Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "


Aug 24, 2004
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The official UK website recently posted an interview with Guerilla Killzone PS3 designer, Jan-Bart Van Beek. It goes like...

here it's

now Killzone PS3 designer Said that the video is real
and IGN's Editors Said that the video is just a fake !!!!!

as IGN says " There you have it! IGN believes, overwhelmingly, that the video is a fake. That's where we stand. Prove us wrong, Guerilla. Prove us wrong. "

What do you think guys ?!!

hype hype hype hype


playing into Sony's hands so perfectly.
Wait, where did they say the video is real? They never said that. At least not directly.
IGN: Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PlayStation 3?

Jan-Bart: Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.
it just begs the question - why waste so much time and money on such an expensive CGI cutscene?

the answer? hype.

dont dont dont

dont believe the hype
weskerQ8 said:
IGN: Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PlayStation 3?

Jan-Bart: Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.

That does not mean in-game. In fact, with an obtuse answer like that, I'd figure it's pretty obvious that the video was fake. If they wanted to confirm that it's in-game, they'd say "Yeah, it's in-game".
now guerilla (no guirella lol) must hav make a game whit similiar graphics if they don want to dissapoint
Sadly...the video was not in-game. :(

/me falls to his knees and cries
The days will show as if it's real or not

and I really wish it could be real
Flashbacks to the oh so great Emotion Engine!
I wonder if it was fully pre-rendered CG, or more akin to the HL2 "representation", where it was using the in-game engine.

Somehow I doubt it's the engine at all. I'm on the entirely CG side of the fence...
course its CG. they havent even manufactured a finalised PS3 yet. just alpha dev kits knocking around.
I know some dudes from Guirella, I'l ask them if its real, can't promise anything tho
Why dont we just email killzone asking them if it was real in-game footage??

I'll email them, they have the same language as me(dutch)
I hated the first one, so I'm holding real doubts to the actual playability of the final product, despite whatever amount of sexiness it might have.
Chav said:
Why dont we just email killzone asking them if it was real in-game footage??

I'll email them, they have the same language as me(dutch)

Because they probably don't want to reveal whether it's real-time or not. If it was pre-rendered, imagine how pissed everyone would be. I bet the actual final product wouldn't do so well, because people would have felt like it could have been so much better.
Lemonking said:
so even if it aint real game is still gonna kick ass

There's blind faith for you :)

I weep for the PlayStation Generation :'(
In the one picture I saw, where the camera is right above the shoulder of some soldier (on the bridge), you can clearly see the normal-mapped texture on his shoulder, as well as on the ground, you know, the "square-by-square" thing you get when you zoom in on the bump-maped Doom 3 textures. It looks good, but CG (which is a lame term as all graphics are computer generated) by todays standard have moved far away from flaws like that.

However, that`s not proving anything for either yes or no.

EDIT: Added the photo.

Though the video was beautiful, I was more amazed by the atmosphere. Seeing the ISA soldier push the Helgan soldier over the edge, explosions and the dropship landings made my heart jump. :)
thats sony for ya
Microsoft did the same thing with HALO 2. :sleep:
Nope, it's real alright.. if you watch the kz2 trailer in slow motion you'll notice some ingame glitches, such as characters spawning in the background and nps clipping through eachother.. this is no pre-rendered fake!
Just deal with it pc gamers, it has been 5 years in the making and the new consoles simply kick ass..
It will look exactly like this, if you ask me it should look much better.. being the next gen console and all..
Consoles are the rue of all evil. That and religion.
They never said it was real. Actually, going by what they said in the interview it's pretty obvious it was a fake and they just don't want to admit it.
special-ed said:
Nope, it's real alright.. if you watch the kz2 trailer in slow motion you'll notice some ingame glitches, such as characters spawning in the background and nps clipping through eachother.. this is no pre-rendered fake!

Apparently you missed the part where they said they were rushing to churn out that video.

So no, the existence of glitches in the video doesn't conclude that it's ingame.

Lemonking said:
so even if it aint real game is still gonna kick ass

What makes you so sure about that? If what you saw was a representational prerendered video, then that means you've seen nothing of the actual game itself. And seeing as how the first Killzone sucked, I don't see how you can claim with any certainty that the new game will be good.
The player was scripted to show the enviroments.. and most of the events were as well..
but these are the actual graphics.