Firearms: Source Media


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Firearms: Source, which many of you may know of as the true successor to the wildly popular Half-Life mod Firearms, has sent word of some delectable new media for us today, including a few beautifully modeled and textured weapons and some ingame footage.[br]

As usual, the whole team has been working hard to wrap things up for our public alpha and while we still have some work to do, a public release is on the horizon. We've also been getting many requests to join the testing team and while we're on the lookout for more good, dedicated testers, we probably won't be rolling in new testers for a couple weeks.

For a couple of ingame videos and a download of the title song for the mod, as well as the media archive and some other news, head on over to the website.
Those guns are beautiful.

Makes me want to go and shoot some hippies.
There are ingame videos and talk of an upcoming public release too, don't be a twat when it's not remotely deserved.
Weapon renders. Yeah. Great.
Right there with you.

The textures are either really well painted or they are photos laid on. I tend not to agree with showing that much 'shine' on the weapon. The engine does that after all
What I find funny, that people complain about weapon renders being media, but if its something like tf2, portal or even hl3 model renders they would go nuts and beg for more.

Anyway, the models look ace as do the videos, really can't wait for this!
Looks really good, those models are very well made.
Thanks for the update, I can't wait, I loves me some Firearms mod.
Right there with you.

The textures are either really well painted or they are photos laid on. I tend not to agree with showing that much 'shine' on the weapon. The engine does that after all

once again, there are gameplay videos on the frontpage

just to note, none of those are photo textured
I don't understand the point of this mod. It looks good and looks fun, but is it going to be CSS2? Usually mods are something different; this just looks like another CSS.
I don't understand the point of this mod. It looks good and looks fun, but is it going to be CSS2? Usually mods are something different; this just looks like another CSS.

not sure if you played it or not, but it's a continuation of the classic HL mod Firearms halflife, so to answer your question, the gameplay will be like Firearms:Halflife. It's essentially nothing like CSS gameplay-wise..

If you question is in regards to the player model etc, that is all currently being taken care of.
Wasn't the original a realistic fragfest?

It had a shitload of guns that could all be customized, and there was a class system of sorts?
Wasn't the original a realistic fragfest?

It had a shitload of guns that could all be customized, and there was a class system of sorts?

yes, not so much a class system, you're given a fixed mount of credits then you can spend them on equipment as you wish then you select abilities...

yes it is much more action oriented than most games

and yes there is a crapload of guns...the original game planned to have more but there was some hard coded weapon limits in the original HL engine
yes, not so much a class system, you're given a fixed mount of credits then you can spend them on equipment as you wish then you select abilities...
yes it is much more action oriented than most games
and yes there is a crapload of guns...

You pretty much outlined CSS.
You pretty much outlined CSS.

No, outlining CS would be saying "a tactical team-based mod surrounding terrorist verses counter terrorist scenerios. each round you are given cash to spend on weapons. you can cash by killing people and completing objectives"

FireArms:Source has no rounds, no money, no CS or DE gameplay, plays faster, has an open ended theme, and alot more guns that handle alot differently then CS, and while being team-based isnt "tactical" in the sence that CS is supposed to be.
No, outlining CS would be saying "a tactical team-based mod surrounding terrorist verses counter terrorist scenerios. each round you are given cash to spend on weapons. you can cash by killing people and completing objectives"

FireArms:Source has no rounds, no money, no CS or DE gameplay, plays faster, has an open ended theme, and alot more guns that handle alot differently then CS, and while being team-based isnt "tactical" in the sence that CS is supposed to be.

I'd go along with that. In CSS, the reward for playing well is money to buy better equipment. In FAS, the reward for playing well comes in the form of added skills (Marksmanship, Artillary, Stealth, First Aid, etc...). It's an important difference, I think.

P.S. Love the music. :)
you could always download the original FA for Halflife rather than speculate on the gameplay

I don't own Halflife 1. Otherwise I would have before I clicked on this thread.
I don't own Halflife 1. Otherwise I would have before I clicked on this thread.

It's good fun. Hopefully, an alpha will be released soon that will give you a taste of what it's all about. It'll be great to get the input of someone like yourself who hasn't ever touched the game before. Many of us will be wearing nostalgia colored glasses, and may not be able to give it as objective a look as you can. I hope you join us when the alpha goes public. Good day. :)
Hi, for those that do not know me, I am an forum admin and Alpha tester for FA:S. I just wanted to stop in and let you all know that, no, this is nothing like CSS, and we are trying very hard to use FA 2.5 as our "base" as far as weapon damage, and speed.

After the first release more will be added. New player models are already in the works and you can look forward to seeing them in a future media update (not my place to say when).

Coulda sworn I registered here before... :cheers: