FBI begins antipiracy "crusade"

Im happy with them doing this to warez groups, but hopefully they won't go further and start doing the dirty work for the RIAA.

EDIT: You guys have fun downloading software for free?
"Crusade"? Doesn't that mean they randomly arrest/attack people, preferably with dollops of predjudice?

I'm sure they won't bother with 56k'ers like me though.
Since when was a "Crusade" a good thing with the exception of Indiana Jones.
But it's interesting nontheless. It'll certainly raise the stakes for groups trying to pull stuff off.
Hey murdering old muslim men, women, and children in order to take back their rightful and ancient homeland for christians thousands of miles away is always a good thing... oh wait...
Damnit! I meant raid!
Oh well, lets continue on with the topic of my misleading name...yes;lets.
Javert said:
Since when was a "Crusade" a good thing with the exception of Indiana Jones.
But it's interesting nontheless. It'll certainly raise the stakes for groups trying to pull stuff off.
the nazis were the ones on a crusade...
Haha, I hope they will put these jackasses to jail. All of them.
Mr.Reak said:
Haha, I hope they will put these jackasses to jail. All of them.

hah ye ur kinda right they had it comming to them..but poor guys..young guys get their whole life destroyed just to get respect on "the scene"..
From what I've seen these guys were more than just that, these were the bigtime distributors who were doing it on a criminal scale.
/me waits for a pro warez monkey to come and start making the usual sad and pathetic attempt to justify being a warez monkey.

Usually there would be one here by now.
Seriously what do you guys got against warez? Some of us can't afford all these games and wouldn't buy em anyways even if we do download them. This is just the man trying to keep the people down. The power of many (russians and chinese) shall overcome american hypocrisy. Long live the few the brave the proud the warez hosts... I'll miss all those who fall to this attempt at taking us down. We will be here until games, movies, and music are no more! Viva la revolution!

I was just joking I'm not a warez supporter.
(I take it fizzle's post is sarcastic.. kinda hard to tell though)
fizzlephox said:
Seriously what do you guys got against warez? Some of us can't afford all these games and wouldn't buy em anyways even if we do download them. This is just the man trying to keep the people down. The power of many (russians and chinese) shall overcome american hypocrisy. Long live the few the brave the proud the warez hosts... I'll miss all those who fall to this attempt at taking us down. We will be here until games, movies, and music are no more! Viva la revolution!

I was just joking I'm not a warez supporter.
lol you should have made your grey text more visible.
The Mullinator said:
lol you should have made your grey text more visible.

lol, he also should've put it in the first place, not posted then edited
Stupid like a phox!

Seriously piracy is bad all around. Those who say otherwise better change their tune before I go all British Empire up in here!
The Mullinator said:
/me waits for a pro warez monkey to come and start making the usual sad and pathetic attempt to justify being a warez monkey.

Usually there would be one here by now.

*raising hand*

no im kidding :P
hmm...they missed DeViaNce (Or whatever random letters are caps locked in that...)

oh well.
A2597 said:
hmm...they missed DeViaNce (Or whatever random letters are caps locked in that...)

oh well.

correction! DEViANCE *talking with the comic guy voice from simpsons*
Right, are there any of you who are willing to admit that they download software and/or music for free? And what's the difference, really? Because some of you who are criticising these people (I'm not siding with them, I'm just interested) I feel sure have downloaded music for free...
I understand that if these people are hackers then that's a Bad Thing, but with regards to Warez stuff. Personally, I've never downloaded software but I have, in the past, downloaded music and cartoons (Spongebob Squarepants, Family Guy etc) and once or twice films. I felt no guilt about downloading the Matrix Revolutions because I knew I was never going to spend money on it (I'm glad I didn't, it was arse), but I did about The Thing (which I may buy on DVD to cancel out the guilt) to an extent. I would feel slightly guilty about downloading a game, but not about downloading music (I have never, nor do I ever intend to download an entire album if it's available in a shop, random tracks hither and thither, but never a full album).
Strange - anyone have any thoughts?
spookymooky said:
the nazis were the ones on a crusade...

So was Indy and gang. Okok, even if we go by your idea, that just concurs with me even more.
el Chi said:
Right, are there any of you who are willing to admit that they download software and/or music for free? And what's the difference, really? Because some of you who are criticising these people (I'm not siding with them, I'm just interested) I feel sure have downloaded music for free...
I understand that if these people are hackers then that's a Bad Thing, but with regards to Warez stuff. Personally, I've never downloaded software but I have, in the past, downloaded music and cartoons (Spongebob Squarepants, Family Guy etc) and once or twice films. I felt no guilt about downloading the Matrix Revolutions because I knew I was never going to spend money on it (I'm glad I didn't, it was arse), but I did about The Thing (which I may buy on DVD to cancel out the guilt) to an extent. I would feel slightly guilty about downloading a game, but not about downloading music (I have never, nor do I ever intend to download an entire album if it's available in a shop, random tracks hither and thither, but never a full album).
Strange - anyone have any thoughts?
Its late and this my last post for the night so i'll try to make this short.

Movies I disagree with people downloading. (for the most part)
Software I disagree with people downloading. (for the most part)

Music I am for the most part all right with, and its because of of a couple of reasons. One being that the amount of creative work that is required to go into alot of music being written today is very small when compared to movies and software. Another is with the fact that it is now much easier for someone to create a decent sounding piece of music in a relatively short amount of time and with a $100 to $200 piece of software, meanwhile movies and software requires much more time and money to make.

If you don't believe this then consider the number of musicians out there that are currently making music for free (its more than alot of people think). Also consider that most artists make their money from fans going to concerts and buying their merchandise, not their CD's.
One of the most annoying things about downloading music is that, where these record industry big-wigs sit and complain that downloading is crippling up-and-coming bands, they are very very wealthy and if they cared so much about these new bands, they could do something. But they don't. And then they have the audacity to screw the artists out of a lot of money. And that makes us the crooks. But then I suppose they have contracts...
A couple of years ago, I decided that piracy was bad. It has taken me 2 plus years, but my computer does not have a single piece of pirated software/movies/music on it. Any music I have is bought through itunes and I finally bought a legal copy of Microsoft Office.

Once you get into piracy, I found it very hard to stop doing it. If you don't agree with what record companies are doing, don't buy it. I haven't purchased a music CD in over 3 years. Yes, the majority of the stuff I pirated I wouldn't want to purchase in real life or i couldn't afford it. Oh well, its not like I am going to miss most of that music/movies/software anyways.
If you guys think this is bad, move to China.

They have 350,000 + Agents dedicates souly to monitoring what people do online PERIOD - Where they go, what they look at, etc.

And though I like MP3s, this doesn't bother me one bit. I buy all my games, and I buy or see the movies I want to see.
Well China obviously doesn't care about piracy that will hurt only American and European companies. Don't think Russia cares either. I myself have downloaded vey few pirated songs but never movies or games. I love my game companies... except you Interplay!

In any case China's the next world superpower so 我承诺我的忠诚对帝国 荣誉对我的教友!
fizzlephox said:
In any case China's the next world superpower so 我承诺我的忠诚对帝国 荣誉对我的教友!

That's why I'm adding them to the Axis of Evil 2.0!
fizzlephox said:
In any case China's the next world superpower so 我承诺我的忠诚对帝国 荣誉对我的教友!

"I pledge me loyally to the empire honor to my church member"

/me shoots babelfish in the internet head
The internet is going to incite a worldwide communist revolution some dayand we will live in a miserable utopia :D
nw909 said:
"I pledge me loyally to the empire honor to my church member"

/me shoots babelfish in the internet head

That's gotta be false babelfish, China doesn't allow churches. Not only do they arrest Christians, but many are executed....well, that's neither here nor there, but the thing about the church is way off for China.
I think we all know Babel Fish is a machine and that machines do not make mistakes.