Favourite sport/hobby/passtime?

Sport - Football (soccer for you Americans)
Hobby - Electric guitar
Passtime - Probably video games
Sport - Paintball
Hobby - Racing
Passtime - Video games!
Sport: Teh baseball pwnz w00t!
Hobby: building computers/fantasy baseball
Passitme: video games/tv/music/etc..
Sports: Soccer in summer and Snowboarding in winter
Hobbies: Drawing and Warhammers
Pass Time: Music, TV, HL2.net, MSN, Movies, smoking crack...
Paintball is cool but I'm not into it as much as my dirt bike or r\c cars. Plus I'm not all that great at it.

Sports sort of fit in with the above IMO.

Pasttime - none.
Sport- Baseball

Hobby- Astronomy/Drawing/Computers

Passtime- Video games. watching a good movie.