to help him up. Fun times.
Spitter is credit to team.
Yoiu can just do so much damage with it.

Fast + Shitload-o-health + High Damage + Unimaginably Overpowered Melee

Jockey is a close second, he'd probably be first if his lunge was bit longer ranged, so that i could jump from roof to roof like a ninja.

EDIT: Poor Smoker.
I've still had some of my best kills as Hunter, but Charger and Jockey are good fun too.
I voted for the charger, because it's such a satisfying feeling to run into a crowd of survivors, knocking them off their feet, and smashing one of them into the floor. Although it's also very pleasant as a jockey in Dead Centre to grab a survivor and force him over an edge to a certain death.
I voted charger too just for the amount of satisfaction you get from hitting multiple people or taking someone on a long trip to dead town. Certainly not the MOST effective killing machine of the group... I think that would go to the spitter or boomer. The spitter is most likely to incapacitate more than one person and the boomer has the indirect ability to end the day for everyone. Sure the horde don't do much in versus, but there have been so many times I've witnessed someone get mauled by a hunter or whatever 10 feet from someone covered in bile.

Another reason I enjoy chargers so much is the ability to take people off the sides of cliffs and such. I mean smokers could kind of do it and jockeys can too, but charers make it so much more dramatic... with it culminating in a pummeling.
Tank. I drive a German Panzer IV H tank. Lol

I haven't play as them. :p
Charger is certainly my favorite. Physically strongest special infected is reason 1, hilarious death drops is reason 2.
i think i might enjoy the spitter most as she is devastating and a proper annoyance to folk who are trapped in binds by other specials. this was the reason why i used to enjoy being the boomer so much in L4D, except now i can actually do some real damage myself.
I voted for the Hunter. I wouldn't know about the new ones, because all of the versus games that I've played have been too laggy.
Charger is definitely my favourite, he sounds, looks and feels the best. Playing as one is fast based but with a nice element of "I'm beating the shit out of this guy" during play.