Favourite half-life2 episode moment.

when dog throws the van over the gap and you kinda roller coaster your way down a ways. reloaded that wayyy to many times.
This might sound weird, but my favorite part is when you're in that indoor parking lot and there's a bunch of antlions chasing after you :P
A: [/spoiler] When you attempt to kill the Advisor in Ep.2.. I took a screenshot and turned it into a 'I RAPED YOUR INTERNETS!' See in image Dump.
B: End of Ep.2.
Shuting down the core from,episode 1
Strider battle from ep 2 was fun, or maybe the ambush.

But my all time favorite in Half life whould be Speed boat and Blue gravity gun. I mean i hadent played many games before that, so i was pretty much awe struck by running down combine with the speed boat, and the ragdoll in regular.
The hospital where you fight zombies versus overwatch. The core room was nice, but it was pretty simple, gameplayically speaking.
Yeah, but it's supercool to blast combines into the core.