Firearms: Source, Back from the Dark.


Jan 7, 2005
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I love it when things like this arrive via the news forwarder. Really adore it. [br]
Firearms : Source has released what this News Writer can only call a massive, glorious media update; needless to say I just let my jaw drop when I saw this. While they have entered the Alpha Testing stage, the Firearms team have been silent, until now - hopefully enjoying their mod.

[br]This new media release includes screenshots from seven maps as well as models of both one of the multi-ethnic player models and the some of the multitude of weapons that make Firearms live to its name; A small selection of those shots are seen above. To cause the jaw to drop an inch further, they have also release a video seen here of some of the Alpha Testing. To put the cheery on the cake {even though It's A Lie} some of the Firearms have started Dev. Journals viewable here.</br>

To see the Firearms main page, point those mice here and jump over to see the large spread of new media.
After reading this i have gone well off firearms.

Seems people stole the concept, name, ip, everything and just started rebuilding it with no permission.

But saying that they refure to Firearms 2, weather or not that is related to firearms: Source i dont know, maybe someone else around here knows more about it then i do.
From what I know they're making it with the FA1 team's blessing... But not sure.
Yep, it is being made with the original FA team's blessing (, and they ask permission from original map makers before remaking them (unlike the "other" mod)... sometimes it is not easy to track those original mappers down either.

Firearms2 (IE The "other mod") is a different game.. and I really don't wanna get into the drama since you are all as sick of it as I am. :)

Alpha testing is going well, and as you can tell from the update a lot has been done, I think the public beta is not very far off...

Anyway, lets keep this thread positive, no need to dwell on the past.
it's like we need a disclaimer in every news post that we are not firearms2.
Not sure what to think of this mod, but the media is looking good :)
:) Good to know its all legit. I havn't been paying much attention to the mod scene as of late so i thought i best ask to clear things up :)
I always find myself confused over which firearms is which too. You could mention something like "The offical firearms mod" so that people like me know its not the ripoff, that would be nice.

Progression looks good so far. Some of those map shots looks really excellent.
After reading this i have gone well off firearms.

Seems people stole the concept, name, ip, everything and just started rebuilding it with no permission.

But saying that they refure to Firearms 2, weather or not that is related to firearms: Source i dont know, maybe someone else around here knows more about it then i do.

the person who wrote that (Alejandrodaj) is on our team :)

you are getting us mixed up with firearms2.. we have the full blessing from the team

I always find myself confused over which firearms is which too. You could mention something like "The offical firearms mod" so that people like me know its not the ripoff, that would be nice.

Progression looks good so far. Some of those map shots looks really excellent.

heh, we try to avoid the whole discussion, but at least I have some explanation in my sig :D
What's with the hidden flags in the soldier model :p ? (Estonia blue-black-white)
or maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see.
What's with the hidden flags in the soldier model :p ? (Estonia blue-black-white)
or maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see.

lol that's for team recognition, the skinner is from sweden
I am mostly playing BF2 or POE2 right now, but I am looking forward to trying Firearms:Source when it is released. Firearms has a special place in my gaming memories as it was the 1st online FPS that I played regularly. It was a lot of fun back in the day.

Keep up the good work and get it released. of the multi-ethnic player models...
Feature or uneccessary commentary tipping us off to todays overly PC culture? You decide.

Quick buy this game, they aren't racist pigs!

EDIT - Ill say it again - ORIGINAL IP PLEASE
Bloopers reel or it just didn't happen... :p

It's looking good so far. I can't wait til I once again have to wait for a spot to open on one of my favorite Firearms servers. It's been far too long.

I find that I totally can't wait to suck at the game, swear, and generally freak my neighbors out. :D
Hey, Shinobi, you're from Vancouver, too?

Sweet, someone who'se making a great mod, who'se a local.