Favorite Villian in HL Series?

Favorite HL-Series Villian

  • Nihilanth (HL1)

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Dr. Wallace Breen (HL2)

    Votes: 19 28.8%
  • Combine Advisors (EP1-EP2)

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • GLaDOS (Portal)

    Votes: 29 43.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 6.1%

  • Total voters

Black Op

Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
With EP2 and Portal now released, who do you consider to be the best villian of the HL Universe? Note that G-Man doesn't really count in this poll, as his true status as either friend or foe is still unknown.
I suspect GMan is working in our best interests, so I think Glados is my favorite.
Breen, no contest.

There really haven't been too many true villains in the game. Nihilanth is one, I guess. And the Advisors are definitely villainy.
The Advisors. They're ****ing badass. I still love the scene where the pieces of wood spiral around the Advisor as it careens away from the barn that you and Alyx are in.
Breen's character makes for a fantastic villian, but GLaDOS' charm is also very good. Breen gets my vote.
Advisors are too badass by far so they get my vote, but if the OP hadn't excluded Gman I would have picked him. For some reason GlaDOS doesn't feel like a bad guy.
It used to be Breen all the way... until GLaDOS stole my heart...
Gene Worm.............not.
GLaDOS is awesome, Breen was genius too.
the advisors. I love how the first time you find one, it just completely overpoweres you and sticks you against a wall. Also, their horrible brainsucking straw thing. Great villains
It was a close contest between Breen and GlaDOS, but I chose Breen. Both were brilliantly written, but although GlaDOS was often amusing (with that lovely element of menace), Breen actually had me questioning my motives with his eloquent dialogue.

Terming them both as villains seems a bit simple to me though. They are in a very direct sense, but I guess after "Still Alive" find it impossible to view GlaDOS as totally evil, and Breen seemed to think that his actions were in humanity's best interests (and they were at the time the Seven Hour War).

I don't feel I know enough about the advisors, but they're still very cool. It's so great to have a foe that's largely invisible throughout the games and doesn't degenerate into generic monsterdom upon revealing itself to the player.
I voted Nihilanth, because Dr. Breen was a hero, not a villain.
Breen. He still has the best speeches and the greatest last words in the history of game villainy, bar none (sorry Hitler, you don't cut it).
"You need me" was seriously awesome. I mean, it's just so perfect for Breen and what happens in the subsequent episodes. And who was it directed at? And for what purpose? Awesome.
"They will look for Breen's coming from the Citadel tower. But he will not return."
What "you need me!" are you talking about?

I think i remember Breen shouting "you need me!", when you were combine-balling the portal.
Such a hard choice between Breen and GLaDOS. I'll go with Breen, for the moment, because I suspect GLaDOS will get more votes from everyone else :p

Edit: I would have put the g-man on there too TBH.
GLaDOS. YES OH YES. Breen is very interesting but I think GLaDOS is better.
GLaDOS, because the pure genocidal aspect of her character is much eviler than the Combine. She(it), after being activated, immediently attempted to kill everyone.
THAT'S evil.
Breen really thought he was doing the right thing, so he's not a villain really.

The advisors get my vote, especially after the end of Episode Two.