First attempt at torso (suggestions plz)

Aug 19, 2004
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This is my first attempt at a torso (with a t-shirt) for a character. Just wanted to know what I should fix/edit before I continue.






^and make him not so much like a pencil.good job so far though!
It's kind of hard to see against the white background.

But, yeah, the arms and neck are too thin. :)
Too say its your first try its not bad. But you really need to look into how the body is presented. Really reaserch into it and if your having loads and loads of trouble just get naked infront of a mirror and look for your self, thats asuming your male of course.
Never render WIPs with GI it just hides any mistakes we could point out.

Overall shape seems decent though I'd agree the arms look a bit thin.

EDIT: Also the geometry will make it difficult to skin it (by skinning I mean making a skeleton etc.)

Incitatus said:
Also the geometry will make it difficult to skin it (by skinning I mean making a skeleton etc.)

Actually, I'm a step ahead of you there. I have tested the arms with bones, and they seem to move quite well :cool:

As for Ichi's comment, I am studying the human figure. I'm lucky I have nearly ten books on how to draw the human figure :thumbs:

Also, I pretty much broke the rules with this model. No reference pic, just out of instinct really. Now that I look at it, the arms are too thin and the neck is too thin. But maybe the body is too "buff". I wasn't planning on a body that buff now tat I look at it more.
Very nice job, especially coming from instinct. It may also be that your arms seem to form right up into the neck. The arms should go into the body and then into shoulders, then the shoulders should form up into the neck. I would just divide a few of those lines and lower them halfway between the "neck" and the "arms". Overall, it's very nice. What is your final project gunning toward. A new CT skin? If so do you have a reference. is a nice place to find urself some concept art, and most people will let you model their stuff.
Could you post a wire with the shoulders bent? I'd like to see how it works out
Did you paintovers, since that is usually the best way to show something.

Also you need to form the arms a lot better.
Altso dont remember armpits!

This should help you a bit more as well!
also the sideview...the cicle I made, is where the arm should start instead.

Also in the torso62 pic:
1. WAY too many polys...not needed.
2. why does it go down there? looks odd
3. Make 2 more loops there, for improved bending.
hmm seems to me u modeled this poly by poly method, and not box... ive herad and read, the easiest way to do organic models is to box model (usually starting out with a cylinder for the torso) but ive never attempted this so i wouldnt really know... but gj so far

btw why dont we have easy access to the sunglasses emoticon :hmph: lol