Favourite ever Film Quotes

come on guys, what about the classics?

"I'll be back" or "astalavista, Baby"

"You talking to me? well I dont see anybody else here. YOU talking to me? Well then who the **** you talking too?"
Besides all the classics, probably anything jules says in pulp fiction.

One of my fav movies.
MarcoPollo said:
Besides all the classics, probably anything jules says in pulp fiction.

One of my fav movies.
what about vincent?

Vincent: "Jules, if you give that man fifteen hundred dollars, i'm gonna shoot him on general principal"
brandong said:
from x-files: fight the future

MULDER: I'm the key figure in an on-going government charade, the plot to conceal the truth about the existence of extraterrestrials. It's a global conspiracy, actually, with key players in the highest levels of power, that reaches down into the lives of every man, woman, and child on this planet. So, of course, no one believes me. I'm an annoyance to my superiors, a joke to my peers. They call me Spooky. Spooky Mulder, whose sister was abducted by aliens when he was just a kid and who now chases after little green men with a badge and a gun, shouting to the heavens or to anyone who will listen that the fix is in, that the sky is falling and when it hits it's gonna be the shit-storm of all time.
Yeah ! :thumbs:
Or this:
Syndicate briefing in London

Conrad Strughold : The Virus has mutated.
WMM : Into what?
Conrad Strughold : A new extraterrestial biologial entity
WMM : Oh my god!
“I wish you had more time"

Denzel Washington in "Man on Fire". Just as he walked away from an individual with a bomb up his rectum.
Short Circuit...mmm

"*Whistle* Hey lazer lips! You're momma was a snowblower!!! *Raspberry*"

"Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?!"

"Need Input!"

And most importantly...

"Johnny Five........is ALIVE!!" *cue dramatic short music*
Well, let's see... from Schindler's List:
[Addressing his workers at the end of the war]
Oskar Schindler: The unconditional surrender of Germany has just been announced. At midnight tonight, the war is over. Tomorrow you'll begin the process of looking for survivors of your families. In most cases... you won't find them. After six long years of murder, victims are being mourned throughout the world. We've survived. Many of you have come up to me and thanked me. Thank yourselves. Thank your fearless Stern, and others among you who worried about you and faced death at every moment. I am a member of the Nazi Party. I'm a munitions manufacturer. I'm a profiteer of slave labor. I am... a criminal. At midnight, you'll be free and I'll be hunted. I shall remain with you until five minutes after midnight, after which time - and I hope you'll forgive me - I have to flee.
[He addresses the factory's SS guards]
Oskar Schindler: I know you have received orders from our commandant, which he has received from his superiors, to dispose of the population of this camp. Now would be the time to do it. Here they are; they're all here. This is your opportunity. Or, you could leave, and return to your families as men instead of murderers.
[the guards gradually exit; he addresses the workers again]
Oskar Schindler: In memory of the countless victims among your people, I ask us to observe three minutes of silence.
Oskar Schindler: I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don't know. If I'd just... I could have got more.
Itzhak Stern: Oskar, there are eleven hundred people who are alive because of you. Look at them.
Oskar Schindler: If I'd made more money... I threw away so much money. You have no idea. If I'd just...
Itzhak Stern: There will be generations because of what you did.
Oskar Schindler: I didn't do enough!
Itzhak Stern: You did so much.
[Schindler looks at his car]
Oskar Schindler: This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people.
[removing Nazi pin from lapel]
Oskar Schindler: This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this.
Oskar Schindler: I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't!
From Dr. Strangelove or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb:
[the President calls the Soviet Premier]
President Merkin Muffley: [to Kissoff] Hello?... Ah... I can't hear too well. Do you suppose you could turn the music down just a little?... Oh-ho, that's much better... yeah... huh... yes... Fine, I can hear you now, Dmitri... Clear and plain and coming through fine... I'm coming through fine, too, eh?... Good, then... well, then, as you say, we're both coming through fine... Good... Well, it's good that you're fine and... and I'm fine... I agree with you, it's great to be fine... a-ha-ha-ha-ha... Now then, Dmitri, you know how we've always talked about the possibility of something going wrong with the Bomb... The *Bomb*, Dmitri... The *hydrogen* bomb!... Well now, what happened is... ah... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of... well, he went a little funny in the head... you know... just a little... funny. And, ah... he went and did a silly thing... Well, I'll tell you what he did. He ordered his planes... to attack your country... Ah... Well, let me finish, Dmitri... Let me finish, Dmitri... Well listen, how do you think I feel about it?... Can you *imagine* how I feel about it, Dmitri?... Why do you think I'm calling you? Just to say hello?... *Of course* I like to speak to you!... *Of course* I like to say hello!... Not now, but anytime, Dmitri. I'm just calling up to tell you something terrible has happened... It's a *friendly* call. Of course it's a friendly call... Listen, if it wasn't friendly... you probably wouldn't have even got it... They will *not* reach their targets for at least another hour... I am... I am positive, Dmitri... Listen, I've been all over this with your ambassador. It is not a trick... Well, I'll tell you. We'd like to give your air staff a complete run-down on the targets, the flight plans, and the defensive systems of the planes... Yes! I mean i-i-i-if we're unable to recall the planes, then... I'd say that, ah... well, ah... we're just gonna have to help you destroy them, Dmitri... I know they're our boys... All right, well listen now. Who should we call?... *Who* should we call, Dmitri? The... wha-whe, the People... you, sorry, you faded away there... The People's Central Air Defense Headquarters... Where is that, Dmitri?... In Omsk... Right... Yes... Oh, you'll call them first, will you?... Uh-huh... Listen, do you happen to have the phone number on you, Dmitri?... Whe-ah, what? I see, just ask for Omsk information... Ah-ah-eh-uhm-hm... I'm sorry, too, Dmitri... I'm very sorry... *All right*, you're sorrier than I am, but I am as sorry as well... I am as sorry as you are, Dmitri! Don't say that you're more sorry than I am, because I'm capable of being just as sorry as you are... So we're both sorry, all right?... All right.
From Donnie Darko:
[Donnie tries to kiss Gretchen and she pulls away]
Donnie: Well I-I, sorry I...
Gretchen: Donnie wait...
Donnie: I like you a lot...
Gretchen: I just want it to be... at a time when... it...
Donnie: When what?
Gretchen: When it reminds me just...
Donnie: When it reminds you of how beautiful the world can be?
Gretchen: Yeah...
[turns her head]
Gretchen: and right now there's some fat guy over there staring at us.
[At the school assembly speaking out against Jim Cunningham]
Donnie: Do you want your sister to lose weight? Tell her to get off the couch, stop eating twinkies and maybe go out for field hockey. You know what? No one ever knows what they want to be when they grow up. You know it takes a little, little while to find that out, right, Jim? And you... yeah, you. Sick of some jerk shoving your head down the toilet? Well, you know what? Maybe... you should lift some weights, or uh, take a karate lesson and the next time he's tries to do it, you kick him in the balls.
... then there's the one where he calls Jim Cunningham "the ****ing Antichrist"... that's a good one.
"First they kill you, then they f**k you in the butt" or something like that. Who ever guesses what movie it's from gets a beef cookie
"Rufus: [putting on his sunglasses] Gentlemen... we're history." - Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure ;)

"Bullet Tooth Tony: Boris the Blade? As in Boris the Bullet-Dodger?
Avi: Why do they call him the Bullet-Dodger?
Bullet Tooth Tony: 'Cause he dodges bullets, Avi." - Snatch

"Customs official: Do you have anything to declare, sir?
Avi: Yeah. Don't go to England." - Snatch

"Asher Talos: [about the Nightstalkers attack] They caught us with our pants down.
Jarko Grimwood: Pants down? They pretty much ****ing ass-raped us! " - Blade 3

" Quinn: You took my arm man. I owe you one.
[Stabs Blades' arm]
Quinn: But if you want to get technical Blade, I owe you two.
[Blade starts laughing]
Quinn: What's so funny?
Blade: I'm expecting company
[Wall explodes]
Whistler: Did I catch you ****ers at a bad time? " - Blade

Think thats about as many as i can think of Atm ;)
big_king_frosty said:
-The Exorcist

Isn't it "The Power of Christ Compels You"?

I haven't even seen the movie..
"it's inside-out...and it exploded"

"God! What the sh*t are you talking about"

"What it this? A centre for ants?! HOW ARE CHILDREN SUPPOSED TO LEARN TO READ GOOD IF THEY CAN'T EVEN FIT INSIDE THE BUILDING!? It needs to be at least, three times bigger than this!"
"He's absolutly right!"

"Here at the Derick Zoolander Centre For Children Who Can't Read Good, And What To Learn To do Other Stuff Good Too we teach children to be a proffesional model, and a proffesional human being"

"Thank you mister Prime-Rib of Milasia"

"I'm not an ambiturner, I can't turn left"

"You did did it!"
"I know, I turned left!"
"And you saved the Prime Misnister"
"Oh yeah, that."

"I feel like I'm taking crazy pills"

"They're break-dance fighting!"

"I thought you were going to tell me what a bad yagugiliser I was"
"A yaguliliser, one who reads at funerels. Or did you think I was too stupid to know what a yagugily was."

"I thought someone was going to be reading our yagugily back there."

"Who am I?"
"What are you, stupid? Your Derick Zoolander, male model"
"Yeah I now but I mean who am I if I'm not the #1 male model anymore?"
"Oh, I get it. I don't know"

"The fact that Derick Zoolander still has some fight left in him!"
"1 and a half hours ago you asked me what's left to ponder. The fact that Derick Zoolander still has some fight left in him!"
"Well it's not mission difficult, Hunt.It's mission impossible.
Difficult should be a walk in the park for you. "

MI 2
"Great, I'm stuck in middle of a desert with a manically depressed robot"

"Things could be worse. You could be the manically depressed robot"

"What are you selling Mack, Hotdogs?"

"I don't want a large, I want a God Damn litre of Cola"

"...And that was the first time I got crabs"
Super Troopers

"F*ck you!"
"I thought you already did?"
The ninth Gate

"There are two people I trust in this world, one of thems me, the other one's not you"
team america:
Gary: so there's no chance we can be together?
Lisa: only if you promise me you'll never die.
Gary: you know i can't promise that.
Lisa: if you could do that, i'd make love to you, right now.
Gary: i promise. i will never die.
Blazing Saddles:

[Taggart spots two workers on a hand-cart sinking into quicksand]
Taggart: Oh shit. Quick.
[Lassos the hand-cart and drags it (but not the men) out of the quicksand]
Taggart: Dang that was lucky. Doggone near lost a four hundred dollar handcart.
"I was at a day spa, D-A-I-Y-E."

"Don't come here, wanting sex then changing your mind, then telling me I was at a day spa for a week."
"You were at a day spa for a week!"

I love Zoolander :D
It's plural in Dogma, because Silent Bob threw both Bartleby and Loki off of the train. So, you bet correctly.
I'm pretty sure Bob said "no ticket" and not "no tickets." Anyway...

"Come on down, Autobrat!"

"I've got better things to do tonight than die."

"How do you feel, mighty Megatron?"

"Wanna bet?!"

"You belong to me, now."

"Now...light our darkest hour..."

And everything said by Unicron.

The Replacement Killers
"The boy will die, John. As will your family."
"Not in your lifetime!"

Leon (The Professional)
"I don't have time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit!"


"Where does he get such wonderful toys?"

"Eckhart! Think about the future."

"Never rub another man's rhubarb."

"And where is the Batman? He's at home...washing his tights!"

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
"Hey! That monkey don't belong to you!"