filesystem_steam.dll ?

So sorry to bring such an old topic back to life. But my friend and I came up with a solution to this problem, it is quite simple really. This took us about 2-4 days to figure it out, people with Windows XP Professional you need to have service pack 2. I did not have service pack 2 and i had this problem, so i thought maybe if i upgraded to service pack 2, it would work, and yes it did work, now i have no errors when loading Counter-Strike: Source.
please help me :
After I am installing steam, there is a probleam : "Unable to load library SteamUI.dll"
What can I do to solve this probleam
Well I found a solution that worked for me on this forum!

The problem was that Avast! considered the file as a malware and deleted it! To fix that you should add an exception for the steam folder (C:\Program Files\steam\*) in the "file agent" of Avast! ^^
Congratulations. You just bumped a 5 year old thread.
Seems this thread has quite a lot of views so it's probably indexed on google quite highly, for the problem concerned.
And therefore its a good thing it was bumped, especially since he included the fix. Good job sir!
Yep avast was doing the same to me until I put steam in trusted folders but I am not sure it is the same issue as the files messing up are different.