Favourite Cult Movies

CptStern said:
no no, a cult movie is a movie that doesnt have a lot of success when released in the theaters, but through a dedicated fan base it achieves quasi-success

Hmm...so the term cult, means fan base? In a sense. It must be impossible to actually distinguish a cult film.

If I had to put it simple to every one, cult would mean a film which is good and not accepted by the every day bland minded human :P

Matrix and Fight Club are not cult films!
Oh just an added note, You really should watch Casshern, it hasn't got the best storyline in the world. But think about it this way, it was:


Infact, I can't think of anything the director didn't do. THIS! is the Kazuaki Kiriya's film which I respect a lot since he did everything him self. Unlike some directors who get main credit for other peoples work in development.

Oh and another thing, this was his first film :D
Withnail & I

Funniest movie ever :)
IchI said:
Hmm...so the term cult, means fan base? In a sense. It must be impossible to actually distinguish a cult film.

If I had to put it simple to every one, cult would mean a film which is good and not accepted by the every day bland minded human :P

Matrix and Fight Club are not cult films!

I agree :)
Oh, Scarface of course! Just got it on DVD ... extremely hard to find here... and expensive.
Recoil said:
Oh, Scarface of course! Just got it on DVD ... extremely hard to find here... and expensive.

Cool moive :) ........ not really a 'cult' classic though ;)
Hmmm... I'd say so.... at least over here it's rather unknown (b/c of the second highest rating possible, which prohibits the adversiting of the film, after that there's just complete ban), which makes it more exclusive. You ask someone at the age of ~18 if they've seen it they'll reply "Huh, what?! Heard of it.. that's all"

Good to me... :)
yes but that movie came out 21 years ago ..Scarface is one of the defining movies of my generation. It was extremely successful in north america when it hit the theaters

joo know wat I mean, mang?
yes i agree with you cptstern, blade runner is a good one

(everytim i see your post i keep thinking that if i saw you in real life you would look like the dude on your avatar, i wonder how you really look like, not being gay but jst curious)

btw what is defintion of cult movie and film noir movie i have been trying to figure it out for years
CptStern said:
yes but that movie came out 21 years ago ..Scarface is one of the defining movies of my generation. It was extremely successful in north america when it hit the theaters

joo know wat I mean, mang?

Hmmm... ok.. let's say it's a cult movie >over here< for the following generation, like mine :) you know, Once Upon A Time In The West is cult to me too... though extremely old, probably before your time also :)
Recoil said:
Hmmm... ok.. let's say it's a cult movie >over here< for the following generation, like mine :) you know, Once Upon A Time In The West is cult to me too... though extremely old, probably before your time also :)

ya just like Run Lola Run is a cult movie here in north america but in Germany it was a very popular movie

ahhh David Cronenberg, great director, weird films
johnnypoopoopant said:
yes i agree with you cptstern, blade runner is a good one

(everytim i see your post i keep thinking that if i saw you in real life you would look like the dude on your avatar, i wonder how you really look like, not being gay but jst curious)

btw what is defintion of cult movie and film noir movie i have been trying to figure it out for years

that's exactly how I look like: big chin and a pampador :)

btw my Avatar really is Cpt Stern, from the movie Heavy Metal
Ichi, great pics. Will definitely look for those. My Favorites are old school.

Advise and Consent
Putney Swope
Kelly's Heroes
Miller's Crossing
Blade Runner
Cotton Comes to Harlem
Seven days in May (the original)
that's exactly how I look like: big chin and a pampador

btw my Avatar really is Cpt Stern, from the movie Heavy Metal

hehe cool, i assume you are a big buff guy

but do u know what the meaning of cult movie is and a film noir movie?? fight club is cult right, but i dont know why
How's the preschooler prostitute ring going, Stern? I saw Heavy Metal when I was a kid, bought it on DVD a couple years ago.
All of the Monty Python films
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Fight Club
B.C. Rock (R-rated animated film, almost impossible to find anywhere anymore but fecking HILARIOUS)
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
One Hour Photo
A Clockwork Orange
Office Space
Jacob's Ladder
Harold and Maude
All Quiet On the Western Front (original)

I know there's more..............
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels
Run Lola Run
Blade Runner

Probably more that I can't think of at the moment.
Orgonomist said:
How's the preschooler prostitute ring going, Stern? I saw Heavy Metal when I was a kid, bought it on DVD a couple years ago.

I had to give it up, parents were strarting to ask why their kids were dressed up as whores ;)

I saw Heavy metal for the first time when I was 14 or so ..in the theatre during it's original release ..yes I'm that old ;)
Is it that one with the stories, the taxi driver, the coke-aliens and so on?
- Essex Boys
- Football Factory
- Mean Machine
- Snatch
- Lock Stock and two smoking barrels (PURE BRILLIANCE)
True Romance

One of my alltime favorites! :cheers: though I don't know if it's really a cult classic.

Btw, do you know if there's a special edition DVD out here in GER?
CptStern said:
Run Lola Run (german)
The Thing
All fantastic films! Also, someone said The Big Lebowski :) You're out of your element, Donny!
Could you say Leon was cult?
Amelie (French) - there is nothing bad about this film, not one little thing.
City of God (Brazilian)
Shaun of the Dead
Recoil said:
Btw, do you know if there's a special edition DVD out here in GER?

nope, i've imported the unrated collectors edition ;)

shaun of the dead is great, too
Withnail And I
Taxi Driver
Hard Boiled

they're the only ones that i can think of right now. most of the films mentioned above would make it into my list too.
Donnie Darko
Blade Runner
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Requiem for a Dream
Way of the Gun
Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
Ghost World
DeusExMachinia said:
Donnie Darko
Blade Runner
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Requiem for a Dream
Way of the Gun
Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
Ghost World

Pulp Fiction isn't a cult movie, is it? It was a huge success on release.
$9,300,000 on the opening weekend... well... not too much for a huge success ... :|

jacob's ladder

ringu (i loved this before hollywood got their dick on it and when it WAS cult)

event horizon (some would say this isn't cult...but i'd go out on a limb and say it just about is)



hmmmmmm i can't think of any more
CptStern said:
What are your fave cult movies ..please no "the Matrix" or "Lord of the rings" choices, no mainstream..cult movies only

Man Bites Dog (french)
Run Lola Run (german)
Dia De la Bestia (spanish)
The Crow
The Lost Boys
The Thing
Slaughterhouse Five
Escape From New York

I think you mean "Pi" by Darren Aronofsky which is also one of my favourites.
Down by law....i screama, you screama, we all screama for ice-crema....