Finally, Guirella Talk " KILL ZONE 2 IS REAL "

whos the guy who comfirmed it though? if that is ingame its the best looking game ever made.
I think that the sony reps will say anything that will make more people get hyped about their console, so I don't trust them. I have decided to remain skeptical (VERY skeptical but not in one camp or the other) until the game is released. Then we shall see what is what. Since we can't see into the future, we instead try and predict what things are going to be like two years from now and post endlessly in forums. I charge you all with the challenge to above it.
Smack500 said:
lol u3 eats killzone 2 for breakfast.

This is funny seriously. Now that some of the hype from some of the new gen console games are coming out, the console fanboys are back to spouting their normal bs. I hope they do know that while the new gen consoles are being worked on and coming out, so is new pc hardware. A new line of 512mb cards should be coming out soon from nvidea and ati.

And please dont even say **** about control options.

I've been hating consoles with all my heart, sticking with pcs games through the end of the xbox/ps2 phase, but now i'm sick of all the shit pcs games have been bringing me and wish to switch back over to the new consoles. So go buy your 10,000 dollar supercomputer.. equal to the 500-700 (maybe less) ps3, which pwns it anyday.
Okay I emailed the ho's and this is what I got back:

Hi there (my name was here),

Thanks for getting in touch! With regards to the recent E3 Killzone
movie, I think it's best to let our SCEE colleagues clarify the
situation. Have a look at this link:

Sorry to be so uninformative, but we're not quite ready to talk about
our current projects yet. We're working exclusively with SCEE, on their
PlayStation platforms and that's all we can really say..

All the best,

Sainku, I wouldn't believe the interview from gamespot either (dumbshits), but the executive vice president of sony confirming it himself is a completely different story.
if youre referring to the interview at eurogamer, the exec confirmed some things were pre rendered. he didnt specify which though...wonder why?
special-ed said:
I've been hating consoles with all my heart, sticking with pcs games through the end of the xbox/ps2 phase, but now i'm sick of all the shit pcs games have been bringing me and wish to switch back over to the new consoles. So go buy your 10,000 dollar supercomputer.. equal to the 500-700 (maybe less) ps3, which pwns it anyday.

Post like this truely show how ignorant you are. Just game related hardware, I have only spent 1,000$ on my pc. It is above the xbox 360, but slightly not as good as the ps3. Upon the ps3s release, pcs will be out that are better for around that amount.

You wont see it graphically (that current totl pcs are better), for quite sometime. Because developers dont get close to the full use out of totl pcs (until there not top of the line anymore).

Although theres no question consoles are cheaper and will continue to be. However a top of the line pc can do tons more then gaming. If you utilize it, its well worth the money.
Smack500 said:
Post like this truely show how ignorant you are. Just game related hardware, I have only spent 1,000$ on my pc. It is above the xbox 360, but slightly not as good as the ps3. Upon the ps3s release, pcs will be out that are better for around that amount.

You wont see it graphically (that current totl pcs are better), for quite sometime. Because developers dont get close to the full use out of totl pcs (until there not top of the line anymore).

Although theres no question consoles are cheaper and will continue to be. However a top of the line pc can do tons more then gaming. If you utilize it, its well worth the money.

I think i'll be very content with ps3 for some time.. list your specs so I can believe this bs.
Thats your opinion, and Im not trying to argue with you on that. Just dont start spouting bs, that consoles are or will be technically better then pcs.
only a nerd with no life or job only uses his PC just for gaming special-ed
I said rise above it! Rise above the speculation and flaming!

We all know from the e3 experiences of the past that companies make mock-ups that look really convincing as to how far along a game is, and the features a game provides. Something tells me that the final game won't fully deliver what we see in this demo. I don't care what vague, equivocating things game and console reps say that could be interpreted either way, I'm not falling for it.

So let the fanboys have their fun. We can still watch and laugh.
gamespot take on the case

they say that one of they crow talked whit a sony represent or something like that and he say that is in real time

so if he is lying it will not be good for sony

still I dont think a company could make so big mistake (and I dont know about the emotion engine thing)

only time will tell