Films: Rate and Discuss

funny people was pretty good, but i thought it dragged a bit. i liked how apatow took a darker edge to his writing this time around, it works for him.
Super High Me

Pro's -
-Funny as hell
-Interesting results as to how smoking and not smoking pot can change one's mental and physical states
-The comedian when on his 30 days of not smoking prior to his 30 days of smoking was quite a bit different (I would even go as far as to say he wasn't nearly as funny sober)

Con's -
-Seemed a bit too commercialized

I can't think of anything else to say besides it was hilarious to watch, and that I would probably watch it again!
Super High Me

Pro's -
-Funny as hell
-Interesting results as to how smoking and not smoking pot can change one's mental and physical states
-The comedian when on his 30 days of not smoking prior to his 30 days of smoking was quite a bit different (I would even go as far as to say he wasn't nearly as funny sober)

Con's -
-Seemed a bit too commercialized

I can't think of anything else to say besides it was hilarious to watch, and that I would probably watch it again!

Best Potumentary: The Union.
harry potter 6 - 4/10

Crap books, terrible films yet I still always somehow get dragged to them. Stupid characters, crap actors, laughable script, pointless scenes and plot holes. I suppose if you do criticise these films then you also criticise the books of course (even then noticeable bits were cut) so hp fanboys please don't kill me. >_>

-Considering wizards have spells for everything wouldn't it be easier to just somehow extract the memory from slughorn? It would be morally questionable but would make dumbledore a more interesting character.

-Why on earth does nobody ever think the characters dressed in black and talk in evil tones are the ****ing bad guys?!?

-Harry is about as subtle as a brick to the face. When asking slughorn about the memory he just let slips that dumbledore put him up to it? *facepalm*

Anyway I'm sure i'll get dragged to the next one anyway ;(
Super High Me

Pro's -
-Funny as hell
-Interesting results as to how smoking and not smoking pot can change one's mental and physical states
-The comedian when on his 30 days of not smoking prior to his 30 days of smoking was quite a bit different (I would even go as far as to say he wasn't nearly as funny sober)

Con's -
-Seemed a bit too commercialized

I can't think of anything else to say besides it was hilarious to watch, and that I would probably watch it again!
Oh god, I thought this movie sucked balls. It was sort of funny sometimes but didn't really make any truly valid points and Doug Benson irritated me about as often as he amused me.

swan song is right, The Union is one of the better pot-related documentaries. Super High Me is just a moneygrubbing gimmick for the most part.
I acquired Super High Me last night just on GF911's suggestion. I came out disappointed. There was no purpose, just him standing making lame jokes and him smoking. Like, I dunno, more substance?
Oh god, I thought this movie sucked balls. It was sort of funny sometimes but didn't really make any truly valid points and Doug Benson irritated me about as often as he amused me.

swan song is right, The Union is one of the better pot-related documentaries. Super High Me is just a moneygrubbing gimmick for the most part.

It's a moneygrubbing gimmick, yes.
I didn't pay for it. I still don't think I should.
It was really a cheap laughs thing, I find.
The Secret Saturdays season finale "Kur Rising" - **** YEAH 10/10

Pretty surprised by the end. I mean first they head to Antarctica and find a giant worm like creature beneath the ice and think OH SHIT ITS KUR, but then Zak is unable to control it because it doesn't have a brain and then it turns out to be part of a GIANT MOTHER ****ER that everyone assumes MUST BE the evil cryptid Kur. Then the series villain V. V. Argost goes inside of the ****er and controls it. THEN the rest of the Saturday family fight it off on the outside while Zak and Fiskerton go inside and **** Argost's shit up. THEN after defeating Kur, the evil, almighty cryptid with the power to raise an army they find out thanks to Doyle that NO he's not Kur. Zak is. The ****ing KID IS THE EVIL ANCIENT CRYPTID WITH THE POWER TO RAISE AND CONTROL A CRYPTID ARMY HOLY F*CK

Basically, this is the only good show left on CN besides Flapjack and Chowder. It's like Johnny Quest mixed with cryptozoology and influence by some of Alex Toth's artwork. The whole series reeks of awesome right down to the opening intro.
Saving Private Ryan

Hard to explain why this movie is perfect, just watch it.
Saving Private Ryan

Hard to explain why this movie is perfect, just watch it.

its in my top 3 favorite movies

Funny People 7/10

not as funny or entertaining as i wanted it to be. there were a lot of funny scenes don't get me wrong but it felt pretty dry and uncomfortable. also at 2 and half hours this movie should have had a better editor.

I love you man 7/10

Also a pretty meh comedy. i felt like there was way too many pause moments when something should be said and it sounded like listening in on two people laughing the entire movie.
Employee Of The Month

Funny as hell, keeps you WTF'ing. Definitely worth watching if you are a fan of comedies.
God, I ****ing hate Dane Cook.

I didn't even notice it was him!
I've only read about him+watched some of his crappy shows on Encyclopedia Dramatica, but didn't remember him. His shows suck, but actually this movie was pretty good.
District 9 - 9/10

This film surprised me. The undertones of racial (or in this case special) violence and hatred, the portrayal of South Africa and the slums and way of life in the 'District' were... Impressive.
Compelling characters and excellent action as secondary to the plot made it really break the mold of 'alien action film'. Excellently shot and rather well acted, although with a few plot holes/discrepancies. Definitely worthwhile.

Funny People: 7/10

This one was different. The juxtaposition of comedy and drama were awkwardly placed at times, and the movie did drag on for a bit too long. However, I did enjoy it. Expect less laughs, but more dialogue that makes you think.
The Hurt Locker - 8.9/10.
Thrilling, tense, well-acted and beautifully shot. I was very pleasantly suprised with this movie, went in knowing nothing about the plot and now its in my top 5 movies I've seen this year. Kudos to Kathryn Bigelow for doing a great job.
Let the Right One In - 9/10

A very pleasant and touching surprise. Imagine what Twilight tried to do, but instead of being ****ing terrible actually being very good.
GI Joe: 1/10

Worse than I expected. My friend asked if I wanted to go see it, and I was bored so I said "Sure. I've got nothing better to do." I was wrong. Anything I could have done alone on a PC would have been better than seeing this movie. I mean, yeah, I know. Its a GI Joe movie FFS. Thats why I went in expecting a shit movie. But it was a summer blockbuster with a huge budget, so I also expected it would have decent CGI. Again, I was wrong. They do things that the industry learned not to do 15 years ago. They have some of the worst compositing, worst animation, worst rendering, and worst camera angles I have seen in any blockbuster movie in the past few years.

It gets one point for the token black guy making a couple jokes I laughed at.

Also, ice apparently sinks in water.
Loved Let the Right One In :)


Anyone else seen it?


Good movie
G.I. Joe 7/10

Regardless what Krynn said (trust me I said the same thing about the ice too) the movie was still worth watching. It had plenty of action, plenty of characters, and it still seemed to flow well. I usually turn my brain off when I watch movies like this and thats all you have to do. I don't even remember GI Joes from my childhood because I thought they were meh, and Transformers were more fun to play with. But I also saw this for free so the only cost I had to pay was the $1 it took to drive to the theater and meet my friends.

Beer League 9/10

Very funny movie with plenty of tits, beer, and swears you could shake your _____ with. See this movie if you want to laugh, and make sure you watch it with a friend. The ping pong ball scene was very memorable.
oh god D:

Is that actually a real poster? *feels sick*
I need to see it, i've heard great things and it looks really good :)
I can actually understand the idea of remaking that for a US audience. Quality aside, it's a seriously odd movie, and it is relatively difficult for foreign audiences to understand. Whether the new one is any good at all is a different story.
To be fair, it's a different remake of the book, not an identical redoing of the film a la Quarantine / Funny Games.
Dark city 8/10

Really clever, unque film that can be summed as a more subtle version of the matrix :) You really get the impression that john is really important in this world even though his powers are far understated in comparison to neo's. Great visual design, sinister characters and the film doesn't treat you like an idiot. Plus only time you'll see keifer sutherland not act as a hard man :P

Fear and loathing in las vegas ................./10

Okay I haven't finished watching this yet, i had to take a break from it. And I know i'll get lynched for it even though this is a movie that you either get or don't get and I certainly don't get it. It's just plain wierd and really just too weird for me to enjoy it. However then it got worse when I sat watching the film thinking it was going to finish just to find that Johnny Depp has to go to a second convention and thus repeat the first act's sordid events? **** THAT!

I honestly think it is not only the most overrated movie ever made but definitely one of the worst I have ever seen.
To be fair, it's a different remake of the book, not an identical redoing of the film a la Quarantine / Funny Games.

The odd thing about the Funny Games remake, was that is was a remake by the same director doing the same thing he did before... for the hell of it. Not because people actually wanted Funny Games to be remade. Haneke is an odd guy.
Fear and loathing in las vegas ................./10

Okay I haven't finished watching this yet, i had to take a break from it. And I know i'll get lynched for it even though this is a movie that you either get or don't get and I certainly don't get it. It's just plain wierd and really just too weird for me to enjoy it. However then it got worse when I sat watching the film thinking it was going to finish just to find that Johnny Depp has to go to a second convention and thus repeat the first act's sordid events? **** THAT!

I honestly think it is not only the most overrated movie ever made but definitely one of the worst I have ever seen.

I found this movie incredibly boring. Though I must say, its incredibly clever for a movie where drugs play a major role.
Breaking Bad Season 1 8/10

Cool and refreshing show that dips into the insane at moments. this show reminds me a lot of the Shield in a way and I enjoy that. Also there are a lot of OMFG moments and plenty of pity to go around
let the right one in 8.5/10

A really good movie that takes the vampire genre seriously. It has got some really good atmosphere, music, is really tense in its key moments and has interesting characters.
Gotta say I was surprised with some aspects of the film: those bullies were really ****ing evil D: and the scene where eli leaves actually had me tearing up a little.

However I don't think the movie is infallible as others seem to maybe imply, I do think that the pacing of the movie is a bit too leisurely. But still definitely recommended viewing and I can now agree with the sentiments of everyone else. The remake can go **** itself! :flame:
Gran Torino: 8/10

So this is an example of when I eat my words. When this came out, I simply ignored it. I never liked Eastwood's older films (shoot me, partner) nor did I enjoy Million Dollar Baby (break my neck, partner) so I simply wrote this one off. However, after watching this movie I have to say it was one of the best in 2008. The hilarity of this movie genuinely shocked me. As it was advertised as a very serious movie, the comedy sticks out, but for a good reason: it's really, really funny.

I'm not sure if Eastwood is able to talk a different way; if so, it's annoying and he should stop as I wasn't aware that Batman-Christan Bale did any voice overs. The last act lost a lot of steam for me, but the rest of it was engaging, interesting and hilarious. Another point was knocked off due to the absolutely abysmal acting of the young guy he takes under his wing (Wikipedia: Before his role in Gran Torino, Vang did not have prior acting experience. No shit?). My God, he was terrible. His sister wasn't too bad, but she stuck out as well.
The Informers 7/10

reminds me of Crash, Babel, and a few others with a lose story and weird people. i felt like i was watching depressed people shoot the shit but there were plenty of examples of how ones lifestyle or status has nothing to do with happiness.
Across the Universe - 9/10 - One of the most enchanting, haunting, mystifying, adorable, unexpected, depressing, and powerful movies I've seen in quite some time. I cried. More than once.
zombie girl 8/10

fairly interesting documentary show casing what the girl had to go through at such a young age to create an indie film
inglourious basterds 4/10

I seen an advance screening of this and it's not a badly made film I think in anyway obvious way but it's tarantino's styling that does, though if you are a tarantino fanboy then i'm sure you will love it.

His presence is felt in almost every scene and not in a good way (like in pulp fiction it doesn't detract from the experience in anyway) it's just blatant pretiousness:

-the seperate chapters thing that he loves doing
-the soundtrack at points just doesn't plain fit, there is a scene where one of the female cast whose name escapes me now is getting ready and over it is some random rock song O_o
-the charicatures of important figures like hitler and churchill
-flashbacks to scenes we saw earlier? why?
-the portrayal of the basterds is extremely annoying and act like fratboys. They are clearly not nice people (which I was already aware of) but they are never at any point cast in a negative light for their actions when at points they are worse than the nazis
-the tarantino patented character intros *rolleyes*
-pointing out critical key figures with arrows O_o they're important but not important enough to actually get their own scenes eh quentin?
-he ****ing rewrites WWII! This is just plain idiotic and immature. The film ends with the basterds killing hitler and ending the war whilst 2 of them are shooting the audience in slomo. This is just plain childish and incredibly immature
-there is a scene where a girl from earlier in the film tries to burn down the cinema and relays a pointless 10 second video and the smoke of the fire forms her laughing face? WTF?!

He seems to cast WWII in some sort of teamamerica****yeahesque manner and it is incredibly immature, irritating, disrespectful and done in incredibly bad taste.

One good thing I will say is that the actor who plays colonel lamda is really damn good. The opening scene is what will be rememered from this movie and is basically this movies equivalent of pulp fiction's royale with cheese bit.

But overall this is the equivalent really of tarantino ****ing off for 2.5 hours >_>