First Black Mesa: Source images

Terrible. Looks like the first game with higher res textures. Mod will be crap.

Note to team - you need to look at the way Valve use lighting, evironment maps and detail props in HL2.
Looking quite nice, but I really wish they'd go the extra mile and do their own static meshes instead of falling back on the HL2 stuff. And the turntable and Electric coily things look rubbish, I do hope they're placeholders!
Dagobert said:
Terrible. Looks like the first game with higher res textures. Mod will be crap.

Note to team - you need to look at the way Valve use lighting, evironment maps and detail props in HL2.

bit harsh don't u think? its ment to be the game with higher res textures so i dn't knw wt u were expecting...and its still erly days so give them a break about the lighting and detail props
Oooh, Sourcey goodness! :)

Looking forward to it guys, keep up the good work.
Looking good. btw whats that alien thing in 'we got hostiles' screenshot, i'd guess it'd be a zombie but doesn't look like one, and i cant think what it would be? (not a grunt either im pretty sure)
oh actually it looks like the back of a vortigaunt! yay we get to fight them now! :)
B-MAn said:
and its still erly days so give them a break about the lighting and detail props

This mod is not to be released in 1-2 years, so they got all the time they need.
Loke said:
This mod is not to be released in 1-2 years, so they got all the time they need.
Exactly, and it still looks kinda ok right now so it can only get better right? Just replace all the obvious HL2 props and add lots n lots of details. And Source garg... awww... *drools*
It looks like they tried to make their lighting as bland as possible.
We plan on adding custom models. The models we have done, aren't in our maps yet.
NetWarriorDan said:
We plan on adding custom models. The models we have done, aren't in our maps yet.
So you won't be using for example the HL2 headcrab or vortigaunt?
NetWarriorDan said:
We plan on adding custom models. The models we have done, aren't in our maps yet.
Is this in regards to static models or creature models?
We will use some of the HL2 models. Some need to be altered and others will have a new skin. We will be using the headcrab and vortigaunt from HL2. The headcrab will a new skin (maybe more). The vortigaunt will need only a few minor changes.

kupoartist said:
Is this in regards to static models or creature models?
All types of models.
Hope they release a chapter as a kind of demo soon.

I want nice shiny sourcey Black Mesa!
:thumbs: I want to play the opening sequence with the cascade failure...

"Its gone critical!"
this was the most adrenaline i had experienced at the time when i bougtht the original way back when....good stuff
weesee said:
:thumbs: I want to play the opening sequence with the cascade failure...

"Its gone critical!"
this was the most adrenaline i had experienced at the time when i bougtht the original way back when....good stuff

Yep, will get a copy just for the opening 5mins sequence on the train..
It looks great. I must say that Valve royally ****ed up with HL:S. It is just really the Blue Shift engine with nicer water effects and physics.
Dagobert said:
Terrible. Looks like the first game with higher res textures. Mod will be crap.

Note to team - you need to look at the way Valve use lighting, evironment maps and detail props in HL2.

Can anyone say Troll?
ray_MAN said:
It looks great. I must say that Valve royally ****ed up with HL:S. It is just really the Blue Shift engine with nicer water effects and physics.
Well, in their defense they never claimed anything better and it's not Blue Shift's engine, it is Source. But I thought it was kinda cheesey to have to pay for it, you should just be able to upgrade Half-life if you already owned it or sumthin, I realise they worked alot on it but c'mon, the difference is too small.
Wow I think those screenshots look great! I can't wait to battle through HL1 with the true capabilities of the Source engine!

Woooo, those shots looks absolutely awesome. I think this might be the #1 mod im waiting for. Among all the else, that Xen concept art looked thrilling, I cant wait to see how it will look ingame.
A little more Props should be added, and decals, otherwise it looks good.

But what i really want is COMPLETELY new, like bigger, new corridors, new rooms etc.
Hey Slainchild :D (I knew you were on these forums, just tended to lurk ;)
DarkStar said:

Now, this looks about right. Nice detailing with the pipes and stuff at the bottom.
Ah yes... It took me a while to work out where this bit even was - because in the original game, it was pratically just a big empty box with a black void at the bottom. I don't feel the rails on the bridges fit though... perhaps because they're white while the bridge itself is grey. I think they should retexture or remodel, just to go that extra mile and really push the envelope...
There's a lot of placeholders everywhere, give us time.
Mendasp said:
There's a lot of placeholders everywhere, give us time.
Sure, just as long as the next set of screenshots contains Barney or some other friendly NPC so we can nitpick about how the original ones were better, I'm bored, I need something to do.
The shots looks great.. I am looking forward to this mod... but I have the feeling this will be ready by the time Half Life 3 comes out. :(
They look great, keep in mind guys, they just started LAST MONTH, in that time they have been modeling ALOT of stuff we havn't seen, this is the first stage, so no bitching allowed yet!