Favourite Movies


May 28, 2003
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Was just trying to think up a list of all my favourite movies that I consider "must see" (in no particular order), and I felt I needed to put them down somewhere so I wouldn't forget it. Feel free to post your own lists too. If you haven't seen any of the movies listed below, ask about them and I'll give you a quick premise. They're all very good (IMO).

Jurassic Park
12 Monkeys
The Pianist
Saving Private Ryan
Terminator 2
The Bourne Identity
Million Dollar Baby
The Incredibles
Donnie Darko
The Trueman Show
El Mariachi
Blade Runner
Pulp Fiction
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
2001: A Space Oddessy
Fight Club
The Shawshank Redemption
The Iron Giant
Office Space
Samurai Rebellion
Dr. Strangelove
Forrest Gump
Um, wrong section.

But on the other hand, I would like to know about Samurai Rebellion and Akira. Arent they both Kurosawa films?
Donnie Darko was a great movie though.
Samurai Rebellion is about an old samurai master. Well one day his lord's wife gets angry and attacks her husband (apparently that's a no no). But he can't kill her because she's the mother of his second son, so the lord sends her to be the wife of his best samurai's son. This is kind of an insult, taking second hand wife, but eventually the son falls in love. But then after a while the lord wants to get his old wife back. That's where the killing begins. Some very cinematic scenes in the tall grass. It's quite sad when the samurai has to face his best friend. And we see the impact of encroaching Western culture.

Akira is probably best Japanese animation ever in terms of quality. None of the crazy enormous eyes or mouths. Very serious, very slick. Set up a lot of the themes you see in modern Japanese animation movies. It's kind of a dystopic future where biker gangs, military state, rebel factions, space cannons (before it was cliche), and super-powers all come together in one crazy story. Ending still doesn't make sense to me. Apparently it's based off of an 80s comic book.
On the last Friday/Saturday night I participated in a >7 hour film marathon in the cinema and saw 4 quite recent (well, from this century :P) films: Crash, The Butterfly Effect, Requiem for a Dream and The Jacket. I must say, I enjoyed the first two in particular. Definite must-see's.
Dan said:
Was just trying to think up a list of all my favourite movies that I consider "must see" (in no particular order), and I felt I needed to put them down somewhere so I wouldn't forget it. Feel free to post your own lists too. If you haven't seen any of the movies listed below, ask about them and I'll give you a quick premise. They're all very good (IMO).

Jurassic Park
12 Monkeys
The Pianist
Saving Private Ryan
Terminator 2
The Bourne Identity
Million Dollar Baby
The Incredibles
Donnie Darko
The Trueman Show
El Mariachi
Blade Runner
Pulp Fiction
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
2001: A Space Oddessy
Fight Club
The Shawshank Redemption
The Iron Giant
Office Space
Samurai Rebellion
Dr. Strangelove
Forrest Gump

what the heck? No indiana jones?
Uriel said:
what the heck? No indiana jones?
No Star Wars either. Crazy.
No Lord of the Rings either. Crazy.
No Godfather either. Crazy.
No Schindler's List either. Crazy.
No Eraserhead either. Crazy(?).