Female Character 416,116 Polgons

ukfilmer said:
ya know, it's an awesome model. but... polygons + high detail = GAAAAY. use nurbs n00b ;)

i dont think you know what you'r talking about. I haven't seen a good quality nurbs human/organic model in a long time, in fact, i can only think of one, which are the characters on the gnomon workshop maya dvds. nurbs are far too slow for character creation, and getting rid of seams is the most annoying thing in the world. I know, i've tried it. Subd surfaces are way better then nurbs for highpoly.

About your character:
looks pretty good. I won't call it high poly yet. It has minimal details. If you would remove the smoothing, it would probably have enough polys to work in a game. The shirt could use wrinkles for example.
the face is masculine, if it were longer, and had curvier flow (the cheekbones for example are very hard) it would look better. her face looks bit too big and fat. look here for a very good face model. notice there are barely any hard edges, because it is a female. And always follow edge loops. I dont know if your model does or not, by looks of it, it doesnt.
the body isnt bad. her breasts seem to be too low. More details could be used around the abs. I think her ass is too big for the rest of her body, making her thighs also very wide.

that's about it. keep at it.

one other thing, i noticed that some people dont use a key light in a skylit render. This makes the model look like crap, since a lot of hard edges arent highlighted.
one other thing, i noticed that some people dont use a key light in a skylit render. This makes the model look like crap, since a lot of hard edges arent highlighted.

I used brazil r/s
thereisaspoon said:
i'd use a key light.

you don't use any light entities with brazil. Well you can, but on standard it doesn't use anyway.
i repeat, her right leg is wider then her left!... :| look at her thigh and her shin from both angles. Otherwise its good, but i do think your better at non organic models ichi! :D - all the more reason to do models like this is suppose to practice em skillz..
Fletch said:
i repeat, her right leg is wider then her left!... :| look at her thigh and her shin from both angles. Otherwise its good, but i do think your better at non organic models ichi! :D - all the more reason to do models like this is suppose to practice em skillz..

thats the whole point :D I have mastered guns. I don't need any more practice.
IchI, I really think you should finish up this model.
Whatever your reasons are for stopping I think its looking too good and you have put too much work into it to stop at this point.
Perhaps one of the drawbacks with highpoly is the amount of time that you get to look at what you dont like about it, and the realisation of how much time it will take to put right.

The satisfaction will be (imho) worth it in the end, and you should have a folio-grade piece of work
how the hell do u make skins? i want to make a terrorist with a g string a batman utility belt and a pirate hat.
aww not nude :<

the knees seem...flat, real knees are like a bump :p
IchI said:
thats the whole point :D I have mastered guns. I don't need any more practice.

Mastered? The best modelers in the world are still improving, learning - theres alwasy room to improve ;)
ukfilmer: Now that polygonal modeling has improved so much I don't see why he should use nurbs as these are harder to handle and harder to texture.

itchi: what bothers me is the handtopology. Could you post a wire of the hand? and also which modeling tehcnique did you use to model it. Boxed the palm and extruded fingers or fingers first to connect them and then using the edges to create the palm?
I'd also like so see the wire to be able to determine it the thumbarea is good enough for rigging/animation. That is one of the hardest things with a hand..
FreemanHL2 said:
The left leg is noticebly thinner than the right leg.

Indeed it is - i wasn't going mad after all, someone else sees it too :)
He said it actually isn't, and that it's just something wierd with the camera angle.

Seeing as how you poly-modelled it, go into the vertex sub object and check the distance between the vertices to make absolutely sure, because it looks bigger in every shot. That's really wierd if it isn't bigger...
I just noticed. You should avoid modeling faces in any pose. Try to keep it as neutral as possible for a better startingpoint when rigging or delivering to rigging.
babywax said:
He said it actually isn't, and that it's just something wierd with the camera angle.

Seeing as how you poly-modelled it, go into the vertex sub object and check the distance between the vertices to make absolutely sure, because it looks bigger in every shot. That's really wierd if it isn't bigger...

lol, its defiantely not the camera angle.. if you look at the lower leg too on the second shot it's definately disproprtioned. I'd keep working at it Ichy, little point getting so far and not keeping it up :)
i agree her legs arent the same size and also her butt is nicely done to who ever said it wasnt :frown: her leg looks like it was in a cast and got alot thinner than the other you should change it to the same size as the other one and give her hair please shes scarring the hell outta me :eek: other than that nicely done
that's pretty sweet. Hair would be a good idea tho. Either that, or if you can't get a feminine lookin bald head, use one of those progs that makes a model from a pic of a person's face and use that as your base.
Pennington said:
that's pretty sweet. Hair would be a good idea tho. Either that, or if you can't get a feminine lookin bald head, use one of those progs that makes a model from a pic of a person's face and use that as your base.

. . . . . .no, she cant be bald its not possible. she SHOULD have hair it wouldnt be complete without it.....
Head looks manly, elbows look bone-less or simply rotated wrong. Look at your own arms extended and see what I mean.

Otherwise it looks sweet. Throw on a red dress and set up a meeting for me :)
Sheesh. Remind me to NEVER post modeling content here.

Why dont you "critics" post *YOUR* character models here for public critique, eh? Put your skill where your mouth is....

(crickets chirping)

Ehem, I thought so.

Pay them no bother my friend and you keep up the great work! I for one can appreciate it!
SLI_Fallen said:
Sheesh. Remind me to NEVER post modeling content here.

Why dont you "critics" post *YOUR* character models here for public critique, eh? Put your skill where your mouth is....

(crickets chirping)

Ehem, I thought so.

Pay them no bother my friend and you keep up the great work! I for one can appreciate it!

What the hell are you talking about?!. He asked for crits and he got it. I don't have to model a hand just to correct something on another model. (In my case, I criticized the hand) If someone has made experiences earlier with their model it's nice of them to point that out for others so they might save some time or learn something.

I'm sorry, but your post was totally pointless!
SLI_Fallen said:
Sheesh. Remind me to NEVER post modeling content here.

Why dont you "critics" post *YOUR* character models here for public critique, eh? Put your skill where your mouth is....

(crickets chirping)

Ehem, I thought so.

Pay them no bother my friend and you keep up the great work! I for one can appreciate it!

because if i were to post my work here, it would make me look bad, since that would be "stealing" his thread. It would be like some1 posting a good model then some other guy comes along and says "here's a better one"
SLI_Fallen said:
Why dont you "critics" post *YOUR* character models here for public critique, eh? Put your skill where your mouth is....

That's what people do... all the time. That's the point of the forum, and the point of this thread. He wanted critique and got it.
StainlessJ-FPGA said:
That's what people do... all the time. That's the point of the forum, and the point of this thread. He wanted critique and got it.


I cant edit my post so I 'll just add this..

Open mouth, insert foot.
yeah fallen im not a modeler but i will be soon and also just because we arent showing our models doesnt meen anything just meens we like to show our support by helping someone see a flaw that they missed in their model, but let us get back on topic :monkee:
Hey ItchI do you know how to unwrap that thing and skin it?
would be awesome to see it with a proper skin.
Im a skinner, would be fun to skin something like this, but im not requesting that i get to skin yours.
still, damn nice
Spitfire51 said:
Hey ItchI do you know how to unwrap that thing and skin it?
would be awesome to see it with a proper skin.
Im a skinner, would be fun to skin something like this, but im not requesting that i get to skin yours.
still, damn nice

hmmm, get in contact with me on msn. I can give you some the model as free source to unwrap and skin. Take into acount it is a 1/2 a million polgon model though :D

anyway I will talk more about it later: [email protected] make sure you tell me who u are straight away, I delete a lot of people from my msn because they just ask me hammer questions 24/7.
What program did you use to model this model. Her legs are proportionate its the angle makes her right knee to look shorter.
Perfect! i dont know how to unwrap in xsi anyway hehe
3dsmax is best
xsi's unwrapping tools totaly rape maxes, once i figured out how to use em, which is the trick in xsi