Films: Rate and Discuss

"Hey guys your ENTIRE COUNTRY can't make a good movie to save your lives! I say this based on a single movie which I did not enjoy."

*examples are cited*

"Well I only liked a few of those, that's hardly comprehensive evidence."

*rolls eyes* Shaun Of The Dead was one of the more painful films Ive ever forced myself to watch.

British films are generally pretty ***t. Especially comedies.

Snatch is my only exception. That film is amazing.

You see I am slighly the opposite - Americans make loads and loads of awesome films but I can't stand their comedies - I hate all those scary movie/ teen spoof movie crap and anything with Adam Sandler....
American Comedy these days is British Comedy without the wit. It's just awkward scenarios with no redeeming intellectual qualities, that lowest-common-denominator American audiences laugh at out of a deep-set cultural sociopathy.
Oh come on people, name ONE great British film that isnt something to do with stereotyping cockny bri'ish lan-dan innit. And Im talking world famous films here, not b-movies or ones the vast majority of people havent seen.

It might as well just be a big screen version of Eastenders. Oh god Eastenders. The horror..

[edit] Lawrence Of Arabia was pretty good though.

And Monty Python doesnt really count, as thats just a longer version of one of their TV series episodes.

There is so much shit in this post; I'm not sure if its coming out of your arse, or your mouth. Shane Meadows, Ken Loach, Danny Boyle, Hitchcock, Terry Gilliam, Kubrick - go watch their British funded films, and tell me that that shit is coming out of your mouth.
That's because American Comedy sucks.

Yeah, The Hangover was so awful. I bet Dinner for Schmucks will be a piece of garbage, too. Stupid American comedies, how awful they are. :upstare:

PS I hope you realize that comment is just as obtuse as Dynasty's.

jesus. A guy makes a stupid comment about how British film sucks, everybody gets their panties in a bunch. But no probs here mocking American comedy, stupid Americans
I saw a trailer of what appears to be an remake of Planes, Trains & Automobiles with Robert Downey Jr. and that guy from the hangover. Not sure if it will be any good but I always enjoyed Robert Downey Jr.
American comedy... see, every foreign literary scholar in the world laments the fact that Shakespeare wasn't theirs. Frankly, if the US fancies swapping Will for the entire run of the Simpsons*, I'd happily hand the rights over.

* the entire run because we're doing like for like here. If you're getting Titus Andronicus it's only fair that we get Saddlesore Galactica.
Youth in Revolt 5/10

Boring! it wasn't bad bad but just meh. it could have been so much better but I thought this was going to be a comedy and it turned into a really bland movie with barely any emotion. dear god if I ever acted like that as a teen I'd definitely shoot myself in my testicles just to make sure i was a guy.
American Comedy these days is British Comedy without the wit. It's just awkward scenarios with no redeeming intellectual qualities, that lowest-common-denominator American audiences laugh at out of a deep-set cultural sociopathy.
Thankyou. ****ing christ american comedies have been straight up lazy since the likes of Apatow rolled onto the scene (not that his first few weren't enjoyable). The formula is already played out as shit: put fat stoner retards on screen - have them talk about weed and ass****ing and movie references - introduce a series of progressively more awkward or bizarre scenarios - profit. WHERE ARE THE JOKES IN MY COMEDY, YOU ASSHOLES? I PAID TO SEE THIS SHIT.
Toy Story 3:

I really enjoyed it and its one of the best movies of the year i'm sure. Strangely tho i would say its probably just as good as the first 2 but i didnt enjoy it as much. However i think that is more to do with the fact that pixar films and their ilk just dont entice me as much anymore as i get older (een tho i know people older than me that still love them so idk :|).

I can see why people would cry at this tho; it deals with themes of loss, moving on and growing up very well, infact i was quite surprised at just how well they handled it so. Its also definitely the darkest movie of the trilogy. It leaves the series on a nice, high note and closes the book neatly. Hopefully hollywood doesn't decide to get their grubby mits on it again cos it would ruin the ending and its closure =/
Thankyou. ****ing christ american comedies have been straight up lazy since the likes of Apatow rolled onto the scene (not that his first few weren't enjoyable). The formula is already played out as shit: put fat stoner retards on screen - have them talk about weed and ass****ing and movie references - introduce a series of progressively more awkward or bizarre scenarios - profit. WHERE ARE THE JOKES IN MY COMEDY, YOU ASSHOLES? I PAID TO SEE THIS SHIT.

Apatow doesn't exactly represent the entirety of American comedies. Weren't you just ranting about how useless it is to throw around specific films as representations of all British films?

Apatow's problem is he actually thinks he makes good movies, not just funny ones. Watch the first half of any of his films, and they're pretty funny. Oh whoops, the second half is a serious representation of his awful stereotypical copy-paste script with bland boring characters learning lessons about who gives a ****.
American Comedy, capitalised. There are examples of good modern American comedy, but the mainstream cinematic field is a cesspool.
Apatow's problem is he actually thinks he makes good movies, not just funny ones. Watch the first half of any of his films, and they're pretty funny. Oh whoops, the second half is a serious representation of his awful stereotypical copy-paste script with bland boring characters learning lessons about who gives a ****.
This happens to a lot of comedies though. The first half is spent entirely on making jokes with little direction, then the scriptwriter/director suddenly realises "holy shit, I have a plot!" and spends the rest of the film having to resolve, thus killing all the jokes due to lack of foresight.
Apatow doesn't exactly represent the entirety of American comedies. Weren't you just ranting about how useless it is to throw around specific films as representations of all British films?

Apatow's problem is he actually thinks he makes good movies, not just funny ones. Watch the first half of any of his films, and they're pretty funny. Oh whoops, the second half is a serious representation of his awful stereotypical copy-paste script with bland boring characters learning lessons about who gives a ****.
"The likes of Apatow." Kind of obvious I wasn't trying to pin it all on him, and my earlier post was hardly a rant. But yeah his formula is getting kind of stale, Funny People was just ****ing boring.
I may have pinned some of what Yorick and Stigmata said on you. :P But you did thank an incredibly stupid post.

Dinner with Schmucks - 8/10
Just in time to prove everybody wrong, the cast of this film portray some of the most hilariously painful imbeciles ever in a really excellent example of mainstream American comedy.
Read: Stigmata, you're full of shit.

But yeah riom that is a common problem I have with comedies. It's slightly present in Schmucks but is quickly worked around with the continued focus on great comedy.
Ah yes, the only true form of comedy is witty intellectual commentary, all else is dribble for the drooling masses. What an excellent and in no way obtuse, condescending, or totally obnoxious point of view, and what a fool I am for enjoying slapstick, exaggerated personas, and escalating ridiculous scenarios of this trash American comedy.

Clearly I will never understand this higher scope of comedic entertainment, so I would like to ask: is this hilarious sketch and ridiculous scenario intellectually stimulating enough to constitute true comedy?
Apatow doesn't exactly represent the entirety of American comedies. Weren't you just ranting about how useless it is to throw around specific films as representations of all British films?

*monty python*

is this hilarious sketch and ridiculous scenario intellectually stimulating enough to constitute true comedy?

(Also, I don't really like that sketch.)
To be fair, Monty Python often looks a little ex- itself these days, what with having been mercilessly plundered for the last three decades.

I really thought Hamlet 2 was very funny. And Funny People, that was great. 30 Rock is really good too.
A-Team - 10/10

Was definitely unsure about this when it was first announced, for obvious reasons, especially with regards to BA being played by someone else, however after seeing it last night, all those uncertainties were put aside.

Thoroughly enjoyed the film overall. Neeson as per usual was brilliant, Cooper pulled off Face rather well, Jackson definitely lived up to the standards of Mr.T (obviously no one could ever top him, but was better than expected), but my favourite of the group was Copley .. I haven't laughed so hard in ages, literally every moment of the film he was in, was a guarenteed chuckle.

Anyway, putting aside the fact that Jessica Biel is a pretty poor actress, the film was brilliant and definitely worth a watch, regardless of how clichéd it may be at points.
I saw a trailer of what appears to be an remake of Planes, Trains & Automobiles with Robert Downey Jr. and that guy from the hangover. Not sure if it will be any good but I always enjoyed Robert Downey Jr.

Yeah, good luck replacing John Candy.

(Also, I don't really like that sketch.)

I wasn't trying to represent all British comedy, I was trying to give a British example of an awkward scenario with no redeeming intellectual qualities which I also find totally hilarious. Pretty much to say that isn't a requirement of any good comedy, as Stigmata suggests and as is totally completely ****ing stupid and annoying.
Inglourious Basterds


I couldn'y really get into it and would of loved to see more action from the Basterds point of view. Quite a good story though but all I can gather from the ending is..

American's are backstabbers
SpiderPig said:
would of loved to see more action from the Basterds point of view.

No, SpiderPig. You are the nazis.

- Movies are complicit in the violence they encourage.
- Propaganda treats its enemies like the Nazis treated the Jews - even American propaganda.
- The line between 'movies' and 'propaganda' is very thin.
The only thing you see that looks like an exciting action movie is the nazi production!
I watched Inglorious Basterds amd Valkyrie back to back, and to be honest I enjoyed the former a lot more. I guess I had the wrong expectations, but for a Tarantino movie I expected there to be more action...

So I would rate Inglorious Basterds maybe a 6 or 6.5/10

Whereas in Valkyrie they managed to make me care about the characters, and I thought the pacing and suspense was very well done. Now, probably my favorite Tom Cruise movie next to Minority Report.

Valkyrie 8/10
I wasn't trying to represent all British comedy, I was trying to give a British example of an awkward scenario with no redeeming intellectual qualities which I also find totally hilarious. Pretty much to say that isn't a requirement of any good comedy, as Stigmata suggests and as is totally completely ****ing stupid and annoying.
I wasn't trying to be pretentious, I'm just saying that <generic awkward situation> isn't enough to make me laugh. <Generic awkward situation w/ 1x actual joke> on the other hand...
Avatar: TLA animated series 9.7/10

Wow, where do I start. At first it seemed kinda boring, but then it grew on me and I love it now. Now I've been on Nicktoons watching each of the Avatar extra's like crazy. It has everything, great story, characters, comic relief, action and a little romance. Yes, I am a Kataang and I hope there is some good flashbacks in the new series in a year. :)

If you haven't seen it yet, shame on you!
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo:

At the start this film was sloooow, lisbeth never even meets mikeal until about an hour in aswell (and how she got rolled into the investigation seemed kinda tenuous to me). But after that the movie became really much more interesting as their investigation took full swing, it became more engaging, i really enjoyed it and would def see the other 2 in the trilogy :)

btw i've never read the books so i aint comparing plus this film has some hard hitting sexual violence which at first is kinda hard to stomach (I cant say i say that often about movies =/).
At least there are no tween girls on this forum; otherwise this could take a very ugly turn.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo:

I pretty much agree with what you said - a little slow to begin with but builds up nicely to a disturbing and gripping conclusion. I'm looking forward to finding out more about Lisbeth.
*big ass picture*

*shudders* D:

At least there are no tween girls on this forum; otherwise this could take a very ugly turn.

Well, I'd have to concur. Poor Katara and her bazillion non-canonical pairs from the internets. TBH that part of Avatar can be as bad as (do I dare say it?) Twilight. Thank god for Sokka and his cactus juice.
Meh, Team Avatar has nothing on their opposite numbers in the Dangerous Ladies. Evil is sexy.
Episodes One through Five of Outlaw Star
I remembered watching this show from when Toonami used to be a channel and decided to go and look it up. It's pretty much as I remember it but with a lot more cursing, perhaps the one I saw before was the censored version. It avoids a lot of the cliches/tropes/whatever you want to call them that really annoy me about a lot of anime: Stock (transformation) footage, weird sounding voices, ridiculous translations, bad dubbing, blatant censorship and everyone falling over every time a joke is made (seriously, I really don't get this one). Of course, it is still an anime and commits some of the less annoying sins: people winking/talking with one eye closed for no reason, cat people, overly long pauses with close-ups of people's faces and the art style changing whenever it gets less serious. Actually, now that I think about it there might be stock footage of Melfina getting in the tank, but she's only done that once so far so I don't know. It wouldn't be so bad if that was the only obvious stock footage they used though.

It's actually a good show with an interesting plot (and space pirates!) and good characters. I remember the show going a bit crazy near the end, I'll report on that when I've finished watching it. It's one of the few animes I'd actually recommend.
Misery - 7.5/10

That lady really creeped me out and I was filled with rage after everything she did. Good movie though.
Episodes One through Five of Outlaw Star
I remembered watching this show from when Toonami used to be a channel and decided to go and look it up. It's pretty much as I remember it but with a lot more cursing, perhaps the one I saw before was the censored version. It avoids a lot of the cliches/tropes/whatever you want to call them that really annoy me about a lot of anime: Stock (transformation) footage, weird sounding voices, ridiculous translations, bad dubbing, blatant censorship and everyone falling over every time a joke is made (seriously, I really don't get this one). Of course, it is still an anime and commits some of the less annoying sins: people winking/talking with one eye closed for no reason, cat people, overly long pauses with close-ups of people's faces and the art style changing whenever it gets less serious. Actually, now that I think about it there might be stock footage of Melfina getting in the tank, but she's only done that once so far so I don't know. It wouldn't be so bad if that was the only obvious stock footage they used though.

It's actually a good show with an interesting plot (and space pirates!) and good characters. I remember the show going a bit crazy near the end, I'll report on that when I've finished watching it. It's one of the few animes I'd actually recommend.

Thanks a ****ing lot, Rimfire. Now I have to open up my DVD of Outlaw Star and enjoy it.