Finally, a website for people who are overweight that is direct and to the point

FAT TAX. Copyright CR0M 2010. It's the only way.

1: Every item of food sold in stores is subject to FAT TAX, a direct calculation based on calories therein. The more calories, the higher the price. Less calories, cheaper food.

2: Width measurement lasers on public transport. Wider than your seat? Pay FAT TAX per extra inch.

3: Fat people breath heavier and faster and therefore consume more sweet, sweet air and exhale more carbon dioxide. FAT TAX and / or prison for adding to global warming.

4: Weight scales at airports that calculate FAT TAX to reduce risk of crashing on runways through strained undercarriage and to increase glide distance to the nearset landing strip after catastrophic failure of all engines. Can be combined with 2 above. Kerching.

Fat people should be MADE responsible for their actions as they clearly can't be arsed to do it themselves.
Aw crap, by this logic singers should have to pay tax too, as we tend to breathe deeper and use more of our lungs.
And athletes. In fact anyone who's not really scrawny and inactive. The high calorie food tax would also be bad for athletes. Also anyone with a lot of muscle, which is heavier than fat. You must really hate athletes CROM.