Favorite WW2 Weapon

Moto-x_Pat said:
Either way is fine. Karabiner 98 is the long rifle. Karabiner 98k is the shorter version. The "k" at the end stands for kurz which means short I believe.
Yes. You hit the nail on the pointy end.

Did I mention my favorite is the K98? It is.
SixThree said:

If only Franz and Helmut had one of these instead of those little nazi pistols.

They had the forerunner to the AK, the StG-44.

ktimekiller said:
Thanks, that was excellent classical piece of music

You will have a deeper feeling if you have watched The Pianist, pretty ionic with the title of the thread. I watched this thread once and listened to this music, I almost cried.

*Spoiled the mood of this thread*
I've only fired a Kar 48 (smaller calibre variant of the kar 98), but I would say the SMLE

EDIT: and the FG42
Karabiner 98 - awesome rifle.
DeusExMachina said:

Oh yeah, the StG was always good to use when found later on in most games. Also, that automatic rifle with the scope and magazine on the side was good. Forgot its name.
Very hard to choose. There's the FG42, the Moisin-Nagant, the wonderful (as far as guns can actually be something great) Bren Gun, and of course the PPSH.

DeusExMachina said:
M1 Garand, "The rifle that won the war."

Or something...I forget the exact quote.
Don't get my grandfather started on the M1.

"The finest rifle ever produced, ever."

Video of a MG42.

One of the weapon's most noted features was its comparatively high rate of fire of about 1,200 rounds per minute, with some versions up to 1,800 rounds per minute; much faster than the British Vickers machine gun at 600 round/min. At such a high rate the human ear cannot easily discern the sound of individual bullets being fired, and in use the gun makes a sound described as like "ripping cloth" and giving rise to the nickname Hitler's Buzzsaw, or, more coarsely, Hitler's zipper. The gun was sometimes called Spandau by Allied troops from manufacturers plates noting the suburb of Berlin where some were produced.
The M28 Pystykorva, a 'spin-off' off the Mosin-Nagant rifles, used byt he finnish, and used by the famous Simo Häyhä, considered to be the most successful sniper in history, having killed over Soviet soldiers.:)
Heck, aside from the 500 sniper kills, he had 200 kills with a submachine gun..:)
RakuraiTenjin said:
Don't get my grandfather started on the M1.

"The finest rifle ever produced, ever."
All it needs is a proper reload function ^.^
Nobody mentioned the German equivalent of the Garand.
Gargantou said:
The M28 Pystykorva, a 'spin-off' off the Mosin-Nagant rifles, used byt he finnish, and used by the famous Simo Häyhä, considered to be the most successful sniper in history, having killed over Soviet soldiers.:)
Heck, aside from the 500 sniper kills, he had 200 kills with a submachine gun..:)

500? damn that's almost unbelievable. It said in wikipedia, he accomplished both feats in 3 months.
Stg 44 for me :D
M1 Garand

Kar98 is nice too
Adidajs said:
500? damn that's almost unbelievable. It said in wikipedia, he accomplished both feats in 3 months.

WW2 must have been like BF2.
15357 said:
WW2 must have been like BF2.
I'd assume if you were going to compare this horrible event to a game, especially one in the Battlefield series, it'd have to be BF1942...
Yeah, but it seems that people die more often in BF2, and lots by the same guy.
What like fragging?

Or you mean wrong coordinates and blowing half a platoon away because of someone's incomptence...
DeusExMachina said:
What like fragging?

Or you mean wrong coordinates and blowing half a platoon away because of someone's incomptence...

Both. :P
Well, fragging was almost unheard of WW2 (on the Allies side at least, can't speak for the Axis). I don't think too many people were blown up by wrong coordinates or overpowered bombs.

All that happened in Vietnam.
IIRC, wind shift did affect artillery enough to kill friendlies.
Too few people are mentioning the Mosin-Nagant..*Loads his rifle..>=(*
I don't really see what was so great about the Mosin-Nagant. Sure it had better sights than the karabiner, but what else?
The Gauss Gun, nah, I wish.

I've heard a few guns that I've never heard of before :eek:

Guess I better reread my WW2 things. :)