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- Jul 17, 2003
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Hi guys, well after a week of pounding out the bugs, performance and gameplay issues on this map Im glad to say this much improved version is now ready for download.
Alot has changed in this version and the main improvemnts being Performance and gameplay. Here is a quick list of improvements made:
-All ladders working properly now, no dismounting issues or jerkyness.
-redesigned some areas to cut down on sniping and help balance out close combat areas.
-Designed the level in a way player can 'flow' around the map easily without having to take a fixed route to get to any location Eg the houses.
- Framerates increased to a more stable 40-60fps most of the time other than when in the watch tower (you CAN see everything up there though!)
-No more invisible walls!! inaccessable areas are now properly blocked
- no more leaks or jomping out of the level (hopefully)
- Tried to balance out spawn points and made so players are not so exposed
-Added weapons or ammo to most spawn points to start player off.
- Train now kills the player if jumping on the train for too long
- Lost of extra detail added to ditches, almost like mini arenas now.
- More eye candy
- Fixed claustrophobic cluttered indoor areas - now are easier to navigate and set traps.
- hopefully just more FUN!

Anyway, I have named this RC 1 just purely for the reason that I know i will have probably missed some little bugs (and still got some to solve) so as ever if you spot any just let me know here.
There will only be one more release after this and that will be final!
Anyway I hope you enjoy it and have fun.
dwnload here (mirror appreciated)
Oh some still un resolved bugs are respawnables dont always respawn for some reason (Seems random) and weapons respawn in wierd places (out of the sky?!? - no entities there though)