First dream based on HL2


Feb 27, 2004
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Seems my subconscious mind has something to say about Half-Life 2. I think it's pretty interesting, so I'm going to share it with the rest of you - whether you like it or not.


The dream begins in a hallway, grey stone lines the walls, and the floor, I think, is either rock or compacted dirt.

Reaching the end of the tunnel, there are two passageways. To the left, what appears to be a cast iron gate guards a 4-5 foot wide, 8-9 foot tall tunnel. The top of the tunnel is arched.

At the end of this tunnel I notice a faint glow. The glow begins to brighten, and pure energy crackles around it. 3 or 4 Vortigaunts appear. They don't do anything, and I mow them down with whatever weapon I have handy. My dream didn't tell me what I was holding, but it seemed to be fully automatic.

Having dealt with the path to the left, I turn to the right side of the tunnel. This side is also blocked by a gate, about the same as the other one, but only a few feet into the path there is a wooden door. Inbetween these two doors there is a pair of zombies. Not the skinny, frail zombies of Half-Life 1 - these are bigger, as if the headcrabs had found themselves a room full of ex-pro wrestlers turned research scientists. Not only are the people bigger, the headcrabs are aswell. These headcrabs cover the entire head of their victim. Perhaps the size of a large cat, or a small dog.

Before I have time to kill them, they drop to the floor and slither beneath the gate. I run back down the tunnel a bit to gain some distance to shoot from, and manage to take one down. It's dog-sized headcrab detaches and leaps at me. I dodge this, and run. The headcrab and it's friend who is still attached to it's wrestler chase me down the hall way. I take a left, and run into yet another zombie. I pass this one and continue.

Continuing down the hallway, I run into something I don't recognize. It's several times larger then a man, and black. It appears to be humanoid, but wider then it should be. Somehow I manage to get past it, and it joins the two zombies and the Bulldog/Headcrab.

At some point I reach tram tracks, which I follow for a short time until they end. From here I take what appears to be a partially flooded serviceway. Though there is a couple feet of breathing room, there's still enough water that I am forced to swim from here.

As I enter the water a strange, transparent being jumps out. It's pretty much humanoid, minus the fact that it seems to be made of water. Before I have time to do anything about it, it lands back in the water. It doesn't bother me for the rest of the dream.

During that time the group behind me has gained, and are at the edge of the water. They don't seem to have a problem with the water, and jump right in.

They chase me down the tunnel for a while before I decide what to do about it. I take out some C4 (In my dream, I still had the familier weapon icons at the top of my vision).

At this point there's a current propelling me, so I take a quick break from swimming to jam the C4 to the wall of the tunnel. It's not a very big chunk of it, so I don't wait long to detonate it. The blast takes out the zombies and the headcrab, but the big guy survives. The shockwave from the blast pushes him past me, and then both of us farther down the tunnel. As the wave subsides I find myself at the end of the tunnel, and the beginning of a large room, also flooded. Deciding that this is where that thing must have been pushed, I swim against the current back the way I came.

After a short while I hear voices. I look up to see an access ladder. I can't reach it. The voices continue, and tell me that they'll lower a net for me to grab hold of, and they'll drag me up. I think they're marines. The very same from HL1.

At this point I lose consciousness. Not sure why. Maybe my dream just though it would be cooler for the next scene.

I awake on a rooftop, near a ladder. I get a brief view of myself in 3rd person. I'm Gordon - I resemble most the Gordon from the Barnacle art, or the other one by the same guy... The one where Gordon is standing next to Alyx. I find myself surrounded by the people who saved me. They don't notice I've woken up, and I try not to let them. They're talking about somthing, and I wanna hear.

I don't remember the details of the conversation, but they seemed to be arguing over whether they should take me now, or let me continue to the training camp.

I think that in the dream I was en-route to some kind of training camp. I got the feeling that this was an enemy training camp, but I wasn't going to know it. I was supposed to learn about something there, and then the marines would remove me and find out what I had to tell them. This is all speculation based on the dream, and the feelings I got from it. You can kinda tell what's going on in your own dreams.


Please excuse any grammer or spelling errors. I just woke up.
i care. i care very deeply. i just can't be bothered to read it all. sorry. ;(
Didn't read it, sorry. Now I will soon go to my own dreams. Good night.
guys knock it off. No one cares about your post madhotch
Huh, it was pretty interesting I thought. Seemed to have the same kind of pacing my dreams have sometimes.

And if you didn't like it, no one forced you to read it.
Dose everyone here have ADD? That was very easy to read, glad someone around here actually took the time to write something that was worth reading. :afro:
One time I had a dream that it was raining lawn mowers and it killed a lot of people.
posthl63 said:
Dose everyone here have ADD? That was very easy to read, glad someone around here actually took the time to write something that was worth reading. :afro:

And well written at that :)

Interesting stuff to say the least, I wish my dreams were action packed like that :LOL:
I'm glad some of you found it interesting. I guess I've watched so many action movies that they've imprinted on my brain, and now I dream in theatrical format.

Edit: A cliffhanger ending and everthing. Maybe I'll dream up a sequel tonight :p
I don't really care to read about your dreams (or anyone else's), but just tell us....was it a wet one?
Petabyte said:
Of course, he mentioned Alyx.

Alyx wasn't part of the dream (Oh well, maybe next time). I was just referring to that one piece of artwork where Gordon is standing next to Alyx holding one of those Antlion ball things because that's how Gordon (I) looked in the dream.

Also, if you don't care about this why take the time to reply? Go post about something you do care about. This forum would be full of spam if I posted every time I didn't care about something.
yeah that was pretty sweet ...very vivid ... my dreams are usually one scene and very simple
ne0_shiny said:
cool dream
that would be a nice level in half-life 2

If I ever get around to learning to map, I'll make it. Seems like it wouldn't be that hard... Pretty simple level. Couple hallways, gates, etc.. Not sure how easy it would be to do the part where the current of the waterway changes (from the explosion), but I think that could be done using repulsion bubbles, which are used in HL2 for wind, I think, and would probably work just fine for this.

Though, again, it's too cinematic to be a playable level. Maybe I could write up a quick storyline to fill in the gaps before and after the events of my dream (How Gordon [Or probably a different char if I make it, so as to not conflict with the HL storyline] got here, and where he goes from here), make it a short film.